1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | // created: 2013/04/29
6 | // filename: BlCtrlV2_x4_speed.cpp
7 | //
8 | // author: Guillaume Sanahuja
9 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
10 | //
11 | // version: $Id: $
12 | //
13 | // purpose: objet integrant les moteurs i2c, controle en vitesse
14 | //
15 | //
16 | /*********************************************************************/
17 |
18 |
19 | #ifndef BLCTRLV2_X4_SPEED_H
20 | #define BLCTRLV2_X4_SPEED_H
21 |
22 | #include <IODevice.h>
23 | #include <Thread.h>
24 |
25 | namespace flair
26 | {
27 | namespace core
28 | {
29 | class cvmatrix;
30 | class FrameworkManager;
31 | class I2cPort;
32 |
33 | }
34 | namespace gui
35 | {
36 | class TabWidget;
37 | class Tab;
38 | class SpinBox;
39 | class DoubleSpinBox;
40 | class ComboBox;
41 | class PushButton;
42 | class GroupBox;
43 | }
44 | }
45 |
46 | namespace flair
47 | {
48 | namespace actuator
49 | {
50 | class BlCtrlV2_x4_speed : public core::Thread,public core::IODevice
51 | {
52 |
53 | public:
54 | BlCtrlV2_x4_speed(core::FrameworkManager* parent,std::string name,core::I2cPort* i2cport,uint8_t base_address,uint8_t priority);
55 | ~BlCtrlV2_x4_speed();
56 | void UseDefaultPlot(void);
57 | void LockUserInterface(void);
58 | void UnlockUserInterface(void);
59 | void SetEnabled(bool status);
60 | void SetUroll(float value);
61 | void SetUpitch(float value);
62 | void SetUyaw(float value);
63 | void SetUgaz(float value);
64 | void SetRollTrim(float value);
65 | void SetPitchTrim(float value);
66 | void SetYawTrim(float value);
67 | void SetGazTrim(float value);
68 | float TrimValue(void);
69 | int StartValue(void);
70 |
71 | private:
72 | /*!
73 | * \brief Update using provided datas
74 | *
75 | * Reimplemented from IODevice.
76 | *
77 | * \param data data from the parent to process
78 | */
79 | void UpdateFrom(core::io_data *data){};
80 | void WriteValue(uint16_t value);
81 | float GetSpeed(void);
82 | void StartTest(void);
83 | void StopTest(void);
84 | /*!
85 | * \brief Run function
86 | *
87 | * Reimplemented from Thread.
88 | *
89 | */
90 | void Run(void);
91 | void Update(void);
92 | gui::Tab* main_tab;
93 | gui::TabWidget* tab;
94 | gui::GroupBox* reglages_groupbox;
95 | gui::SpinBox *min,*max,*test;
96 | gui::PushButton *button_avg,*button_avd,*button_arg,*button_ard;
97 | gui::ComboBox *av_g,*av_d,*ar_g,*ar_d,*pas;
98 | gui::DoubleSpinBox *trim,*kp,*ki;
99 | gui::SpinBox *start_value,*poles;
100 | core::Time start_time,flight_start_time;
101 | int time_sec;
102 | float speed_av_g,speed_av_d,speed_ar_g,speed_ar_d;
103 | float int_av_g,int_av_d,int_ar_g,int_ar_d;
104 |
105 | //matrix
106 | core::cvmatrix *input;
107 | core::cvmatrix *output;
108 |
109 | int tested_motor;
110 | core::I2cPort* i2cport;
111 | uint8_t slave_address;
112 |
113 | bool enabled;
114 |
115 | uint16_t SatPWM(float vel_cons,uint16_t min,uint16_t max);
116 | };
117 | } // end namespace actuator
118 | } // end namespace flair
119 | #endif // BLCTRLV2_X4_SPEED_H