#! /bin/bash #ARCH_DIR=$(uname -m) ARCH_DIR=core2-64 #on kernel >=4.13, ds3 is seen as a mouse #search every ds3 connected and disable them for id in `xinput --list|grep 'Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller'|perl -ne 'while (m/id=(\d+)/g){print "$1\n";}'`; do xinput set-prop $id 'Device Enabled' 0 done #This script is the only one that calls itself with sudo. #As a consequence, only one exception is needed in sudoers (the following 2 lines) # Defaults!/opt/flair/flair-bin/tools/scripts/dualshock3.sh setenv # uav ALL=(root) /opt/flair/flair-bin/tools/scripts/dualshock3.sh #we must run as root if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then exec sudo -E $0 $* fi . ${FLAIR_ROOT}/flair-src/scripts/ubuntu_cgroup_hack.sh export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${OECORE_HOST_SYSROOT}/usr/lib:${OECORE_HOST_SYSROOT}/lib" ${FLAIR_ROOT}/flair-install/bin/tools/$ARCH_DIR/dualshock3 $*