// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} // created: 2015/03/30 // filename: TargetController.cpp // // author: Gildas Bayard // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: Base class for target side remote controls // // /*********************************************************************/ #include "TargetController.h" #include "Controller.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //for usleep using namespace flair::core; using namespace flair::gui; using std::string; namespace flair { namespace sensor { TargetController::TargetController(const FrameworkManager *parent, string name, uint8_t priority) : Thread(parent, name, priority), IODevice(parent, name) { main_tab = new Tab(getFrameworkManager()->GetTabWidget(), name); TabWidget *tab = new TabWidget(main_tab->NewRow(), name); setup_tab = new Tab(tab, "Reglages"); } TargetController::~TargetController() { SafeStop(); Join(); } std::string TargetController::GetAxisName(unsigned int axisId) const { return string("axis") + std::to_string(axisId); } std::string TargetController::GetButtonName(unsigned int buttonId) const { return string("button") + std::to_string(buttonId); } bool TargetController::SetLedOn(unsigned int ledId) { if (!IsControllerActionSupported(ControllerAction::SetLedOn)) return false; SwitchLedMessage *msgLed = new SwitchLedMessage(true, ledId); changeStateQueue.push(msgLed); return true; } bool TargetController::SetLedOff(unsigned int ledId) { if (!IsControllerActionSupported(ControllerAction::SetLedOn)) return false; SwitchLedMessage *msgLed = new SwitchLedMessage(false, ledId); changeStateQueue.push(msgLed); return true; } bool TargetController::Rumble(unsigned int leftForce, unsigned int leftTimeout, unsigned int rightForce, unsigned int rightTimeout) { if (!IsControllerActionSupported(ControllerAction::Rumble)) return false; RumbleMessage *msgRumble = new RumbleMessage(leftForce, leftTimeout, rightForce, rightTimeout); changeStateQueue.push(msgRumble); return true; } bool TargetController::FlashLed(unsigned int ledId, unsigned int onTimeout, unsigned int offTimeout) { if (!IsControllerActionSupported(ControllerAction::FlashLed)) return false; FlashLedMessage *msgFlashLed = new FlashLedMessage(ledId, onTimeout, offTimeout); changeStateQueue.push(msgFlashLed); return true; } float TargetController::GetAxisValue(unsigned int axisId) const { // TODO we'd better throw an exception here if (axis == NULL) return 0; axis->GetMutex(); float axisValue = axis->Value(axisId, 0); axis->ReleaseMutex(); return axisValue; } bool TargetController::IsButtonPressed(unsigned int buttonId) const { // TODO we'd better throw an exception here if (button == NULL) return false; button->GetMutex(); bool buttonValue = button->Value(buttonId, 0); button->ReleaseMutex(); return buttonValue; } void TargetController::Run() { Message *message; if (getFrameworkManager()->ErrorOccured() || !ControllerInitialization()) { SafeStop(); Thread::Err("An error occured, we don't proceed with the loop.\n"); } else { axis = new cvmatrix((IODevice *)this, axisNumber, 1, floatType); button = new cvmatrix((IODevice *)this, buttonNumber, 1, SignedIntegerType(8)); while (!ToBeStopped()) { // Thread::Info("Debug: entering acquisition loop\n"); if (getFrameworkManager()->ConnectionLost() == true) SafeStop(); if (IsDataFrameReady()) { // Thread::Info("Debug: data frame is ready\n"); AcquireAxisData(*axis); AcquireButtonData(*button); // send the data axis->SetDataTime(GetTime()); ProcessUpdate(axis); // send pending controller state change request(s) while (changeStateQueue.size() != 0) { message = changeStateQueue.front(); if (ProcessMessage(message)) { changeStateQueue.pop(); delete message; } } } else { // Thread::Info("Debug: relax...\n"); usleep(20000); // 20ms } } } } Tab *TargetController::GetTab() const { return setup_tab; } } // end namespace sensor } // end namespace flair