1 | // created: 2013/06/26
2 | // filename: Loop.h
3 | //
4 | // author: Guillaume Sanahuja
5 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
6 | //
7 | // version: $Id: $
8 | //
9 | //
10 | //
11 | /*********************************************************************/
12 |
13 | //include header of the class
14 | #include "Loop.h"
15 | //include only header of class declared in Loop.h (forward declaration)
16 | #include "Sinus.h"
17 | #include "MeanFilter.h"
18 | #include <LowPassFilter.h>
19 | #include <ButterworthLowPass.h>
20 | #include <FrameworkManager.h>
21 | #include <Tab.h>
22 | #include <GridLayout.h>
23 | #include <SpinBox.h>
24 | #include <PushButton.h>
25 | #include <DataPlot1D.h>
26 | #include <cvmatrix.h>
27 |
28 |
29 | using namespace std;
30 | using namespace flair::core;
31 | using namespace flair::gui;
32 | using namespace flair::filter;
33 | using namespace flair::sensor;
34 |
35 | Loop::Loop(FrameworkManager* parent,string name,int priority): Thread(parent,name,priority) {
36 | Tab *mainTab=new Tab(parent->GetTabWidget(),ObjectName());
37 | killButton=new PushButton(mainTab->NewRow(),"kill");
38 | startLogButton=new PushButton(mainTab->NewRow(),"start_log");
39 | stopLogButton=new PushButton(mainTab->LastRowLastCol(),"stop_log");
40 | period=new SpinBox(mainTab->NewRow(),"period thread:"," ms",10,1000,1);
41 |
42 | sinus=new Sinus(parent,"sinus");
43 | sinus->UseDefaultPlot();
44 |
45 | //1st order law pass filter on raw signal, its parent is the sinus
46 | firstLowPass=new LowPassFilter(sinus,sinus->GetSetupLayout()->NewRow(),"1st order lawpass filter");
47 | sinus->GetPlot()->AddCurve(firstLowPass->Matrix()->Element(0),DataPlot::Blue);//add output of the filter to signal's graph
48 |
49 | //3rd order law pass filter on raw signal, its parent is the sinus
50 | thirdLowPass=new ButterworthLowPass(sinus,sinus->GetSetupLayout()->NewRow(),"3rd order lawpass filter",3);
51 | sinus->GetPlot()->AddCurve(thirdLowPass->Matrix()->Element(0),DataPlot::Yellow);//add output of the filter to signal's graph
52 |
53 | //mean filter on raw signal, its parent is the sinus
54 | mean=new MeanFilter(sinus,sinus->GetSetupLayout()->NewRow(),"Mean filter");
55 | sinus->GetPlot()->AddCurve(mean->GetMatrix()->Element(0),DataPlot::Green);//add output of the filter to signal's graph
56 |
57 | //mean filter on 1st order law pass filter, its parent is the 1st order law pass filter
58 | meanOnfirstLowPass=new MeanFilter(firstLowPass,sinus->GetSetupLayout()->NewRow(),"Mean filter on 1st order lawpass filter");
59 | sinus->GetPlot()->AddCurve(meanOnfirstLowPass->GetMatrix()->Element(0),DataPlot::Black);//add output of the filter to signal's graph
60 |
61 | //set ojects to be logged
62 | //as the law pass filters and the mean filters have the sinus as parent, they are automatically logged
63 | parent->AddDeviceToLog(sinus);
64 | }
65 |
66 | Loop::~Loop() {
67 |
68 | }
69 |
70 | //main loop of the Thread
71 | void Loop::Run(void) {
72 | //warn if changing from primary to secondary mode when in real time
73 | WarnUponSwitches(true);
74 |
75 | sinus->Start();
76 |
77 | SetPeriodMS(period->Value());
78 |
79 | while(1) {
80 | WaitPeriod();
81 |
82 | if(period->ValueChanged()) SetPeriodMS(period->Value());
83 |
84 | if(killButton->Clicked()) break;
85 | if(startLogButton->Clicked()) getFrameworkManager()->StartLog();
86 | if(stopLogButton->Clicked()) getFrameworkManager()->StopLog();
87 |
88 | //nothing more to do
89 | //this is a very simple example
90 |
91 | //normaly, we should use results of filters to calculate a control law
92 | }
93 |
94 | WarnUponSwitches(false);
95 | }