1 | // created: 2013/06/26
2 | // filename: Sinus.cpp
3 | //
4 | // author: Guillaume Sanahuja
5 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
6 | //
7 | // version: $Id: $
8 | //
9 | // purpose: class generating a sinus signal
10 | //
11 | //
12 | /*********************************************************************/
13 |
14 | #include "Sinus.h"
15 | #include <FrameworkManager.h>
16 | #include <TabWidget.h>
17 | #include <Tab.h>
18 | #include <GridLayout.h>
19 | #include <GroupBox.h>
20 | #include <DoubleSpinBox.h>
21 | #include <SpinBox.h>
22 | #include <DataPlot1D.h>
23 | #include <cvmatrix.h>
24 | #include <math.h>
25 |
26 | #define PI ((float)3.14159265358979323846)
27 |
28 | using namespace std;
29 | using namespace flair::core;
30 | using namespace flair::gui;
31 |
32 | namespace flair { namespace sensor {
33 |
34 | Sinus::Sinus(const FrameworkManager* parent,string name,int priority) : IODevice(parent,name),Thread(parent,name,priority) {
35 |
36 | plot=NULL;
37 |
38 | //1*1 output matrix
39 | cvmatrix_descriptor* desc=new cvmatrix_descriptor(1,1);
40 | desc->SetElementName(0,0,"value");//name will be used for graphs and logs
41 | output=new cvmatrix((IODevice*)this,desc,floatType,name);
42 | output->SetValue(0,0,0);
43 |
44 |
45 | AddDataToLog(output);
46 |
47 | //interface initialisation
48 | mainTab=new Tab(parent->GetTabWidget(),name);
49 | tabWidget=new TabWidget(mainTab->NewRow(),name);
50 |
51 | Tab* settingsTab=new Tab(tabWidget,"Settings");
52 | GroupBox* sinusGroupBox=new GroupBox(settingsTab->NewRow(),name);
53 | frequency=new DoubleSpinBox(sinusGroupBox->NewRow(),"frequence:"," Hz",0,100,1);
54 | amplitude=new DoubleSpinBox(sinusGroupBox->LastRowLastCol(),"amplitude:",0,10,1);
55 | offset=new DoubleSpinBox(sinusGroupBox->LastRowLastCol(),"offset:",0,10,1);
56 | period=new SpinBox(settingsTab->NewRow(),"period thread:"," ms",1,1000,1);
57 |
58 | setupLayout=new GridLayout(settingsTab->NewRow(),"setup");//layout sui servira à placer des filtres par exemple
59 | }
60 |
61 |
62 | Sinus::~Sinus() {
63 |
64 | SafeStop();
65 | Join();
66 |
67 | //main_tab has the FrameworkManager as parent; it will be destroyed when FrameworkManager is destroyed
68 | //it is cleaner to delete it manually, because main_tab is unnecessary when Sinus is deleted
69 | delete mainTab;
70 | }
71 |
72 | void Sinus::UseDefaultPlot(void) {
73 | Tab* plotTab=new Tab(tabWidget,"Graph");
74 | plot=new DataPlot1D(plotTab->NewRow(),"Sinus",-10,10);
75 | plot->AddCurve(output->Element(0),DataPlot::Red);
76 | }
77 |
78 | GridLayout* Sinus::GetSetupLayout(void) const {
79 | return setupLayout;
80 | }
81 |
82 | DataPlot1D* Sinus::GetPlot(void) const {
83 | if(plot==NULL) Printf("Sinus::Plot, plot not yet defined, call UseDefaultPlot first\n");
84 | return plot;
85 | }
86 |
87 | cvmatrix *Sinus::GetMatrix(void) const {
88 | return output;
89 | }
90 |
91 | float Sinus::GetValue(void) const {
92 | return output->Value(0,0);
93 | }
94 |
95 | //main function, where we compute the signal
96 | void Sinus::Run(void) {
97 |
98 | SetPeriodMS(period->Value());
99 |
100 | //warn if changing from primary to secondary mode when in real time
101 | WarnUponSwitches(true);
102 |
103 | Time initTime=GetTime();
104 |
105 | while(!ToBeStopped()) {
106 | WaitPeriod();
107 |
108 | if(period->ValueChanged()==true) SetPeriodMS(period->Value());
109 |
110 | //compute sinus
111 | Time actualTime=GetTime();
112 | float value=offset->Value()+amplitude->Value()*sinf(2*PI*frequency->Value()*(actualTime-initTime)/1000000000.);//les temps sont en nanosecondes
113 |
114 | //put the result in output matrix
115 | output->SetValue(0,0,value);
116 | //put corresponding time
117 | output->SetDataTime(actualTime);
118 |
119 | //ProcessUpdate is very important
120 | //we must call it after updating the output matrix
121 | //it allows:
122 | // -to save value in the logs
123 | // -to automatically call the next filter UpdateFrom method
124 | ProcessUpdate(output);
125 | }
126 | }
127 | }// end namespace sensor
128 | }// end namespace flair