// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} // created: 2012/10/04 // filename: Thread_impl.cpp // // author: Guillaume Sanahuja // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: classe implementant un thread rt ou non // // /*********************************************************************/ #include "Thread_impl.h" #include "Thread.h" #include "IODevice.h" #include "IODevice_impl.h" #include "ConditionVariable.h" #include "config.h" #include "FrameworkManager.h" #include #ifdef __XENO__ #include #define TH_NAME getFrameworkManager()->ObjectName() + "-" + self->ObjectName() #else//__XENO__ #include #include #include #endif//__XENO__ using std::string; using namespace flair::core; Thread_impl::Thread_impl(Thread *self, uint8_t priority,uint32_t stackSize) { isRunning = false; tobestopped = false; is_suspended = false; period_set = false; this->stackSize = stackSize; this->self = self; cond = new ConditionVariable(self, self->ObjectName()); if (priority < MIN_THREAD_PRIORITY) { priority = MIN_THREAD_PRIORITY; // printf("Thread::Thread, %s: priority set to // %i\n",self->ObjectName().c_str(), priority); } if (priority > MAX_THREAD_PRIORITY) { priority = MAX_THREAD_PRIORITY; self->Warn("priority set to %i\n", MAX_THREAD_PRIORITY); } this->priority = priority; period = 100 * 1000 * 1000; // 100ms par defaut min_latency = 1000 * 1000 * 1000; max_latency = 0; mean_latency = 0; last = 0; cpt = 0; #ifdef __XENO__ // Perform auto-init of rt_print buffers if the task doesn't do so rt_print_auto_init(1); // Initialise the rt_print buffer for this task explicitly rt_print_init(512, (TH_NAME).c_str()); #endif //__XENO__ } Thread_impl::~Thread_impl() { SafeStop(); Join(); } void Thread_impl::Start(void) { int status; isRunning = true; tobestopped = false; is_suspended = false; Printf("Starting thread %s (priority=%i, stack size=%i bytes)\n",self->ObjectName().c_str(), priority,stackSize); #ifdef __XENO__ string th_name =TH_NAME; status = rt_task_create(&task_rt, th_name.c_str(), stackSize, (int)priority, T_JOINABLE); if (status != 0) { char errorMsg[256]; self->Err("rt_task_create error (%s)\n", strerror_r(-status, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg))); } else { //_printf("rt_task_create ok %s\n",th_name); } status = rt_task_start(&task_rt, &main_rt, (void *)this); if (status != 0) { char errorMsg[256]; self->Err("rt_task_start error (%s)\n", strerror_r(-status, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg))); } else { //_printf("rt_task_start ok %s\n",th_name); } #else //__XENO__ // Initialize thread creation attributes pthread_attr_t attr; if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0) { self->Err("Error pthread_attr_init\n"); } if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, stackSize) != 0) { self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setstacksize\n"); } if (pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED) != 0) { self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setinheritsched\n"); } if (pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_FIFO) != 0) { self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setschedpolicy\n"); } struct sched_param parm; parm.sched_priority = priority; if (pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &parm) != 0) { self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setschedparam\n"); } next_time = GetTime() + period; if (pthread_create(&task_nrt, &attr, main_nrt, (void *)this) != 0) { self->Err("pthread_create error\n"); } if (pthread_attr_destroy(&attr) != 0) { self->Err("Error pthread_attr_destroy\n"); } #endif //__XENO__ } #ifdef __XENO__ void Thread_impl::main_rt(void *arg) { Thread_impl *caller = (Thread_impl *)arg; caller->self->Run(); Printf("Stopping thread %s\n", caller->self->ObjectName().c_str()); caller->PrintStats(); } #else void* Thread_impl::main_nrt(void * arg) { Thread_impl *caller = (Thread_impl*)arg; /*string th_name=getFrameworkManager()->ObjectName()+ "-" + caller->self->ObjectName(); caller->self->Info("pthread '%s' created with TID %x\n",th_name.c_str(),(pid_t)syscall(SYS_gettid));*/ caller->self->Run(); Printf("Stopping thread %s\n", caller->self->ObjectName().c_str()); caller->PrintStats(); pthread_exit(0); } #endif //__XENO__ void Thread_impl::SetPeriodUS(uint32_t period) { if (period == 0) { self->Err("Period must be>0\n"); return; } #ifdef __XENO__ int status = rt_task_set_periodic(&task_rt, TM_NOW, period * 1000); if (status != 0) { char errorMsg[256]; self->Err("Error rt_task_set_periodic %s\n", strerror_r(-status, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg))); } #else next_time -= period; next_time += period * 1000; #endif this->period = period * 1000; period_set = true; } uint32_t Thread_impl::GetPeriodUS() const { return this->period / 1000; } void Thread_impl::SetPeriodMS(uint32_t period) { if (period == 0) { self->Err("Period must be>0\n"); return; } #ifdef __XENO__ int status = rt_task_set_periodic(&task_rt, TM_NOW, period * 1000 * 1000); if (status != 0) { char errorMsg[256]; self->Err("Error rt_task_set_periodic %s\n", strerror_r(-status, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg))); } #else next_time -= period; next_time += period * 1000 * 1000; #endif this->period = period * 1000 * 1000; period_set = true; } uint32_t Thread_impl::GetPeriodMS() const { return this->period / 1000 / 1000; } void Thread_impl::WaitPeriod(void) { if (period_set == false) { self->Err("Period must be set befaore calling this method\n"); return; } #ifdef __XENO__ unsigned long overruns_r; int status = rt_task_wait_period(&overruns_r); if (status != 0) { char errorMsg[256]; self->Err("Error rt_task_wait_period %s\n", strerror_r(-status, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg))); } //avoid spamming messages /* if (status == -ETIMEDOUT) { self->Err("overrun: %lld\n", overruns_r); }*/ #else self->SleepUntil(next_time); Time current = GetTime(); //avoid spamming messages //if(current>next_time+period) self->Err("overrun of %lld\n", current-next_time); while (next_time < current) { next_time += period; } #endif ComputeLatency(GetTime()); } void Thread_impl::Suspend(void) { if (isRunning == false) { self->Err("thread is not started\n"); return; } cond->GetMutex(), is_suspended = true; cond->CondWait(); is_suspended = false; cond->ReleaseMutex(); } bool Thread_impl::SuspendUntil(Time date) { if (isRunning == false) { self->Err("thread is not started\n"); return false; } cond->GetMutex(), is_suspended = true; bool success = cond->CondWaitUntil(date); is_suspended = false; cond->ReleaseMutex(); return success; } bool Thread_impl::IsSuspended(void) { bool result; cond->GetMutex(); result = is_suspended; cond->ReleaseMutex(); return result; } void Thread_impl::Resume(void) { if (isRunning == false) { self->Err("thread is not started\n"); return; } cond->GetMutex(); if (is_suspended == true) { cond->CondSignal(); } else { self->Err("thread is not suspended\n"); } cond->ReleaseMutex(); } int Thread_impl::WaitUpdate(const IODevice *device) { int status = 0; if (IsSuspended() == true) { self->Err("thread is already supended\n"); status = -1; } else { cond->GetMutex(); if (device->pimpl_->SetToWake(self) == 0) { is_suspended = true; cond->CondWait(); is_suspended = false; } else { self->Err("%s is already waiting an update\n", device->ObjectName().c_str()); status = -1; } cond->ReleaseMutex(); } return status; } void Thread_impl::PrintStats(void) { #ifdef __XENO__ RT_TASK_INFO info; int status = rt_task_inquire(NULL, &info); if (status != 0) { char errorMsg[256]; self->Err("Error rt_task_inquire %s\n", strerror_r(-status, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg))); } else #endif { #ifndef __XENO__ if(last!=0) #endif { if(period_set) {Printf(" period (ns): %lld\n", period);}} #ifdef __XENO__ Printf(" number of context switches: %i\n", info.ctxswitches); Printf(" number of primary->secondary mode switch: %i\n", info.modeswitches); // printf("number of page faults: %i\n",info.pagefaults); Printf(" execution time (ms) in primary mode: %lld\n", info.exectime / 1000000); #else /* struct rusage r_usage; getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD,&r_usage); printf(" memory usage = %ld\n",r_usage.ru_maxrss); printf("RUSAGE :ru_utime => %lld [sec] : %lld [usec], :ru_stime => %lld [sec] : %lld [usec] \n", (int64_t)r_usage.ru_utime.tv_sec, (int64_t)r_usage.ru_utime.tv_usec, (int64_t)r_usage.ru_stime.tv_sec, (int64_t)r_usage.ru_stime.tv_usec);*/ #endif if (last != 0) { Printf(" min latency (ns): %lld\n", min_latency); Printf(" max latency (ns): %lld\n", max_latency); Printf(" latency moy (ns): %lld\n", mean_latency / cpt); Printf(" iterations: %lld\n", cpt); } } } void Thread_impl::Join(void) { if (isRunning == true) { int status; #ifdef __XENO__ status = rt_task_join(&task_rt); #else status = pthread_join(task_nrt, NULL); #endif if (status != 0) { char errorMsg[256]; self->Err("error %s\n", strerror_r(-status, errorMsg, sizeof(errorMsg))); } isRunning = false; } } void Thread_impl::ComputeLatency(Time time) { Time diff, delta; diff = time - last; if (diff >= period) { delta = diff - period; } else { delta = period - diff; } // if(delta==0) rt_printf("%lld %lld\n",time,last); last = time; if (diff == time) return; if (delta > max_latency) max_latency = delta; if (delta < min_latency) min_latency = delta; mean_latency += delta; cpt++; // Printf("Thread::%s latency moy (ns): // %lld\n",self->ObjectName().c_str(),mean_latency/cpt); } void Thread_impl::SafeStop(void) { tobestopped = true; if (IsSuspended()) Resume(); } bool Thread_impl::ToBeStopped(void) { return tobestopped; }