1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 |
6 | // created: 2014/04/28
7 | // filename: AhrsComplementaryFilter.cpp
8 | //
9 | // authors: Augustin Manecy (RT-MaG Toolbox author, augustin.manecy@gmail.com)
10 | // API changes by Guillaume Sanahuja to fit the Flair framework
11 | //
12 | // version: $Id: $
13 | //
14 | // purpose: Class defining an Ahrs complementary filter
15 | //
16 | //
17 | /*********************************************************************/
18 |
19 | #include "AhrsComplementaryFilter.h"
20 | #include <Imu.h>
21 | #include <DoubleSpinBox.h>
22 | #include <GridLayout.h>
23 | #include <ImuData.h>
24 | #include <AhrsData.h>
25 | #include <math.h>
26 |
27 | #define G 9.81
28 |
29 | using std::string;
30 | using namespace flair::core;
31 | using namespace flair::gui;
32 | using namespace flair::sensor;
33 |
34 | namespace flair { namespace filter {
35 |
36 | AhrsComplementaryFilter::AhrsComplementaryFilter(const Imu* parent,string name): isInit(false), Ahrs(parent,name) {
37 |
38 | QHat.q0=1;
39 | QHat.q1=0;
40 | QHat.q2=0;
41 | QHat.q3=0;
42 | BHat.x=0;
43 | BHat.y=0;
44 | BHat.z=0;
45 |
46 | ka[0]=new DoubleSpinBox(parent->GetLayout()->NewRow(),"ka[0]:",0.,10,0.1,2,0.5);
47 | ka[1]=new DoubleSpinBox(parent->GetLayout()->LastRowLastCol(),"ka[1]:",0.,10,0.1,2,0.5);
48 | ka[2]=new DoubleSpinBox(parent->GetLayout()->LastRowLastCol(),"ka[2]:",0.,10.,0.1,2,0.);
49 |
50 | kb[0]=new DoubleSpinBox(parent->GetLayout()->NewRow(),"kb[0]:",0.,10,0.1,2,0.01);
51 | kb[1]=new DoubleSpinBox(parent->GetLayout()->LastRowLastCol(),"kb[1]:",0.,10,0.1,2,0.01);
52 | kb[2]=new DoubleSpinBox(parent->GetLayout()->LastRowLastCol(),"kb[2]:",0.,10,0.1,2,0.01);
53 |
54 | }
55 |
56 | AhrsComplementaryFilter::~AhrsComplementaryFilter() {
57 |
58 | }
59 |
60 | void AhrsComplementaryFilter::UpdateFrom(const io_data *data) {
61 | ImuData *input=(ImuData*)data;
62 | float delta_t;
63 | AhrsData* ahrsData;
64 | GetDatas(&ahrsData);
65 | Vector3D rawAcc,rawMag,rawGyr;
66 | input->GetRawAccMagAndGyr(rawAcc,rawMag,rawGyr);
67 |
68 | delta_t=(float)(data->DataTime()-previous_time)/1000000000.;
69 | previous_time=data->DataTime();
70 |
71 | Vector3D aBar,aHat,aTilde;
72 | Vector3D mBar,mHat,mTilde;
73 | Vector3D alpha,dBHat,omegaHat;
74 | Quaternion dQHat;
75 |
76 | //float ka[3]={0.5,0.5,0};
77 | //float kb[3]={0.01,0.01,0.01};
78 | float k_m[3]= {0,0,0};
79 |
80 | if(isInit==true) {
82 | aBar = rawAcc;
83 |
84 | // estimation of IMU vector using QHat (estimated quaternion): aHat = Inv(QHat) * g
85 | /*
86 | Inv(QHat) = [q0 -q1 -q2 -q3]'
87 | Inv(QHat)*g = [1-2(q2^2+q3^2) 2(q1q2+q0q3) 2(q1q3-q0q2)] [0]
88 | [ 2(q1q2-q0q3) 1-2(q1^2+q3^2)) 2(q2q3+q0q1)] * [0]
89 | [ 2(q1q3+q0q2) 2(q2q3-q0q1) 1-2(q1^2+q2^2)] [g]
90 | */
91 | aHat.x = -2*G*(QHat.q1*QHat.q3 - QHat.q0*QHat.q2);
92 | aHat.y = -2*G*(QHat.q2*QHat.q3 + QHat.q0*QHat.q1);
93 | aHat.z = -G*(1-2.0*(QHat.q1*QHat.q1 + QHat.q2*QHat.q2));
94 |
95 | // cross(aHat, aBar)
96 | aTilde=CrossProduct(aHat, aBar);
97 |
98 | // CORRECTION FROM FICTIOUS MAGNETOMETER (to avoid drift of yaw)
99 | // estimation of IMU vector using QHat (estimated quaternion): mHat = Inv(QHat) * m_ref = Inv(QHat) * [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]'
100 | /*
101 | Inv(QHat) = [q0 -q1 -q2 -q3]'
102 | Inv(QHat)*g = [1-2(q2^2+q3^2) 2(q1q2+q0q3) 2(q1q3-q0q2)] [1]
103 | [ 2(q1q2-q0q3) 1-2(q1^2+q3^2)) 2(q2q3+q0q1)] * [0]
104 | [ 2(q1q3+q0q2) 2(q2q3-q0q1) 1-2(q1^2+q2^2)] [0]
105 | */
106 | mBar.x=1;
107 | mBar.y=0;
108 | mBar.z=0;
109 |
110 | mHat.x = (1-2.0*(QHat.q2*QHat.q2 + QHat.q3*QHat.q3));
111 | mHat.y = 2.0*(QHat.q1*QHat.q2 - QHat.q0*QHat.q3);
112 | mHat.z = 2.0*(QHat.q1*QHat.q3 + QHat.q0*QHat.q2);
113 |
114 | // compute the error between mHat and mTilde
115 | mTilde=CrossProduct(mHat, mBar);
116 |
117 | // Compute the debiased rotation speed
118 | omegaHat = rawGyr - BHat;
119 |
120 | // calculate the correction to apply to the quaternion
121 | alpha.x = (ka[0]->Value()*aTilde.x)/(G*G) + (k_m[0]*mTilde.x);
122 | alpha.y = (ka[1]->Value()*aTilde.y)/(G*G) + (k_m[1]*mTilde.y);
123 | alpha.z = (ka[2]->Value()*aTilde.z)/(G*G) + (k_m[2]*mTilde.z);
124 |
125 | // Bias derivative
126 | dBHat.x = kb[0]->Value() * alpha.x;
127 | dBHat.y = kb[1]->Value() * alpha.y;
128 | dBHat.z = kb[2]->Value() * alpha.z;
129 |
130 | // Bias integration
131 | BHat = BHat+dBHat*delta_t;
132 |
133 | // Quaternion derivative: dQHat = 0.5*(QHat*Q_corr)
134 | // Q_corr: Corrected pure rotation quaternion for integration
135 | dQHat=QHat.GetDerivative(omegaHat - alpha);
136 |
137 | // Quaternion integration
138 | QHat = QHat +dQHat*delta_t; // delta_t: sampling period [s]
139 |
140 | QHat.Normalize();
141 |
142 | ahrsData->SetQuaternionAndAngularRates(QHat,rawGyr - BHat);
143 |
144 | } else {
145 | isInit=true;
146 | }
147 |
148 | ahrsData->SetDataTime(data->DataTime());
149 | ProcessUpdate(ahrsData);
150 | }
151 |
152 | } // end namespace filter
153 | } // end namespace flair