// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} // created: 2012/08/29 // filename: JoyReference_impl.cpp // // author: Guillaume Sanahuja // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: generation de consignes a partir joystick // // /*********************************************************************/ #include "JoyReference_impl.h" #include "JoyReference.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using std::string; using namespace flair::core; using namespace flair::gui; using namespace flair::filter; JoyReference_impl::JoyReference_impl(JoyReference *inSelf, const LayoutPosition *position, string name) : self(inSelf) { ahrsData = new AhrsData(self); input = new cvmatrix(self, 4, 1, floatType, name); cvmatrix_descriptor *desc = new cvmatrix_descriptor(4, 1); desc->SetElementName(0, 0, "z"); ; desc->SetElementName(1, 0, "dz"); desc->SetElementName(2, 0, "trim_roll"); desc->SetElementName(3, 0, "trim_pitch"); output = new cvmatrix(self, desc, floatType, name); delete desc; reglages_groupbox = new GroupBox(position, name); deb_roll = new DoubleSpinBox(reglages_groupbox->NewRow(), "debattement roll", " deg", -45, 45, 1, 0); deb_pitch = new DoubleSpinBox(reglages_groupbox->LastRowLastCol(), "debattement pitch", " deg", -45, 45, 1, 0); deb_wz = new DoubleSpinBox(reglages_groupbox->NewRow(), "debattement wz", " deg/s", -180, 180, 1, 0); deb_dz = new DoubleSpinBox(reglages_groupbox->LastRowLastCol(), "debattement dz", " m/s", -2, 2, 0.1, 1); trim = new DoubleSpinBox(reglages_groupbox->NewRow(), "trim", -1, 1, 0.01); label_roll = new Label(reglages_groupbox->NewRow(), "trim roll"); button_roll = new PushButton(reglages_groupbox->LastRowLastCol(), "reset roll trim"); label_pitch = new Label(reglages_groupbox->NewRow(), "trim pitch"); button_pitch = new PushButton(reglages_groupbox->LastRowLastCol(), "reset pitch trim"); z_ref = 0; previous_time = 0; trim_roll = 0; trim_pitch = 0; label_roll->SetText("trim roll: %.2f", trim_roll); label_pitch->SetText("trim pitch: %.2f", trim_pitch); } JoyReference_impl::~JoyReference_impl(void) {} void JoyReference_impl::SetRollAxis(float value) { input->SetValue(0, 0, value); } void JoyReference_impl::SetPitchAxis(float value) { input->SetValue(1, 0, value); } void JoyReference_impl::SetYawAxis(float value) { input->SetValue(2, 0, value); } void JoyReference_impl::SetAltitudeAxis(float value) { input->SetValue(3, 0, value); } void JoyReference_impl::RollTrimUp(void) { trim_roll += trim->Value(); output->SetValue(2, 0, trim_roll); label_roll->SetText("trim roll: %.2f", trim_roll); } void JoyReference_impl::RollTrimDown(void) { trim_roll -= trim->Value(); output->SetValue(2, 0, trim_roll); label_roll->SetText("trim roll: %.2f", trim_roll); } void JoyReference_impl::PitchTrimUp(void) { trim_pitch += trim->Value(); output->SetValue(3, 0, trim_pitch); label_pitch->SetText("trim pitch: %.2f", trim_pitch); } void JoyReference_impl::PitchTrimDown(void) { trim_pitch -= trim->Value(); output->SetValue(3, 0, trim_pitch); label_pitch->SetText("trim pitch: %.2f", trim_pitch); } void JoyReference_impl::SetYawRef(float value) { Euler ref(0, 0, value); input->GetMutex(); ref.ToQuaternion(q_z); input->ReleaseMutex(); Update(GetTime()); } void JoyReference_impl::SetZRef(float value) { z_ref = value; output->SetValue(0, 0, z_ref); } float JoyReference_impl::ZRef(void) const { return output->Value(0, 0); } float JoyReference_impl::dZRef(void) const { return output->Value(1, 0); } float JoyReference_impl::RollTrim(void) const { return trim_roll; } float JoyReference_impl::PitchTrim(void) const { return trim_pitch; } void JoyReference_impl::Update(Time time) { input->SetDataTime(time); UpdateFrom(input); } void JoyReference_impl::UpdateFrom(const io_data *data) { cvmatrix *input = (cvmatrix *)data; if (previous_time == 0) previous_time = data->DataTime(); // pour la premiere iteration float delta_t = (float)(data->DataTime() - previous_time) / 1000000000.; previous_time = data->DataTime(); if (button_roll->Clicked() == true) { trim_roll = 0; output->SetValue(2, 0, 0); label_roll->SetText("trim roll: %.2f", trim_roll); } if (button_pitch->Clicked() == true) { trim_pitch = 0; output->SetValue(3, 0, 0); label_pitch->SetText("trim pitch: %.2f", trim_pitch); } // les box sont en degrés input->GetMutex(); Vector3Df theta_xy( -Euler::ToRadian(input->ValueNoMutex(0, 0) * deb_roll->Value()), -Euler::ToRadian(input->ValueNoMutex(1, 0) * deb_pitch->Value()), 0); Vector3Df e_bar = theta_xy; e_bar.Normalize(); Quaternion q_xy(cos(theta_xy.GetNorm() / 2.0f), e_bar.x * sin(theta_xy.GetNorm() / 2.0f), e_bar.y * sin(theta_xy.GetNorm() / 2.0f), 0); q_xy.Normalize(); float wz_ref = Euler::ToRadian(input->ValueNoMutex(2, 0) * deb_wz->Value()); Quaternion w_zd(1, 0, 0, wz_ref * delta_t / 2); w_zd.Normalize(); q_z = q_z * w_zd; q_z.Normalize(); Quaternion q_ref = q_z * q_xy; q_ref.Normalize(); z_ref += input->ValueNoMutex(3, 0) * deb_dz->Value() * delta_t; float dz_ref = input->ValueNoMutex(3, 0) * deb_dz->Value(); input->ReleaseMutex(); ahrsData->SetQuaternionAndAngularRates(q_ref, Vector3Df(0, 0, wz_ref)); // ouput quaternion for control law output->GetMutex(); output->SetValueNoMutex(0, 0, z_ref); output->SetValueNoMutex(1, 0, dz_ref); output->ReleaseMutex(); output->SetDataTime(data->DataTime()); }