1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | /*!
6 | * \file ButterworthLowPass_impl.h
7 | * \brief Classe permettant le calcul d'un filtre passe bas de Butterworth
8 | * \author Guillaume Sanahuja, Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
9 | * \date 2011/05/01
10 | * \version 4.0
11 | */
12 |
15 |
16 | #include <IODevice.h>
17 | #include <Butterworth.h>
18 |
19 | namespace flair {
20 | namespace core {
21 | class Matrix;
22 | }
23 | namespace gui {
24 | class LayoutPosition;
25 | class SpinBox;
26 | class DoubleSpinBox;
27 | }
28 | namespace filter {
29 | class ButterworthLowPass;
30 | }
31 | }
32 |
33 | // Storage for Layout
34 | // de-templatized for pimpl idom
35 | // comes from iir from Bernd Porr
36 | class LayoutStorage {
37 | public:
38 | LayoutStorage(int MaxPoles) {
39 | this->MaxPoles = MaxPoles;
40 | m_pairs = (Iir::PoleZeroPair *)malloc((MaxPoles + 1) / 2 *
41 | sizeof(Iir::PoleZeroPair));
42 | }
43 | ~LayoutStorage() { free(m_pairs); }
44 | operator Iir::LayoutBase() { return Iir::LayoutBase(MaxPoles, m_pairs); }
45 |
46 | private:
47 | Iir::PoleZeroPair *m_pairs;
48 | int MaxPoles;
49 | };
50 |
51 | // Storage for Cascade
52 | // de-templatized for pimpl idom
53 | // comes from iir from Bernd Porr
54 | class CascadeStages {
55 | public:
56 | CascadeStages(int MaxStages) {
57 | this->MaxStages = MaxStages;
58 | m_stages =
59 | (Iir::Cascade::Stage *)malloc(MaxStages * sizeof(Iir::Cascade::Stage));
60 | m_states =
61 | (Iir::DirectFormII *)malloc(MaxStages * sizeof(Iir::DirectFormII));
62 | }
63 | ~CascadeStages() {
64 | free(m_stages);
65 | free(m_states);
66 | }
67 | void reset() {
68 | Iir::DirectFormII *state = m_states;
69 | for (int i = MaxStages; --i >= 0; ++state)
70 | state->reset();
71 | }
72 |
73 | template <typename Sample> inline Sample filter(const Sample in) {
74 | double out = in;
75 | Iir::DirectFormII *state = m_states;
76 | Iir::Biquad const *stage = m_stages;
77 | for (int i = MaxStages; --i >= 0; ++state, ++stage)
78 | out = state->process1(out, *stage);
79 | return static_cast<Sample>(out);
80 | }
81 |
82 | Iir::Cascade::Storage getCascadeStorage() {
83 | return Iir::Cascade::Storage(MaxStages, m_stages);
84 | }
85 |
86 | private:
87 | int MaxStages;
88 | Iir::Cascade::Stage *m_stages;
89 | Iir::DirectFormII *m_states;
90 | };
91 |
92 | // de-templatized for pimpl idom
93 | // comes from iir from Bernd Porr
94 | class PoleFilter : Iir::Butterworth::LowPassBase, public CascadeStages {
95 | public:
96 | PoleFilter(int MaxPoles) : CascadeStages((MaxPoles + 1) / 2) {
97 | this->MaxPoles = MaxPoles;
98 | m_analogStorage = new LayoutStorage(MaxPoles);
99 | m_digitalStorage = new LayoutStorage(MaxPoles);
100 | // This glues together the factored base classes
101 | // with the templatized storage classes.
102 | Iir::Butterworth::LowPassBase::setCascadeStorage(this->getCascadeStorage());
103 | Iir::Butterworth::LowPassBase::setPrototypeStorage(*m_analogStorage,
104 | *m_digitalStorage);
105 | }
106 | ~PoleFilter() {
107 | delete m_analogStorage;
108 | delete m_digitalStorage;
109 | }
110 | void setup(double sampleRate, double cutoffFrequency) {
111 | Iir::Butterworth::LowPassBase::setup(MaxPoles, sampleRate, cutoffFrequency);
112 | }
113 |
114 | private:
115 | int MaxPoles;
116 | LayoutStorage *m_analogStorage;
117 | LayoutStorage *m_digitalStorage;
118 | };
119 |
120 | class ButterworthLowPass_impl {
121 | public:
122 | ButterworthLowPass_impl(const flair::filter::ButterworthLowPass *self,
123 | const flair::gui::LayoutPosition *position,
124 | std::string name, uint32_t order,uint32_t nbRow,uint32_t nbCol);
125 | ~ButterworthLowPass_impl();
126 | void UpdateFrom(const flair::core::io_data *data);
127 | flair::core::Matrix *output;
128 |
129 | private:
130 | void settingsChanged(PoleFilter*f,float inputValue);
131 | flair::gui::DoubleSpinBox *cutoff, *T;
132 | PoleFilter **f;
133 | uint32_t order;
134 | uint32_t nbRow, nbCol;
135 | const flair::filter::ButterworthLowPass *self;
136 | };
137 |