1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | /*!
6 | * \file TrajectoryGenerator1D_impl.h
7 | * \brief Class generating a trajectory in 1D
8 | * \author Guillaume Sanahuja, Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
9 | * \date 2011/05/01
10 | * \version 4.0
11 | */
12 |
15 |
16 | namespace flair {
17 | namespace core {
18 | class cvmatrix;
19 | }
20 | namespace gui {
21 | class LayoutPosition;
22 | class DoubleSpinBox;
23 | }
24 | }
25 |
26 | /*! \class TrajectoryGenerator1D_impl
27 | * \brief Class generating a trajectory in 1D
28 | */
29 | class TrajectoryGenerator1D_impl {
30 |
31 | public:
32 | TrajectoryGenerator1D_impl(flair::filter::TrajectoryGenerator1D *self,
33 | const flair::gui::LayoutPosition *position,
34 | std::string name, std::string unit);
35 | ~TrajectoryGenerator1D_impl();
36 | void Update(flair::core::Time time);
37 | void StartTraj(float start_pos, float end_pos);
38 | void StopTraj(void);
39 | void Reset(void);
40 | flair::core::cvmatrix *output;
41 | float pos_off, vel_off;
42 | bool is_finished, is_started;
43 |
44 | private:
45 | float end_position;
46 | float pos, v, acc;
47 | flair::core::Time previous_time;
48 | bool first_update;
49 | flair::gui::DoubleSpinBox *T, *max_veloctity, *acceleration;
50 | };
51 |