1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | // created: 2014/04/29
6 | // filename: UavStateMachine.cpp
7 | //
8 | // author: Gildas Bayard, Guillaume Sanahuja
9 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
10 | //
11 | // version: $Id: $
12 | //
13 | // purpose: meta class for UAV
14 | //
15 | //
16 | /*********************************************************************/
17 |
18 | #include "UavStateMachine.h"
19 | #include "Uav.h"
20 | #include <DataPlot1D.h>
21 | #include <GridLayout.h>
22 | #include <Tab.h>
23 | #include <TabWidget.h>
24 | #include <PushButton.h>
25 | #include <SpinBox.h>
26 | #include <DoubleSpinBox.h>
27 | #include <X4X8Multiplex.h>
28 | #include <Bldc.h>
29 | #include <Ahrs.h>
30 | #include <MetaUsRangeFinder.h>
31 | #include <ControlLaw.h>
32 | #include <Pid.h>
33 | #include <PidThrust.h>
34 | #include <NestedSat.h>
35 | #include <MetaDualShock3.h>
36 | #include <AhrsData.h>
37 | #include <BatteryMonitor.h>
38 | #include <FrameworkManager.h>
39 | #include <Vector3D.h>
40 | #include <Vector2D.h>
41 | #include <cvmatrix.h>
42 | #include <stdio.h>
43 | #include <TrajectoryGenerator1D.h>
44 |
45 | using namespace std;
46 | using namespace flair::core;
47 | using namespace flair::gui;
48 | using namespace flair::sensor;
49 | using namespace flair::actuator;
50 | using namespace flair::filter;
51 | using namespace flair::meta;
52 |
53 | UavStateMachine::UavStateMachine(Uav* inUav,TargetController *controller):
54 | Thread(getFrameworkManager(),"UavStateMachine",50),
55 | uav(inUav),controller(controller),failSafeMode(true),flagConnectionLost(false),flagBatteryLow(false),flagCriticalSensorLost(false),flagZTrajectoryFinished(false),safeToFly(true){
56 | altitudeState=AltitudeState_t::Stopped;
57 | uav->UseDefaultPlot();
58 |
59 | Tab *uavTab = new Tab(getFrameworkManager()->GetTabWidget(), "uav", 0);
60 | buttonslayout = new GridLayout(uavTab->NewRow(), "buttons");
61 | button_kill = new PushButton(buttonslayout->NewRow(), "kill");
62 | button_start_log = new PushButton(buttonslayout->NewRow(), "start_log");
63 | button_stop_log = new PushButton(buttonslayout->LastRowLastCol(), "stop_log");
64 | button_take_off = new PushButton(buttonslayout->NewRow(), "take_off");
65 | button_land = new PushButton(buttonslayout->LastRowLastCol(), "land");
66 |
67 | Tab *lawTab = new Tab(getFrameworkManager()->GetTabWidget(), "control laws");
68 | TabWidget *tabWidget = new TabWidget(lawTab->NewRow(), "laws");
69 | setupLawTab = new Tab(tabWidget, "Setup");
70 | graphLawTab = new Tab(tabWidget, "Graphes");
71 |
72 | uRoll = new NestedSat(setupLawTab->At(0, 0), "u_roll");
73 | uRoll->ConvertSatFromDegToRad();
74 | uRoll->UseDefaultPlot(graphLawTab->NewRow());
75 |
76 | uPitch = new NestedSat(setupLawTab->At(0, 1), "u_pitch");
77 | uPitch->ConvertSatFromDegToRad();
78 | uPitch->UseDefaultPlot(graphLawTab->LastRowLastCol());
79 |
80 | uYaw = new Pid(setupLawTab->At(0, 2), "u_yaw");
81 | uYaw->UseDefaultPlot(graphLawTab->LastRowLastCol());
82 |
83 | uZ = new PidThrust(setupLawTab->At(1, 2), "u_z");
84 | uZ->UseDefaultPlot(graphLawTab->LastRowLastCol());
85 |
86 | getFrameworkManager()->AddDeviceToLog(uZ);
87 | uZ->AddDeviceToLog(uRoll);
88 | uZ->AddDeviceToLog(uPitch);
89 | uZ->AddDeviceToLog(uYaw);
90 |
91 | joy=new MetaDualShock3(getFrameworkManager(),"uav high level controller",controller);
92 | uav->GetAhrs()->AddPlot(joy->GetReferenceOrientation(),DataPlot::Blue);
93 |
94 | altitudeMode = AltitudeMode_t::Manual;
95 | orientationMode = OrientationMode_t::Manual;
96 | thrustMode = ThrustMode_t::Default;
97 | torqueMode = TorqueMode_t::Default;
98 |
99 | GroupBox *reglagesGroupbox =
100 | new GroupBox(uavTab->NewRow(), "takeoff/landing");
101 | desiredTakeoffAltitude =
102 | new DoubleSpinBox(reglagesGroupbox->NewRow(), "desired takeoff altitude",
103 | " m", 0, 5, 0.1, 2, 1);
104 | desiredLandingAltitude =
105 | new DoubleSpinBox(reglagesGroupbox->LastRowLastCol(),
106 | "desired landing altitude", " m", 0, 1, 0.1, 1);
107 | altitudeTrajectory =
108 | new TrajectoryGenerator1D(uavTab->NewRow(), "alt cons", "m");
109 | uav->GetMetaUsRangeFinder()->GetZPlot()->AddCurve(
110 | altitudeTrajectory->Matrix()->Element(0), DataPlot::Green);
111 | uav->GetMetaUsRangeFinder()->GetVzPlot()->AddCurve(
112 | altitudeTrajectory->Matrix()->Element(1), DataPlot::Green);
113 | }
114 |
115 | UavStateMachine::~UavStateMachine() {}
116 |
117 | void UavStateMachine::AddDeviceToControlLawLog(const IODevice *device) {
118 | uZ->AddDeviceToLog(device);
119 | }
120 |
121 | void UavStateMachine::AddDataToControlLawLog(const core::io_data *data) {
122 | uZ->AddDataToLog(data);
123 | }
124 |
125 | const TargetController *UavStateMachine::GetJoystick(void) const {
126 | return controller;
127 | }
128 |
129 | const Quaternion &UavStateMachine::GetCurrentQuaternion(void) const {
130 | return currentQuaternion;
131 | }
132 |
133 | const Vector3D &UavStateMachine::GetCurrentAngularSpeed(void) const {
134 | return currentAngularSpeed;
135 | }
136 |
137 | const Uav *UavStateMachine::GetUav(void) const { return uav; }
138 |
139 | void UavStateMachine::AltitudeValues(float &altitude,
140 | float &verticalSpeed) const {
141 | FailSafeAltitudeValues(altitude, verticalSpeed);
142 | }
143 |
144 | void UavStateMachine::FailSafeAltitudeValues(float &altitude,
145 | float &verticalSpeed) const {
146 | altitude = uav->GetMetaUsRangeFinder()->z();
147 | verticalSpeed = uav->GetMetaUsRangeFinder()->Vz();
148 | }
149 |
150 | void UavStateMachine::Run() {
151 | WarnUponSwitches(true);
152 | uav->StartSensors();
153 |
154 | if (getFrameworkManager()->ErrorOccured() == true) {
155 | SafeStop();
156 | }
157 |
158 | while (!ToBeStopped()) {
159 | SecurityCheck();
160 |
161 | // get controller inputs
162 | CheckJoystick();
163 | CheckPushButton();
164 |
165 | if (IsPeriodSet()) {
166 | WaitPeriod();
167 | } else {
168 | WaitUpdate(uav->GetAhrs());
169 | }
170 | needToComputeDefaultTorques = true;
171 | needToComputeDefaultThrust = true;
172 |
173 | SignalEvent(Event_t::EnteringControlLoop);
174 |
175 | ComputeOrientation();
176 | ComputeAltitude();
177 |
178 | // compute thrust and torques to apply
179 | ComputeTorques();
180 | ComputeThrust(); // logs are added to uz, so it must be updated at last
181 |
182 | // Set torques for roll, pitch and yaw angles (value between -1 and 1). Set
183 | // thrust (value between 0 and 1)
184 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->SetRoll(-currentTorques.roll);
185 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->SetPitch(-currentTorques.pitch);
186 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->SetYaw(-currentTorques.yaw);
187 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->SetThrust(-currentThrust); // on raisonne en negatif
188 | // sur l'altitude, a
189 | // revoir avec les
190 | // equations
191 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->SetRollTrim(joy->RollTrim());
192 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->SetPitchTrim(joy->PitchTrim());
193 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->SetYawTrim(0);
194 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->Update(GetTime());
195 | }
196 |
197 | WarnUponSwitches(false);
198 | }
199 |
200 | void UavStateMachine::ComputeOrientation(void) {
201 | if (failSafeMode) {
202 | GetDefaultOrientation()->GetQuaternionAndAngularRates(currentQuaternion,
203 | currentAngularSpeed);
204 | } else {
205 | GetOrientation()->GetQuaternionAndAngularRates(currentQuaternion,
206 | currentAngularSpeed);
207 | }
208 | }
209 |
210 | const AhrsData *UavStateMachine::GetOrientation(void) const {
211 | return GetDefaultOrientation();
212 | }
213 |
214 | const AhrsData *UavStateMachine::GetDefaultOrientation(void) const {
215 | return uav->GetAhrs()->GetDatas();
216 | }
217 |
218 | void UavStateMachine::ComputeAltitude(void) {
219 | if (failSafeMode) {
220 | FailSafeAltitudeValues(currentAltitude, currentVerticalSpeed);
221 | } else {
222 | AltitudeValues(currentAltitude, currentVerticalSpeed);
223 | }
224 | }
225 |
226 | void UavStateMachine::ComputeReferenceAltitude(float &refAltitude,
227 | float &refVerticalVelocity) {
228 | if (altitudeMode == AltitudeMode_t::Manual) {
229 | GetDefaultReferenceAltitude(refAltitude, refVerticalVelocity);
230 | } else {
231 | GetReferenceAltitude(refAltitude, refVerticalVelocity);
232 | }
233 | }
234 |
235 | void UavStateMachine::GetDefaultReferenceAltitude(float &refAltitude,
236 | float &refVerticalVelocity) {
237 | float zc, dzc;
238 |
239 | switch (altitudeState) {
240 | // initiate a takeoff: increase motor speed in open loop (see ComputeThrust)
241 | // until we detect a take off of 0.03m (hard coded value) above the ground.
242 | case AltitudeState_t::TakingOff: {
243 | if (currentAltitude > groundAltitude + 0.03) {
244 | altitudeTrajectory->StartTraj(currentAltitude,
245 | desiredTakeoffAltitude->Value());
246 | altitudeState = AltitudeState_t::Stabilized;
247 | SignalEvent(Event_t::Stabilized);
248 | }
249 | break;
250 | }
251 | // landing, only check if we reach desired landing altitude
252 | case AltitudeState_t::StartLanding: {
253 | if (altitudeTrajectory->Position() == desiredLandingAltitude->Value()) {
254 | // The Uav target altitude has reached its landing value (typically 0)
255 | // but the real Uav altitude may not have reach this value yet because of
256 | // command delay. Moreover, it may never exactly reach this value if the
257 | // ground is not perfectly leveled (critical case: there's a
258 | // deep and narrow hole right in the sensor line of sight). That's why we
259 | // have a 2 phases landing strategy.
260 | altitudeState = AltitudeState_t::FinishLanding;
261 | SignalEvent(Event_t::FinishLanding);
262 | joy->SetLedOFF(1); // DualShock3::led1
263 | }
264 | }
265 | // stabilized: check if z trajectory is finished
266 | case AltitudeState_t::Stabilized: {
267 | if (!altitudeTrajectory->IsRunning() && !flagZTrajectoryFinished) {
268 | SignalEvent(Event_t::ZTrajectoryFinished);
269 | flagZTrajectoryFinished = true;
270 | }
271 | if (flagZTrajectoryFinished && desiredTakeoffAltitude->ValueChanged()) {
272 | flagZTrajectoryFinished = false;
273 | altitudeTrajectory->StartTraj(currentAltitude,
274 | desiredTakeoffAltitude->Value());
275 | joy->SetZRef(0);
276 | }
277 | }
278 | }
279 |
280 | // Récupère les consignes (du joystick dans l'implémentation par défaut). La
281 | // consigne joystick est une vitesse ("delta_z", dzc). le zc est calculé par
282 | // la manette
283 | zc = joy->ZRef(); // a revoir, la position offset devrait se calculer dans le
284 | // generator
285 | dzc = joy->DzRef();
286 |
287 | // z control law
288 | altitudeTrajectory->SetPositionOffset(zc);
289 | altitudeTrajectory->SetSpeedOffset(dzc);
290 |
291 | altitudeTrajectory->Update(GetTime());
292 | refAltitude = altitudeTrajectory->Position();
293 | refVerticalVelocity = altitudeTrajectory->Speed();
294 | }
295 |
296 | void UavStateMachine::GetReferenceAltitude(float &refAltitude,
297 | float &refVerticalVelocity) {
298 | Thread::Warn("Default GetReferenceAltitude method is not overloaded => "
299 | "switching back to safe mode\n");
300 | EnterFailSafeMode();
301 | };
302 |
303 | void UavStateMachine::ComputeThrust(void) {
304 | if (altitudeMode == AltitudeMode_t::Manual) {
305 | currentThrust = ComputeDefaultThrust();
306 | } else {
307 | currentThrust = ComputeCustomThrust();
308 | }
309 | }
310 |
311 | float UavStateMachine::ComputeDefaultThrust(void) {
312 | if (needToComputeDefaultThrust) {
313 | // compute desired altitude
314 | float refAltitude, refVerticalVelocity;
315 | ComputeReferenceAltitude(refAltitude, refVerticalVelocity);
316 |
317 | switch (altitudeState) {
318 | case AltitudeState_t::TakingOff: {
319 | // The progressive increase in motor speed is used to evaluate the motor
320 | // speed that compensate the uav weight. This value
321 | // will be used as an offset for altitude control afterwards
322 | uZ->OffsetStepUp();
323 | break;
324 | }
325 | case AltitudeState_t::StartLanding:
326 | case AltitudeState_t::Stabilized: {
327 | float p_error = currentAltitude - refAltitude;
328 | float d_error = currentVerticalSpeed - refVerticalVelocity;
329 | uZ->SetValues(p_error, d_error);
330 | break;
331 | }
332 | // decrease motor speed in open loop until value offset_g , uav should have
333 | // already landed or be very close to at this point
334 | case AltitudeState_t::FinishLanding: {
335 | if (uZ->OffsetStepDown() == false) {
336 | StopMotors();
337 | }
338 | break;
339 | }
340 | }
341 | uZ->Update(GetTime());
342 |
343 | savedDefaultThrust = uZ->Output();
344 | needToComputeDefaultThrust = false;
345 | }
346 |
347 | return savedDefaultThrust;
348 | }
349 |
350 | float UavStateMachine::ComputeCustomThrust(void) {
351 | Thread::Warn("Default GetThrust method is not overloaded => switching back "
352 | "to safe mode\n");
353 | EnterFailSafeMode();
354 | return ComputeDefaultThrust();
355 | }
356 |
357 | const AhrsData *UavStateMachine::ComputeReferenceOrientation(void) {
358 | if (orientationMode == OrientationMode_t::Manual) {
359 | return GetDefaultReferenceOrientation();
360 | } else {
361 | return GetReferenceOrientation();
362 | }
363 | }
364 |
365 | const AhrsData *UavStateMachine::GetDefaultReferenceOrientation(void) const {
366 | // We directly control yaw, pitch, roll angles
367 | return joy->GetReferenceOrientation();
368 | }
369 |
370 | const AhrsData *UavStateMachine::GetReferenceOrientation(void) {
371 | Thread::Warn("Default GetReferenceOrientation method is not overloaded => "
372 | "switching back to safe mode\n");
373 | EnterFailSafeMode();
374 | return GetDefaultReferenceOrientation();
375 | }
376 |
377 | void UavStateMachine::ComputeTorques(void) {
378 | if (torqueMode == TorqueMode_t::Default) {
379 | ComputeDefaultTorques(currentTorques);
380 | } else {
381 | ComputeCustomTorques(currentTorques);
382 | }
383 | }
384 |
385 | void UavStateMachine::ComputeDefaultTorques(Euler &torques) {
386 | if (needToComputeDefaultTorques) {
387 | const AhrsData *refOrientation = ComputeReferenceOrientation();
388 | Quaternion refQuaternion;
389 | Vector3D refAngularRates;
390 | refOrientation->GetQuaternionAndAngularRates(refQuaternion,
391 | refAngularRates);
392 | Euler refAngles = refQuaternion.ToEuler();
393 | Euler currentAngles = currentQuaternion.ToEuler();
394 |
395 | uYaw->SetValues(currentAngles.YawDistanceFrom(refAngles.yaw),
396 | currentAngularSpeed.z - refAngularRates.z);
397 | uYaw->Update(GetTime());
398 | torques.yaw = uYaw->Output();
399 |
400 | uPitch->SetValues(refAngles.pitch, currentAngles.pitch,
401 | currentAngularSpeed.y);
402 | uPitch->Update(GetTime());
403 | torques.pitch = uPitch->Output();
404 |
405 | uRoll->SetValues(refAngles.roll, currentAngles.roll, currentAngularSpeed.x);
406 | uRoll->Update(GetTime());
407 | torques.roll = uRoll->Output();
408 |
409 | savedDefaultTorques = torques;
410 | needToComputeDefaultTorques = false;
411 | } else {
412 | torques = savedDefaultTorques;
413 | }
414 | }
415 |
416 | void UavStateMachine::ComputeCustomTorques(Euler &torques) {
417 | Thread::Warn("Default ComputeCustomTorques method is not overloaded => "
418 | "switching back to safe mode\n");
419 | EnterFailSafeMode();
420 | ComputeDefaultTorques(torques);
421 | }
422 |
423 | void UavStateMachine::TakeOff(void) {
424 | flagZTrajectoryFinished = false;
425 |
426 | if((altitudeState==AltitudeState_t::Stopped) && safeToFly) {// && GetBatteryMonitor()->IsBatteryLow()==false)
427 | //The uav always takes off in fail safe mode
428 | EnterFailSafeMode();
429 | joy->SetLedOFF(4);//DualShock3::led4
430 | joy->SetLedOFF(1);//DualShock3::led1
431 | joy->Rumble(0x70);
432 | joy->SetZRef(0);
433 |
434 | uZ->SetOffset(); // positionne l'offset de compensation de la gravité à sa
435 | // valeur initiale (station sol)
436 |
437 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->LockUserInterface();
438 | // Active les moteurs. Pouvoir les désactiver permet de pouvoir observer les
439 | // consignes moteurs
440 | // sans les faire tourner effectivement (en déplaçant à la main le drone)
441 | uav->GetBldc()->SetEnabled(true);
442 | groundAltitude = currentAltitude;
443 | altitudeState = AltitudeState_t::TakingOff;
444 |
445 | SignalEvent(Event_t::TakingOff);
446 | } else {
447 | joy->ErrorNotify();
448 | }
449 | }
450 |
451 | void UavStateMachine::Land(void) {
452 | if (altitudeMode != AltitudeMode_t::Manual) {
453 | SetAltitudeMode(AltitudeMode_t::Manual);
454 | }
455 | if (altitudeState == AltitudeState_t::Stabilized) {
456 | joy->SetLedOFF(4); // DualShock3::led4
457 | joy->Rumble(0x70);
458 |
459 | altitudeTrajectory->StopTraj();
460 | joy->SetZRef(0);
461 | altitudeTrajectory->StartTraj(currentAltitude,desiredLandingAltitude->Value()); //shouldn't it be groundAltitude?
462 | SignalEvent(Event_t::StartLanding);
463 | altitudeState=AltitudeState_t::StartLanding;
464 | } else if (altitudeState==AltitudeState_t::TakingOff) {
465 | EmergencyLand();
466 | } else {
467 | joy->ErrorNotify();
468 | }
469 | }
470 |
471 | void UavStateMachine::EmergencyLand(void) {
472 | //Gradually decrease motor speed
473 | //Called if landing is required during take off (motors are accelerating but Uav did not actually left the ground yet), or if critical sensors have been lost (attitude is lost)
474 | altitudeState=AltitudeState_t::FinishLanding;
475 | safeToFly=false;
476 | Printf("Emergency landing!\n");
477 | }
478 |
479 | void UavStateMachine::SignalEvent(Event_t event) {
480 | switch (event) {
481 | case Event_t::StartLanding:
482 | Thread::Info("Altitude: entering 'StartLanding' state\n");
483 | break;
484 | case Event_t::Stopped:
485 | Thread::Info("Altitude: entering 'Stopped' state\n");
486 | break;
487 | case Event_t::TakingOff:
488 | Thread::Info("Altitude: taking off\n");
489 | break;
490 | case Event_t::Stabilized:
491 | Thread::Info("Altitude: entering 'Stabilized' state\n");
492 | break;
493 | case Event_t::FinishLanding:
494 | Thread::Info("Altitude: entering 'FinishLanding' state\n");
495 | break;
496 | case Event_t::EmergencyStop:
497 | Thread::Info("Emergency stop!\n");
498 | break;
499 | }
500 | }
501 |
502 | void UavStateMachine::EmergencyStop(void) {
503 | if(altitudeState!=AltitudeState_t::Stopped) {
504 | StopMotors();
505 | EnterFailSafeMode();
506 | joy->Rumble(0x70);
507 | SignalEvent(Event_t::EmergencyStop);
508 | }
509 | safeToFly=false;
510 | }
511 |
512 | void UavStateMachine::StopMotors(void) {
513 | joy->FlashLed(1, 10, 10); // DualShock3::led1
514 | uav->GetBldc()->SetEnabled(false);
515 | uav->GetUavMultiplex()->UnlockUserInterface();
516 | SignalEvent(Event_t::Stopped);
517 | altitudeState = AltitudeState_t::Stopped;
518 | uav->GetAhrs()->UnlockUserInterface();
519 |
520 | uZ->SetValues(0, 0);
521 | uZ->Reset();
522 | }
523 |
524 | GridLayout *UavStateMachine::GetButtonsLayout(void) const {
525 | return buttonslayout;
526 | }
527 |
528 | void UavStateMachine::SecurityCheck(void) {
529 | MandatorySecurityCheck();
530 | ExtraSecurityCheck();
531 | }
532 |
533 | void UavStateMachine::MandatorySecurityCheck(void) {
534 | if (getFrameworkManager()->ConnectionLost() && !flagConnectionLost) {
535 | flagConnectionLost = true;
536 | Thread::Err("Connection lost\n");
537 | EnterFailSafeMode();
538 | if (altitudeState == AltitudeState_t::Stopped) {
539 | SafeStop();
540 | } else {
541 | Land();
542 | }
543 | }
544 | if((altitudeState==AltitudeState_t::TakingOff || altitudeState==AltitudeState_t::Stabilized) && uav->GetBatteryMonitor()->IsBatteryLow() && !flagBatteryLow) {
545 | flagBatteryLow=true;
546 | Thread::Err("Low Battery\n");
547 | EnterFailSafeMode();
548 | Land();
549 | }
550 | Time now=GetTime();
551 | if ((altitudeState==AltitudeState_t::Stopped) && (now-uav->GetAhrs()->lastUpdate>(Time)100*1000*1000)) { //100ms
552 | flagCriticalSensorLost=true;
553 | Thread::Err("Critical sensor lost\n");
554 | EnterFailSafeMode();
555 | EmergencyLand();
556 | }
557 | }
558 |
559 | void UavStateMachine::CheckJoystick(void) {
560 | GenericCheckJoystick();
561 | ExtraCheckJoystick();
562 | }
563 |
564 | void UavStateMachine::GenericCheckJoystick(void) {
565 | static bool isEmergencyStopButtonPressed = false;
566 | static bool isTakeOffButtonPressed = false;
567 | static bool isSafeModeButtonPressed = false;
568 |
569 | if (controller->IsButtonPressed(1)) { // select
570 | if (!isEmergencyStopButtonPressed) {
571 | isEmergencyStopButtonPressed = true;
572 | Thread::Info("Emergency stop from joystick\n");
573 | EmergencyStop();
574 | }
575 | } else
576 | isEmergencyStopButtonPressed = false;
577 |
578 | if (controller->IsButtonPressed(0)) { // start
579 | if (!isTakeOffButtonPressed) {
580 | isTakeOffButtonPressed = true;
581 | switch (altitudeState) {
582 | case AltitudeState_t::Stopped:
583 | TakeOff();
584 | break;
585 | case AltitudeState_t::Stabilized:
586 | Land();
587 | break;
588 | default:
589 | joy->ErrorNotify();
590 | break;
591 | }
592 | }
593 | } else
594 | isTakeOffButtonPressed = false;
595 |
596 | // cross
597 | // gsanahuj:conflict with Majd programs.
598 | // check if l1,l2,r1 and r2 are not pressed
599 | // to allow a combination in user program
600 | if (controller->IsButtonPressed(5) && !controller->IsButtonPressed(6) &&
601 | !controller->IsButtonPressed(7) && !controller->IsButtonPressed(9) &&
602 | !controller->IsButtonPressed(10)) {
603 | if (!isSafeModeButtonPressed) {
604 | isSafeModeButtonPressed = true;
605 | Thread::Info("Entering fail safe mode\n");
606 | EnterFailSafeMode();
607 | }
608 | } else
609 | isSafeModeButtonPressed = false;
610 | }
611 |
612 | void UavStateMachine::CheckPushButton(void) {
613 | GenericCheckPushButton();
614 | ExtraCheckPushButton();
615 | }
616 |
617 | void UavStateMachine::GenericCheckPushButton(void) {
618 | if (button_kill->Clicked() == true)
619 | SafeStop();
620 | if (button_take_off->Clicked() == true)
621 | TakeOff();
622 | if (button_land->Clicked() == true)
623 | Land();
624 | if (button_start_log->Clicked() == true)
625 | getFrameworkManager()->StartLog();
626 | if (button_stop_log->Clicked() == true)
627 | getFrameworkManager()->StopLog();
628 | }
629 |
630 | void UavStateMachine::EnterFailSafeMode(void) {
631 | SetAltitudeMode(AltitudeMode_t::Manual);
632 | SetOrientationMode(OrientationMode_t::Manual);
633 | SetThrustMode(ThrustMode_t::Default);
634 | SetTorqueMode(TorqueMode_t::Default);
635 |
636 | GetDefaultOrientation()->GetQuaternionAndAngularRates(currentQuaternion,
637 | currentAngularSpeed);
638 | joy->SetYawRef(currentQuaternion);
639 | uYaw->Reset();
640 | uPitch->Reset();
641 | uRoll->Reset();
642 |
643 | failSafeMode = true;
644 | SignalEvent(Event_t::EnteringFailSafeMode);
645 | }
646 |
647 | bool UavStateMachine::ExitFailSafeMode(void) {
648 | // only exit fail safe mode if in Stabilized altitude state
649 | // gsanahuj: pour la demo inaugurale on ne peut pas etre en failsafe
650 | // le ruban perturbe l'us
651 | /*
652 | if (altitudeState!=AltitudeState_t::Stabilized) {
653 | return false;
654 | } else*/ {
655 | failSafeMode = false;
656 | return true;
657 | }
658 | }
659 |
660 | bool UavStateMachine::SetTorqueMode(TorqueMode_t const &newTorqueMode) {
661 | if ((newTorqueMode == TorqueMode_t::Custom) && (failSafeMode)) {
662 | if (!ExitFailSafeMode())
663 | return false;
664 | }
665 | // When transitionning from Custom to Default torque mode, we should reset the
666 | // default control laws
667 | if ((torqueMode == TorqueMode_t::Custom) &&
668 | (newTorqueMode == TorqueMode_t::Default)) {
669 | uYaw->Reset();
670 | uPitch->Reset();
671 | uRoll->Reset();
672 | }
673 | torqueMode = newTorqueMode;
674 | return true;
675 | }
676 |
677 | bool UavStateMachine::SetAltitudeMode(AltitudeMode_t const &newAltitudeMode) {
678 | if ((newAltitudeMode == AltitudeMode_t::Custom) && (failSafeMode)) {
679 | if (!ExitFailSafeMode())
680 | return false;
681 | }
682 | altitudeMode = newAltitudeMode;
683 | GotoAltitude(desiredTakeoffAltitude->Value());
684 |
685 | return true;
686 | }
687 |
688 | bool UavStateMachine::GotoAltitude(float desiredAltitude) {
689 | if (altitudeMode != AltitudeMode_t::Manual) {
690 | return false;
691 | }
692 | altitudeTrajectory->StartTraj(uav->GetMetaUsRangeFinder()->z(),
693 | desiredAltitude);
694 | return true;
695 | }
696 |
697 | bool UavStateMachine::SetOrientationMode(
698 | OrientationMode_t const &newOrientationMode) {
699 | if ((newOrientationMode == OrientationMode_t::Custom) && (failSafeMode)) {
700 | if (!ExitFailSafeMode())
701 | return false;
702 | }
703 | // When transitionning from Custom to Manual mode we must reset to yaw
704 | // reference to the current absolute yaw angle,
705 | // overwise the Uav will abruptly change orientation
706 | if ((orientationMode == OrientationMode_t::Custom) &&
707 | (newOrientationMode == OrientationMode_t::Manual)) {
708 | joy->SetYawRef(currentQuaternion);
709 | }
710 | orientationMode = newOrientationMode;
711 | return true;
712 | }
713 |
714 | bool UavStateMachine::SetThrustMode(ThrustMode_t const &newThrustMode) {
715 | if ((newThrustMode == ThrustMode_t::Custom) && (failSafeMode)) {
716 | if (!ExitFailSafeMode())
717 | return false;
718 | }
719 | thrustMode = newThrustMode;
720 | return true;
721 | }