1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | // created: 2015/03/30
6 | // filename: HostEthController.cpp
7 | //
8 | // author: Gildas Bayard
9 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
10 | //
11 | // version: $Id: $
12 | //
13 | // purpose: Base class for host side remote controls that talks to target
14 | // side through ethernet connection
15 | //
16 | //
17 | /*********************************************************************/
18 | #include "HostEthController.h"
19 | #include <Controller.h>
20 | #include <Matrix.h>
21 | #include <Tab.h>
22 | #include <TabWidget.h>
23 | #include <Label.h>
24 | #include <DataPlot1D.h>
25 | #include <FrameworkManager.h>
26 | #include <TargetController.h>
27 | #include <TcpSocket.h>
28 | #include <UdpSocket.h>
29 | #include <cstring>
30 | #include <string>
31 | #include <cmath> //for sqrt
32 | #include <sched.h>
33 |
34 | #include <iostream>
35 |
36 | using namespace flair::core;
37 | using namespace flair::gui;
38 | using std::string;
39 |
40 | namespace flair {
41 | namespace sensor {
42 |
43 | HostEthController::HostEthController(string name, string _address, int _port,
44 | uint32_t period, uint32_t _bitsPerAxis,
45 | uint8_t priority)
46 | : Thread(getFrameworkManager(), name, priority), IODevice(getFrameworkManager(), name),
47 | tab(new Tab(getFrameworkManager()->GetTabWidget(), name)), axisNumber(0),
48 | buttonNumber(0), targetAddress(_address), targetPort(_port),
49 | bitsPerAxis(_bitsPerAxis), dataFrameBuffer(NULL),
50 | meaningfulDataAvailable(false) {
51 | tabWidget = new TabWidget(tab->NewRow(), name);
52 |
53 | const bool blocking = true;
54 | controlSocket = new TcpSocket((Thread *)this, "eth controller control socket",
55 | blocking, !blocking);
56 | dataSocket = new UdpSocket((Thread *)this, "eth controller data socket",
57 | _address + ":" + std::to_string(_port + 1));
58 | dataSender =
59 | new DataSender((Thread *)this, this, "eth controller data sender thread");
60 | dataSender->SetPeriodMS(period);
61 | dataSender->Start();
62 |
63 | // test binary
64 | /*
65 | uint16_t testValue=0b0111011010; //0x1DA
66 | char buffer[3]={(char)0b10101011, (char)0b01100101, (char)0b10110110}; //
67 | 0xAB65B6
68 | writeBits(testValue,10,buffer,7); // 0b1010101 0 11101101 0 0110110 0xAAED36
69 | Thread::Info("Debug: buffer after bits written=%X %X\n",buffer[0],buffer[1]);
70 | */
71 | connectionEstablishedMutex = new Mutex((Thread *)this);
72 | }
73 |
74 | HostEthController::~HostEthController() {
75 | SafeStop();
76 | Join();
77 |
78 | if (!getFrameworkManager()->ConnectionLost())
79 | delete tab;
80 | }
81 |
82 | void HostEthController::DrawUserInterface() {
83 | Tab *plotTab = new Tab(tabWidget, "Measures");
84 | axisPlot = new DataPlot1D *[axisNumber];
85 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < axisNumber; i++) {
86 | // Start a new row or add up to the current row? We try to keep a 4/3 ratio
87 | unsigned int columns = sqrt(4.0 * axisNumber / 3.0);
88 | LayoutPosition *position;
89 | if (i % columns == 0) {
90 | position = plotTab->NewRow();
91 | } else {
92 | position = plotTab->LastRowLastCol();
93 | }
94 | axisPlot[i] = new DataPlot1D(position, axis->Name(i, 0),
95 | -(1 << (nativeBitsPerAxis - 1)) * 1.2,
96 | (1 << (nativeBitsPerAxis - 1)) * 1.5);
97 | axisPlot[i]->AddCurve(axis->Element(i));
98 | }
99 | // we don't plot the button state for now
100 | }
101 |
102 | string HostEthController::GetAxisDescription(unsigned int axis) {
103 | return string("axis") + std::to_string(axis);
104 | }
105 |
106 | string HostEthController::GetButtonDescription(unsigned int button) {
107 | return string("button") + std::to_string(button);
108 | }
109 |
110 | bool HostEthController::ControllerInitialization() {
111 |
112 | buttonOffset = (axisNumber * bitsPerAxis) / 8;
113 | if ((axisNumber * bitsPerAxis) % 8 != 0)
114 | buttonOffset++;
115 | dataFrameSize = buttonOffset + (buttonNumber / 8) * sizeof(uint8_t);
116 | if ((buttonNumber % 8) != 0)
117 | dataFrameSize++;
118 | dataFrameBuffer = new char[dataFrameSize];
119 | return true;
120 | }
121 |
122 | void HostEthController::SendControllerInfo() {
123 | // send axis info
124 | controlSocket->WriteUInt32((uint32_t)axisNumber, 0);
125 | controlSocket->WriteUInt32(bitsPerAxis, 0);
126 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < axisNumber; i++) {
127 | // Thread::Info("Debug: sending axis name for axis %d = %s (takes up %d
128 | // bytes)\n",i,GetAxisDescription(i).c_str(),GetAxisDescription(i).length());
129 | int stringLength = GetAxisDescription(i).length();
130 | controlSocket->WriteUInt32((uint32_t)stringLength, 0);
131 | controlSocket->SendMessage(GetAxisDescription(i).c_str(), stringLength, 0);
132 | }
133 |
134 | // send button info
135 | controlSocket->WriteUInt32((uint32_t)buttonNumber, 0);
136 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buttonNumber; i++) {
137 | int stringLength = GetButtonDescription(i).length();
138 | controlSocket->WriteUInt32((uint32_t)stringLength, 0);
139 | controlSocket->SendMessage(GetButtonDescription(i).c_str(), stringLength,
140 | 0);
141 | }
142 | }
143 |
144 | bool HostEthController::ConnectWithTarget() {
145 | char message[1024];
146 | ssize_t sent, received;
147 | static bool connectionEstablished = false;
148 |
149 | connectionEstablishedMutex->GetMutex();
150 | if (!connectionEstablished &&
151 | controlSocket->Connect(targetPort, targetAddress, 100000000)) {//100ms
152 | Thread::Info("Connected to %s:%d\n", targetAddress.c_str(), targetPort);
153 | SendControllerInfo();
154 | connectionEstablished = true;
155 | }
156 | connectionEstablishedMutex->ReleaseMutex();
157 | return connectionEstablished;
158 | }
159 |
160 | void HostEthController::Run() {
161 | static int divider = 0;
162 | Message *msgControllerAction = new Message(1024);
163 | if (getFrameworkManager()->ErrorOccured() || !ControllerInitialization()) {
164 | SafeStop();
165 | Thread::Err("Une erreur a eu lieu, on ne lance pas la boucle\n");
166 | }
167 |
168 | if (buttonNumber % 8 != 0) {
169 | SafeStop();
170 | Thread::Err("Button number is not multiple of 8\n");
171 | }
172 |
173 | while (!ToBeStopped()) {
174 | // Thread::Info("Debug: entering acquisition loop\n");
175 | if (getFrameworkManager()->ConnectionLost() == true)
176 | SafeStop();
177 |
178 | if (IsDataFrameReady()) { // wait for next data frame
179 | meaningfulDataAvailable = true;
180 | GetAxisData();
181 | GetButtonData();
182 |
183 | if (ConnectWithTarget()) {
184 | // read for commands from the target (remote control state change
185 | // requests such as rumble or led on/off)
186 | ssize_t bytesReceived =
187 | controlSocket->RecvMessage((char *)msgControllerAction->buffer,
188 | msgControllerAction->bufferSize);
189 | if (bytesReceived > 0) {
190 | // if the message is a cnx exit request we manage it here, if not it
191 | // will be managed by the derived class
192 | ControllerAction action;
193 | memcpy(&action, msgControllerAction->buffer,
194 | sizeof(ControllerAction));
195 | if (action == ControllerAction::Exit) {
196 | // Thread::Info("Debug: exit request received from server\n");
197 | SafeStop();
198 | }
199 | ProcessMessage(msgControllerAction);
200 | }
201 | }
202 | } else { // try to connect even if host is not sending anything
203 | ConnectWithTarget();
204 | }
205 | // Thread::Info("Debug: exiting acquisition loop\n");
206 | }
207 | }
208 |
209 | bool HostEthController::writeBits(uint16_t value, uint8_t valueSizeInBits,
210 | char *buffer, uint8_t offsetInBits) {
211 | if (valueSizeInBits > 16)
212 | return false;
213 | uint8_t remainingBitsToWrite = valueSizeInBits;
214 | // skip first bytes
215 | buffer += offsetInBits / 8;
216 | offsetInBits -= (offsetInBits / 8) * 8;
217 | while (remainingBitsToWrite > 0) {
218 | uint8_t remainingBitsInByteBeforeWrite = 8 - offsetInBits;
219 | uint8_t bitsToWrite = remainingBitsToWrite < remainingBitsInByteBeforeWrite
220 | ? remainingBitsToWrite
221 | : remainingBitsInByteBeforeWrite;
222 | uint8_t remainingBitsInByteAfterWrite =
223 | remainingBitsInByteBeforeWrite - bitsToWrite;
224 | // write in the current byte
225 | uint8_t byteMask = ((1 << bitsToWrite) - 1)
226 | << remainingBitsInByteAfterWrite;
227 | (*buffer) &= ~byteMask;
228 | uint16_t valueMask = (1 << remainingBitsToWrite) - 1;
229 | (*buffer) |= ((value & valueMask) >> (remainingBitsToWrite - bitsToWrite))
230 | << remainingBitsInByteAfterWrite;
231 | // update state
232 | remainingBitsToWrite -= bitsToWrite;
233 | offsetInBits = (offsetInBits + bitsToWrite) % 8;
234 | buffer++;
235 | }
236 | return true;
237 | }
238 |
239 | void HostEthController::BuildDataFrame() {
240 | // int16_t testValue[4]={-120,-43,27,98}; //0x 88 d5 1b 62
241 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < axisNumber; i++) {
242 | // We shift value to always be positive (so that division/multiplication by
243 | // power of 2 can easily be done with bit shifts)
244 | uint16_t shiftedNativeAxisValue =
245 | axis->Value(i, 0) + (1 << (nativeBitsPerAxis - 1));
246 | // int16_t nativeAxisValue=testValue[i];
247 | uint16_t scaledAxisValue;
248 | if (bitsPerAxis > nativeBitsPerAxis) {
249 | scaledAxisValue = shiftedNativeAxisValue
250 | << (bitsPerAxis - nativeBitsPerAxis);
251 | } else {
252 | scaledAxisValue =
253 | shiftedNativeAxisValue >> (nativeBitsPerAxis - bitsPerAxis);
254 | }
255 | // Thread::Info("Debug: shiftedNativeAxisValue=%#x, scaled axis
256 | // value=%#x\n",shiftedNativeAxisValue,scaledAxisValue);
257 | unsigned int offsetInBits = i * bitsPerAxis;
258 | writeBits(scaledAxisValue, bitsPerAxis, dataFrameBuffer, offsetInBits);
259 | }
260 | // Thread::Info("Buffer après: %x %x %x\n", dataFrameBuffer[0],
261 | // dataFrameBuffer[1], dataFrameBuffer[2]);
262 |
263 | int currentButton = 0;
264 | uint8_t buttonArray[buttonNumber / 8];
265 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buttonNumber / 8; i++) {
266 | buttonArray[i] = 0;
267 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
268 | bool buttonValue = button->Value(currentButton, 0);
269 | if (buttonValue)
270 | buttonArray[i] += 1 << j;
271 | currentButton++;
272 | }
273 |
274 | dataSocket->HostToNetwork((char *)&buttonArray[i], sizeof(uint8_t));
275 | memcpy(dataFrameBuffer + buttonOffset + i * sizeof(uint8_t),
276 | &buttonArray[i], sizeof(uint8_t));
277 | }
278 | }
279 |
280 | HostEthController::DataSender::DataSender(Object *parent,
281 | HostEthController *_hostEthController,
282 | string name, uint8_t priority)
283 | : Thread(parent, name, priority), hostEthController(_hostEthController) {}
284 |
285 | void HostEthController::DataSender::Run() {
286 | if (getFrameworkManager()->ErrorOccured() == true) {
287 | SafeStop();
288 | }
289 |
290 | while (!ToBeStopped()) {
291 | WaitPeriod();
292 | if (hostEthController->meaningfulDataAvailable &&
293 | hostEthController->ConnectWithTarget()) {
294 | // send the data
295 | hostEthController->BuildDataFrame();
296 | hostEthController->dataSocket->SendMessage(
297 | hostEthController->dataFrameBuffer, hostEthController->dataFrameSize);
298 | }
299 | }
300 | }
301 |
302 | } // end namespace sensor
303 | } // end namespace flair