// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} // created: 2020/11/20 // filename: TwoWheelRobot.cpp // // author: Guillaume Sanahuja // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: classe definissant un TwoWheelRobot // /*********************************************************************/ #include "TwoWheelRobot.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GL #include #include #include "MeshSceneNode.h" #include "Gui.h" #include #endif #define G (float)9.81 // gravity ( N/(m/s²) ) #ifdef GL using namespace irr::video; using namespace irr::scene; using namespace irr::core; #endif using namespace flair::core; using namespace flair::gui; using namespace flair::actuator; namespace flair { namespace simulator { TwoWheelRobot::TwoWheelRobot(std::string name, uint32_t modelId) : Model(name,modelId) { Tab *setup_tab = new Tab(GetTabWidget(), "model"); m = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->NewRow(), "mass (kg):", 0, 20, 0.1,1,0.2); size = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->NewRow(), "size (m):", 0, 20, 0.1,1,0.1); Tab *visual_tab = new Tab(GetTabWidget(), "visual"); bodyColorR = new SpinBox(visual_tab->NewRow(), "arm color (R):", 0, 255, 1,255); bodyColorG = new SpinBox(visual_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "arm color (G):", 0, 255, 1,0); bodyColorB = new SpinBox(visual_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "arm color (B):", 0, 255, 1,0); SetIsReady(true); } TwoWheelRobot::~TwoWheelRobot() { // les objets irrlicht seront automatiquement detruits (moteurs, helices, // pales) par parenté } #ifdef GL void TwoWheelRobot::Draw(void) { // create unite (1m=100cm) robot; scale will be adapted according to settings in gcs // parameter // note that the frame used is irrlicht one: // left handed, North East Up const IGeometryCreator *geo; geo = getGui()->getSceneManager()->getGeometryCreator(); colored_body = geo->createCubeMesh(vector3df(100,100,100)); MeshSceneNode* mesh= new MeshSceneNode(this, colored_body); IMesh *wheel = geo->createCylinderMesh(35, 10, 64, SColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); MeshSceneNode *l_wheel = new MeshSceneNode(this, wheel, vector3df(0, 50, -30),vector3df(0, 0, 0)); MeshSceneNode *r_wheel = new MeshSceneNode(this, wheel, vector3df(0, -50-10, -30),vector3df(0, 0, 0)); ExtraDraw(); } void TwoWheelRobot::AnimateModel(void) { if (bodyColorR->ValueChanged() == true || bodyColorG->ValueChanged() == true || bodyColorB->ValueChanged() == true) { getGui()->getSceneManager()->getMeshManipulator()->setVertexColors(colored_body, SColor(0,bodyColorR->Value(), bodyColorG->Value(), bodyColorB->Value())); } // adapt robot size if (size->ValueChanged() == true) { setScale(size->Value()); } } size_t TwoWheelRobot::dbtSize(void) const { return 3 * sizeof(float) + 2 * sizeof(float); // 3ddl+2motors } void TwoWheelRobot::WritedbtBuf( char *dbtbuf) { /* float *buf=(float*)dbtbuf; vector3df vect=getPosition(); memcpy(buf,&vect.X,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Y,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Z,sizeof(float)); buf++; vect=getRotation(); memcpy(buf,&vect.X,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Y,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Z,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&motors,sizeof(rtsimu_motors));*/ } void TwoWheelRobot::ReaddbtBuf( char *dbtbuf) { /* float *buf=(float*)dbtbuf; vector3df vect; memcpy(&vect.X,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Y,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Z,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; setPosition(vect); memcpy(&vect.X,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Y,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Z,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; ((ISceneNode*)(this))->setRotation(vect); memcpy(&motors,buf,sizeof(rtsimu_motors)); AnimateModele();*/ } #endif // GL // states are computed on fixed frame NED // x north // y east // z down void TwoWheelRobot::CalcModel(void) { state[0].Pos.x=state[-1].Pos.x; state[0].Pos.y=state[-1].Pos.y; state[0].Vel.x = (state[0].Pos.x - state[-1].Pos.x) / dT(); state[0].Vel.y = (state[0].Pos.y - state[-1].Pos.y) / dT(); //Printf("%f %f %f\n",state[0].Pos.x,state[-1].Pos.x,state[-2].Pos.x); /* ** =================================================================== ** z double integrator ** ** =================================================================== */ state[0].Pos.z = (dT() * dT() / m->Value()) * ( m->Value() * G) + 2 * state[-1].Pos.z - state[-2].Pos.z; state[0].Vel.z = (state[0].Pos.z - state[-1].Pos.z) / dT(); //Printf("%f %f %f\n",state[0].Pos.z,state[-1].Pos.z,state[-2].Pos.z); #ifndef GL if (state[0].Pos.z < 0) state[0].Pos.z = 0; #endif state[0].Vel.z = (state[0].Pos.z - state[-1].Pos.z) / dT(); } } // end namespace simulator } // end namespace flair