// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} // created: 2014/04/03 // filename: X8.cpp // // author: Majd Saied, Guillaume Sanahuja // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: classe definissant un X8 // /*********************************************************************/ #include "X8.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GL #include #include #include "Blade.h" #include "MeshSceneNode.h" #include "Gui.h" #include #endif #define K_MOT 0.4f // blade animation #define G (float)9.81 // gravity ( N/(m/s²) ) #ifdef GL using namespace irr::video; using namespace irr::scene; using namespace irr::core; #endif using namespace flair::core; using namespace flair::gui; using namespace flair::actuator; namespace flair { namespace simulator { X8::X8(std::string name, uint32_t modelId): Model( name,modelId) { Tab *setup_tab = new Tab(GetTabWidget(), "model"); m = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->NewRow(), "mass (kg):", 0, 20, 0.1); arm_length = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "arm length (m):", 0, 2, 0.1); l_cg = new DoubleSpinBox( setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "position G (m):", -0.5, 0.5, 0.02); // position du centre de gravité/centre de poussé k_mot = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->NewRow(), "k_mot:", 0, 1, 0.001, 3); // vitesse rotation² (unité arbitraire) -> force (N) c_mot = new DoubleSpinBox( setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "c_mot:", 0, 1, 0.001, 3); // vitesse rotation moteur -> couple (N.m/unité arbitraire) f_air_vert = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->NewRow(), "f_air_vert:", 0, 10, 1); // frottements air depl. vertical, aussi // utilisé pour les rotations ( N/(m/s) ) // (du aux helices en rotation) f_air_lat = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "f_air_lat:", 0, 10, 1); // frottements air deplacements lateraux ( N/(m/s) ) j_roll = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->NewRow(), "j_roll:", 0, 1, 0.001, 5); // moment d'inertie d'un axe (N.m.s²/rad) j_pitch = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "j_pitch:", 0, 1, 0.001, 5); // moment d'inertie d'un axe (N.m.s²/rad) j_yaw = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "j_yaw:", 0, 1, 0.001, 5); // moment d'inertie d'un axe (N.m.s²/rad) j_r = new DoubleSpinBox(setup_tab->NewRow(), "j_r:", 0, 1, 0.001); // moment des helices (N.m.s²/rad) sigma = new DoubleSpinBox( setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "sigma:", 0, 1, 0.1); // coefficient de perte d efficacite aerodynamique (sans unite) S = new DoubleSpinBox( setup_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "S:", 1, 2, 0.1); // coefficient de forme des helices 1NewRow(), "motor timeout:","ms", 0, 1000, 100,100); Tab *visual_tab = new Tab(GetTabWidget(), "visual"); armColorR = new SpinBox(visual_tab->NewRow(), "arm color (R):", 0, 255, 1,255); armColorG = new SpinBox(visual_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "arm color (G):", 0, 255, 1,0); armColorB = new SpinBox(visual_tab->LastRowLastCol(), "arm color (B):", 0, 255, 1,0); motors = new SimuBldc(this, name, 8, modelId,0); SetIsReady(true); } void X8::Draw() { #ifdef GL // create unite (1m=100cm) UAV; scale will be adapted according to arm_length // parameter // note that the frame used is irrlicht one: // left handed, North East Up const IGeometryCreator *geo; geo = getGui()->getSceneManager()->getGeometryCreator(); // cylinders are aligned with y axis colored_arm = geo->createCylinderMesh(2.5, 100, 16, SColor(0, armColorR->Value(), armColorG->Value(), armColorB->Value())); IMesh *black_arm = geo->createCylinderMesh(2.5, 100, 16, SColor(0, 128, 128, 128)); IMesh *motor = geo->createCylinderMesh(7.5, 15, 16); //,SColor(0, 128, 128, 128)); // geo->drop(); ITexture *texture = getGui()->getTexture("carbone.jpg"); MeshSceneNode *fl_arm = new MeshSceneNode(this, colored_arm, vector3df(0, 0, 0), vector3df(0, 0, -135)); MeshSceneNode *fr_arm = new MeshSceneNode(this, colored_arm, vector3df(0, 0, 0), vector3df(0, 0, -45)); MeshSceneNode *rl_arm = new MeshSceneNode(this, black_arm, vector3df(0, 0, 0), vector3df(0, 0, 135), texture); MeshSceneNode *rr_arm = new MeshSceneNode(this, black_arm, vector3df(0, 0, 0), vector3df(0, 0, 45), texture); texture = getGui()->getTexture("metal047.jpg"); MeshSceneNode *tfl_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(70.71, -70.71, 2.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); MeshSceneNode *tfr_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(70.71, 70.71, 2.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); MeshSceneNode *trl_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(-70.71, -70.71, 2.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); MeshSceneNode *trr_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(-70.71, 70.71, 2.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); MeshSceneNode *bfl_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(70.71, -70.71, -17.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); MeshSceneNode *bfr_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(70.71, 70.71, -17.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); MeshSceneNode *brl_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(-70.71, -70.71, -17.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); MeshSceneNode *brr_motor = new MeshSceneNode(this, motor, vector3df(-70.71, 70.71, -17.5), vector3df(90, 0, 0), texture); tfl_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(70.71, -70.71, 17.5)); tfr_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(70.71, 70.71, 17.5), vector3df(0, 0, 0), true); trl_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(-70.71, -70.71, 17.5), vector3df(0, 0, 0), true); trr_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(-70.71, 70.71, 17.5)); bfl_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(70.71, -70.71, -17.5)); bfr_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(70.71, 70.71, -17.5), vector3df(0, 0, 0), true); brl_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(-70.71, -70.71, -17.5), vector3df(0, 0, 0),true); brr_blade = new Blade(this, vector3df(-70.71, 70.71, -17.5)); motor_speed_mutex = new Mutex(this); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) motor_speed[i] = 0; ExtraDraw(); #endif } X8::~X8() { // les objets irrlicht seront automatiquement detruits (moteurs, helices, // pales) par parenté } #ifdef GL void X8::AnimateModel(void) { motor_speed_mutex->GetMutex(); tfl_blade->SetRotationSpeed(K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[0])); tfr_blade->SetRotationSpeed(-K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[1])); trl_blade->SetRotationSpeed(-K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[2])); trr_blade->SetRotationSpeed(K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[3])); bfl_blade->SetRotationSpeed(-K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[4])); bfr_blade->SetRotationSpeed(K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[5])); brl_blade->SetRotationSpeed(K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[6])); brr_blade->SetRotationSpeed(-K_MOT * vector3df(0, 0,motor_speed[7])); motor_speed_mutex->ReleaseMutex(); if (armColorR->ValueChanged() == true || armColorG->ValueChanged() == true || armColorB->ValueChanged() == true) { getGui()->getSceneManager()->getMeshManipulator()->setVertexColors(colored_arm, SColor(0,armColorR->Value(), armColorG->Value(), armColorB->Value())); } // adapt UAV size if (arm_length->ValueChanged() == true) { setScale(arm_length->Value()); } } size_t X8::dbtSize(void) const { return 6 * sizeof(float) + 4 * sizeof(float); // 6ddl+4helices } void X8::WritedbtBuf( char *dbtbuf) { /* float *buf=(float*)dbtbuf; vector3df vect=getPosition(); memcpy(buf,&vect.X,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Y,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Z,sizeof(float)); buf++; vect=getRotation(); memcpy(buf,&vect.X,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Y,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&vect.Z,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(buf,&motors,sizeof(rtsimu_motors));*/ } void X8::ReaddbtBuf( char *dbtbuf) { /* float *buf=(float*)dbtbuf; vector3df vect; memcpy(&vect.X,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Y,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Z,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; setPosition(vect); memcpy(&vect.X,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Y,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; memcpy(&vect.Z,buf,sizeof(float)); buf++; ((ISceneNode*)(this))->setRotation(vect); memcpy(&motors,buf,sizeof(rtsimu_motors)); AnimateModele();*/ } #endif // GL // states are computed on fixed frame NED // x north // y east // z down void X8::CalcModel(void) { float tfl_speed, tfr_speed, trl_speed, trr_speed; float bfl_speed, bfr_speed, brl_speed, brr_speed; float u_roll, u_pitch, u_yaw, u_thrust; float omega; Time motorTime; #ifdef GL motor_speed_mutex->GetMutex(); #endif // GL motors->GetSpeeds(motor_speed,&motorTime); if((GetTime()-motorTime)/1000000>motorTimeout->Value()) { for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { if(motor_speed[i]!=0) { //Printf("timout\n"); for(int i=0;i<8;i++) motor_speed[i]=0; break; } } } #ifdef GL motor_speed_mutex->ReleaseMutex(); #endif // GL tfl_speed = motor_speed[0]; tfr_speed = motor_speed[1]; trl_speed = motor_speed[2]; trr_speed = motor_speed[3]; bfl_speed = motor_speed[4]; bfr_speed = motor_speed[5]; brl_speed = motor_speed[6]; brr_speed = motor_speed[7]; omega = tfl_speed + brl_speed + trr_speed + bfr_speed - bfl_speed - trl_speed - brr_speed - tfr_speed; /* ** =================================================================== ** u roll: roll torque ** ** =================================================================== */ u_roll = arm_length->Value() * k_mot->Value() * (sigma->Value() * tfl_speed * tfl_speed + bfl_speed * bfl_speed + sigma->Value() * trl_speed * trl_speed + brl_speed * brl_speed - sigma->Value() * tfr_speed * tfr_speed - bfr_speed * bfr_speed - sigma->Value() * trr_speed * trr_speed - brr_speed * brr_speed) * sqrtf(2) / 2; /// Classical Nonlinear model of a quadrotor ( This is the w_x angular speed /// of the quadri in the body frame). It is a discrete integrator // state[0].W.x=(dT()/j_roll->Value())*((j_yaw->Value()-j_pitch->Value())*state[-1].W.y*state[-1].W.z-j_r->Value()*state[-1].W.y*omega // + u_roll) +state[-1].W.x;//Osamah state[0].W.x = (dT() / j_roll->Value()) * ((j_pitch->Value() - j_yaw->Value()) * state[-1].W.y * state[-1].W.z - j_r->Value() * state[-1].W.y * omega + u_roll) + state[-1].W.x; // Majd // state[0].W.x=(dT()/j_roll->Value())*(u_roll-m->Value()*G*l_cg->Value()*sinf(state[-2].W.x)-f_air_vert->Value()*arm_length->Value()*arm_length->Value()*state[-1].W.x)+state[-1].W.x; /* ** =================================================================== ** u pitch : pitch torque ** ** =================================================================== */ u_pitch = arm_length->Value() * k_mot->Value() * (sigma->Value() * tfl_speed * tfl_speed + bfl_speed * bfl_speed + sigma->Value() * tfr_speed * tfr_speed + bfr_speed * bfr_speed - sigma->Value() * trl_speed * trl_speed - brl_speed * brl_speed - sigma->Value() * trr_speed * trr_speed - brr_speed * brr_speed) * sqrtf(2) / 2; /// Classical Nonlinear model of a quadrotor ( This is the w_y angular speed /// of the quadri in the body frame). It is a discrete integrator // state[0].W.y=(dT()/j_pitch->Value())*((j_roll->Value()-j_yaw->Value())*state[-1].W.x*state[-1].W.z-j_r->Value()*state[-1].W.x*omega // + u_pitch)+state[-1].W.y;//Osamah state[0].W.y = (dT() / j_pitch->Value()) * ((j_yaw->Value() - j_roll->Value()) * state[-1].W.x * state[-1].W.z - j_r->Value() * state[-1].W.x * omega + u_pitch) + state[-1].W.y; // Majd // state[0].W.y=(dT()/j_pitch->Value())*(u_pitch-m->Value()*G*l_cg->Value()*sinf(state[-2].W.y)-f_air_vert->Value()*arm_length->Value()*arm_length->Value()*state[-1].W.y)+state[-1].W.y; /* ** =================================================================== ** u yaw : yaw torque ** ** =================================================================== */ u_yaw = c_mot->Value() * (tfl_speed * tfl_speed - bfl_speed * bfl_speed + trr_speed * trr_speed - brr_speed * brr_speed - tfr_speed * tfr_speed + bfr_speed * bfr_speed - trl_speed * trl_speed + brl_speed * brl_speed); /// Classical Nonlinear model of a quadrotor ( This is the w_z angular speed /// of the quadri in the body frame). It is a discrete integrator // state[0].W.z=(dT()/j_yaw->Value())* u_yaw +state[-1].W.z;//Osamah state[0].W.z = (dT() / j_yaw->Value()) * ((j_roll->Value() - j_pitch->Value()) * state[-1].W.x * state[-1].W.y + u_yaw) + state[-1].W.z; // Majd // state[0].W.z=(dT()/j_yaw->Value())*(u_yaw-f_air_lat->Value()*state[-1].W.z)+state[-1].W.z; // compute quaternion from W // Quaternion derivative: dQ = 0.5*(Q*Qw) Quaternion dQ = state[-1].Quat.GetDerivative(state[0].W); // Quaternion integration state[0].Quat = state[-1].Quat + dQ * dT(); state[0].Quat.Normalize(); // Calculation of the thrust from the reference speed of motors u_thrust = k_mot->Value() * S->Value() * (sigma->Value() * tfl_speed * tfl_speed + sigma->Value() * tfr_speed * tfr_speed + sigma->Value() * trl_speed * trl_speed + sigma->Value() * trr_speed * trr_speed + bfl_speed * bfl_speed + bfr_speed * bfr_speed + brl_speed * brl_speed + brr_speed * brr_speed); Vector3D vect(0, 0, -u_thrust); vect.Rotate(state[0].Quat); /* ** =================================================================== ** x double integrator ** ** =================================================================== */ state[0].Pos.x = (dT() * dT() / m->Value()) * (vect.x - f_air_lat->Value() * (state[-1].Pos.x - state[-2].Pos.x) / dT()) + 2 * state[-1].Pos.x - state[-2].Pos.x; state[0].Vel.x = (state[0].Pos.x - state[-1].Pos.x) / dT(); /* ** =================================================================== ** y double integrator ** ** =================================================================== */ state[0].Pos.y = (dT() * dT() / m->Value()) * (vect.y - f_air_lat->Value() * (state[-1].Pos.y - state[-2].Pos.y) / dT()) + 2 * state[-1].Pos.y - state[-2].Pos.y; state[0].Vel.y = (state[0].Pos.y - state[-1].Pos.y) / dT(); /* ** =================================================================== ** z double integrator ** ** =================================================================== */ state[0].Pos.z = (dT() * dT() / m->Value()) * (vect.z + f_air_vert->Value() * (state[-1].Pos.z - state[-2].Pos.z) / dT() + m->Value() * G) + 2 * state[-1].Pos.z - state[-2].Pos.z; state[0].Vel.z = (state[0].Pos.z - state[-1].Pos.z) / dT(); #ifndef GL if (state[0].Pos.z < 0) state[0].Pos.z = 0; #endif } } // end namespace simulator } // end namespace flair