1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | // created: 2014/01/14
6 | // filename: OpticalFlowCompensated.cpp
7 | //
8 | // author: Gildas Bayard
9 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
10 | //
11 | // version: $Id: $
12 | //
13 | // purpose: Compensate optical flow data for rotations
14 | //
15 | //
16 | /*********************************************************************/
17 | #include "OpticalFlowCompensated.h"
18 | #include <io_data.h>
19 | #include <Ahrs.h>
20 | #include <AhrsData.h>
21 | #include <OpticalFlow.h>
22 | #include <OpticalFlowData.h>
23 | #include <Euler.h>
24 | #include <Matrix.h>
25 | #include <Layout.h>
26 | #include <GroupBox.h>
27 | #include <SpinBox.h>
28 | #include <DoubleSpinBox.h>
29 |
30 | using std::string;
31 | using namespace flair::core;
32 | using namespace flair::gui;
33 |
34 | class OpticalFlowCompensated_impl {
35 | public:
36 | OpticalFlowCompensated_impl(flair::filter::OpticalFlowCompensated *self,const flair::filter::Ahrs *ahrs, const LayoutPosition* position, string name): ahrs(ahrs), output(NULL) {
37 | this->self=self;
38 | previousStepsAngularRates=new Vector3Df*[10];
39 | for (int i=0; i<10; i++) previousStepsAngularRates[i]=NULL;
40 | previousStepsAngularRatesIndex=0;
41 |
42 | GroupBox* reglages_groupbox=new GroupBox(position,name);
43 | //TODO: the gyroDelay is set to compensate for the time difference between image snapshot et gyro measurements
44 | //it is equal to the time between 2 images (because optical flow always lags 1 frame) + the time to compute optical flow
45 | //here it is approximated by 2 video frames
46 | gyroDelay=new SpinBox(reglages_groupbox->NewRow(),"gyro delay (in video frames):",0,10,1,2);
47 | gyroGain=new DoubleSpinBox(reglages_groupbox->LastRowLastCol(),"gyro gain:",0.,500.,10.,2,300.);
48 |
49 |
50 | }
51 |
52 | ~OpticalFlowCompensated_impl() {
53 | delete output;
54 | }
55 |
56 | void UpdateFrom(const io_data *data){
57 | flair::filter::OpticalFlowData *input=(flair::filter::OpticalFlowData *)data;
58 | if (!output) { //first pass
59 | output=new flair::filter::OpticalFlowData(self,input->MaxFeatures(),input->ObjectName()+"_filtered");
60 | previousTime=input->DataTime();
61 | return;
62 | }
63 | // float kX=320/Euler::ToRadian(70); //TEST: only for default simuCameraGL. fov=70° and image width=320 => k=320*180/(70*pi)
64 | // float kY=240/Euler::ToRadian(70); //TEST: only for default simuCameraGL. fov=70° and image height=240
65 | float kX=gyroGain->Value();
66 | float kY=gyroGain->Value();
67 | float deltaT=(input->DataTime()-previousTime)/(1000*1000*1000.);
68 | previousTime=input->DataTime();
69 |
70 | int delayedIndex=previousStepsAngularRatesIndex-gyroDelay->Value(); // Ahhh décalage, esprit canal...
71 | if (delayedIndex<0) delayedIndex+=10;
72 |
73 | if (!previousStepsAngularRates[previousStepsAngularRatesIndex]) {
74 | previousStepsAngularRates[previousStepsAngularRatesIndex]=new Vector3Df();
75 | }
76 | *previousStepsAngularRates[previousStepsAngularRatesIndex++]=ahrs->GetDatas()->GetAngularRates();
77 |
78 | if (!previousStepsAngularRates[delayedIndex]) return;
79 | float rotationFlowX=previousStepsAngularRates[delayedIndex]->y*deltaT*kY;
80 | float rotationFlowY=-previousStepsAngularRates[delayedIndex]->x*deltaT*kX;
81 | if (previousStepsAngularRatesIndex==10) previousStepsAngularRatesIndex=0;
82 | input->GetMutex();
83 | output->GetMutex();
84 |
85 | for (int i=0; i<input->NbFeatures(); i++) {
86 | output->PointsA()[i].x=input->PointsA()[i].x;
87 | output->PointsA()[i].y=input->PointsA()[i].y;
88 | output->PointsB()[i].x=input->PointsB()[i].x-rotationFlowX;
89 | output->PointsB()[i].y=input->PointsB()[i].y-rotationFlowY;
90 | }
91 | output->SetNbFeatures(input->NbFeatures());
92 | output->SetFoundFeature(input->FoundFeature());
93 | output->SetFeatureError(input->FeatureError());
94 |
95 | output->ReleaseMutex();
96 | input->ReleaseMutex();
97 |
98 | output->SetDataTime(input->DataTime());
99 |
100 | };
101 |
102 | flair::filter::OpticalFlowData *output;
103 |
104 | private:
105 | flair::filter::OpticalFlowCompensated *self;
106 | Time previousTime;
107 | const flair::filter::Ahrs *ahrs;
108 | Vector3Df **previousStepsAngularRates;
109 | unsigned int previousStepsAngularRatesIndex;
110 | SpinBox *gyroDelay;
111 | DoubleSpinBox *gyroGain;
112 | };
113 |
114 |
115 | namespace flair {
116 | namespace filter {
117 |
118 | OpticalFlowCompensated::OpticalFlowCompensated(const OpticalFlow *parent, const Ahrs *ahrs, const LayoutPosition* position, string name) : IODevice(parent, name) {
119 | pimpl_=new OpticalFlowCompensated_impl(this,ahrs,position,name);
120 |
121 | }
122 |
123 | OpticalFlowCompensated::~OpticalFlowCompensated() {
124 | delete pimpl_;
125 | }
126 |
127 | void OpticalFlowCompensated::UpdateFrom(const io_data *data) {
128 | pimpl_->UpdateFrom(data);
129 | ProcessUpdate(pimpl_->output);
130 | }
131 |
132 |
133 | } // end namespace filter
134 | } // end namespace flair