#!/bin/bash function info () { echo -e "\033[32m$1\033[0m" } function warn () { echo -e "\033[33m$1\033[0m" } function err () { echo -e "\033[31m$1\033[0m" exit 1 } #arg 1 cmake file #arg 2 old project name #arg 3 new project name function parse_cmakefile () { echo info "parsing ${1}" dir=$(dirname ${1}) #rename cpp and h files from cmakelist cat ${1} | grep cpp | grep $2 | while read file; do #remove \r file=$(echo $file | sed 's/\r//') new_file=$(echo ${file/$2/$3}) mv ${dir}/${file} ${dir}/${new_file} echo renamed $file to $new_file file=$(echo ${file/cpp/h}) if [ -f ${dir}/${file} ]; then new_file=$(echo ${file/$2/$3}) mv ${dir}/${file} ${dir}/${new_file} echo renamed $file to $new_file fi done #replace old project refeerence to new project un cmakelists sed -i "s/${2}/${3}/g" ${1} echo "changed reference of $2 to $3" } #arg 1 cpp file #arg 2 old project name #arg 3 new project name function parse_source_file () { echo info "parsing ${1}" sed -i "s/${2}/${3}/g" ${1} echo "changed reference of $2 to $3" } if [ "${2}" = "" ]; then err "usage clone_demo.sh path_to_source_demo destination_demo_name" fi if ! [ -f ${1}/CMakeLists.txt ]; then err "${1} directory does not contain CMakeLists.txt" fi echo cloning ${1} to ${2} warn "erasing output for debug" rm -rf ./${2} cp -r ${1} ./${2} cd ./${2} #get old project name from top cmakelists old_project=$(cat ./CMakeLists.txt | grep -i project\( | cut -d "(" -f2 | cut -d ")" -f1) echo "old project name is" $old_project #search all CMakeLists.txt, sort by depth and loop find -name "CMakeLists.txt" -printf '%h\0%d\0%p\n' | sort -t '\0' -n | awk -F '\0' '{print $3}' | while read cmakefile; do parse_cmakefile $cmakefile ${old_project} ${2} done #find all cpp files find ${dir} -name "*.cpp" | while read file; do parse_source_file $file ${old_project} ${2} done #find all h files find ${dir} -name "*.h" | while read file; do parse_source_file $file ${old_project} ${2} done #find all sh files find ${dir} -name "*.sh" | while read file; do parse_source_file $file ${old_project} ${2} done