DIR=build_$(uname -m) ### IMPORTANT: We don't use standard cmake_codeblocks script since we don't compile in release mode due to optimization problem (-03) ### #verifie l'existence du lien symbolique build if [ -d build ];then if ! readlink build > /dev/null ; then #it is a directory, exit to do not erase anything err "Error: build already exsits and is a directory; it should be a symlink." exit 1 fi if ! readlink build | grep -w $DIR >/dev/null; then echo "Warnink, build was pointing to another directory." fi rm build fi #creation du repertoire mkdir -p $DIR #creation du lien symbolique ln -s $DIR build #creation project x86 cd build rm -f CMakeCache.txt rm -rf CMakeFiles ${OECORE_HOST_NATIVE_SYSROOT}/usr/bin/cmake ../ -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${OECORE_CMAKE_HOST_TOOLCHAIN}