// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} #include "DataPlot2D.h" #include "Layout.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include DataPlot2D::DataPlot2D(Layout *parent, int row, int col, QString plot_name, QString x_name, QString y_name, float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, bool enabled, int period) : DataRemote(plot_name, "DataPlot2D", parent, enabled, period) { plot = new QwtPlot(NULL); plot->setEnabled(enabled); parent->addWidget(plot, row, col); visible_widget = plot; view_size = 20; // default 20s /* // Disable polygon clipping QwtPainter::setDeviceClipping(false); // We don't need the cache here plot->canvas()->setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintCached, false); plot->canvas()->setPaintAttribute(QwtPlotCanvas::PaintPacked, false); */ #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040000 #ifdef Q_WS_X11 /* Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen is only supported for X11, but leads to substantial bugs with Qt 4.2.x/Windows */ plot->canvas()->setAttribute(Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen, true); #endif #endif alignScales(); datas = new QList; datas_type = new QList; // Assign a title plot->setTitle(plot_name); // Axis plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::xBottom, x_name); setXAxisScale(xmin, xmax); plot->setAxisTitle(QwtPlot::yLeft, y_name); setYAxisScale(ymin, ymax); QwtPlotRescaler *rescaler = new QwtPlotRescaler(plot->canvas()); rescaler->setRescalePolicy(QwtPlotRescaler::Fixed); /* rescaler->setReferenceAxis(QwtPlot::xBottom); rescaler->setAspectRatio(QwtPlot::yLeft, 1.0);*/ // grid QwtPlotGrid *grid = new QwtPlotGrid; // grid->enableXMin(false); grid->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 0, Qt::DotLine)); // grid->setMinPen(QPen(Qt::gray, 0 , Qt::DotLine)); grid->attach(plot); // zoomer QwtPlotMagnifier *zoomer = new QwtPlotMagnifier(plot->canvas()); zoomer->setMouseButton(Qt::RightButton, Qt::ControlModifier); // scroller QwtPlotPanner *scroller = new QwtPlotPanner(plot->canvas()); // legend QwtLegend *new_legend = new QwtLegend(); new_legend->setDefaultItemMode(QwtLegendData::Checkable); plot->insertLegend(new_legend, QwtPlot::BottomLegend); connect(new_legend, SIGNAL(checked(const QVariant &, bool, int)), SLOT(legendChecked(const QVariant &, bool))); plot->canvas()->installEventFilter(this); } DataPlot2D::~DataPlot2D() { for (int i = 0; i < d_x.count(); i++) { free(d_x.at(i)); free(d_y.at(i)); } delete datas; delete datas_type; } void DataPlot2D::XmlEvent(QDomElement *dom) { if (dom->attribute("curve") != "") { QString type = dom->attribute("type"); int r = dom->attribute("r").toInt(); int g = dom->attribute("g").toInt(); int b = dom->attribute("b").toInt(); QString name = dom->attribute("curve"); addCurve(QPen(QColor(r, g, b, 255)), name, type); } else { double saved_refresh_rate=refresh_rate; XmlSetup(dom); if(refresh_rate!=saved_refresh_rate) {//copy datas for the new refresh rate with same view size double ratio=refresh_rate/saved_refresh_rate; for (int i = 0; i < datas->count(); i++) { double *bufx =(double *)malloc(view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); double *bufy =(double *)malloc(view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); for (int j=0;j<(int)(view_size/refresh_rate);j++) { bufx[j] = d_x.at(i)[(int)(j*ratio)]; bufy[j] = d_y.at(i)[(int)(j*ratio)]; } free(d_x[i]); d_x[i] = bufx; free(d_y[i]); d_y[i] = bufy; datas->at(i)->setRawSamples(d_x.at(i), d_y.at(i), view_size / refresh_rate); } } plot->setEnabled(IsEnabled()); } } bool DataPlot2D::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (o == plot->canvas()) { switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::MouseButtonPress: { mousePressEvent((QMouseEvent *)e); break; } default: break; } } return plot->eventFilter(o, e); } void DataPlot2D::legendChecked(const QVariant &itemInfo, bool on) { QwtPlotItem *plotItem = plot->infoToItem(itemInfo); if (plotItem) showCurve(plotItem, on); } void DataPlot2D::showCurve(QwtPlotItem *item, bool on) { item->setVisible(on); QwtLegend *lgd = qobject_cast(plot->legend()); QList legendWidgets = lgd->legendWidgets(plot->itemToInfo(item)); if (legendWidgets.size() == 1) { QwtLegendLabel *legendLabel = qobject_cast(legendWidgets[0]); if (legendLabel) legendLabel->setChecked(on); } plot->replot(); } void DataPlot2D::addCurve(QPen pen, QString legend, QString type) { double *new_dx; new_dx = (double *)malloc(view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); d_x.append(new_dx); double *new_dy; new_dy = (double *)malloc(view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); d_y.append(new_dy); // Initialize data for (int i = 0; i < view_size / refresh_rate; i++) new_dx[i] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < view_size / refresh_rate; i++) new_dy[i] = 0; // Insert new curve QwtPlotCurve *new_data; new_data = new QwtPlotCurve(legend); new_data->attach(plot); new_data->setPen(pen); datas->append(new_data); showCurve(new_data, true); datas_type->append(type); bool tmp = true; datas_first_update.append(tmp); // Attach (don't copy) data. Both curves use the same x array. new_data->setRawSamples(new_dx, new_dy, view_size / refresh_rate); if (type == "float") { receivesize += sizeof(float); } else if (type == "int8_t") { receivesize += sizeof(int8_t); } else if (type == "int16_t") { receivesize += sizeof(int16_t); } else { fprintf(stderr,"DataPlot2D::addCurve unknown type %s\n", type.toLocal8Bit().constData()); } } void DataPlot2D::setXAxisScale(float xmin, float xmax) { xmin_orig = xmin; xmax_orig = xmax; plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, xmin_orig, xmax_orig); } void DataPlot2D::setYAxisScale(float ymin, float ymax) { ymin_orig = ymin; ymax_orig = ymax; plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, ymin_orig, ymax_orig); } // // Set a plain canvas frame and align the scales to it // void DataPlot2D::alignScales(void) { // The code below shows how to align the scales to // the canvas frame, but is also a good example demonstrating // why the spreaded API needs polishing. /* plot->canvas()->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain ); plot->canvas()->setLineWidth(1); */ for (int i = 0; i < QwtPlot::axisCnt; i++) { QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = (QwtScaleWidget *)plot->axisWidget(i); if (scaleWidget) scaleWidget->setMargin(0); QwtScaleDraw *scaleDraw = (QwtScaleDraw *)plot->axisScaleDraw(i); if (scaleDraw) scaleDraw->enableComponent(QwtAbstractScaleDraw::Backbone, false); } } void DataPlot2D::BufEvent(char **buf, int *buf_size, uint16_t period, bool big_endian) { if (IsEnabled() == false || RefreshRate_ms() != period) return; for (int i = 0; i < datas->count(); i++) { if (datas_type->at(i) == "float") { uint32_t data1_raw; float *data1 = (float *)&data1_raw; uint32_t data2_raw; float *data2 = (float *)&data2_raw; memcpy((void *)&data1_raw, *buf, sizeof(uint32_t)); *buf += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy((void *)&data2_raw, *buf, sizeof(uint32_t)); *buf += sizeof(uint32_t); if (big_endian == true) data1_raw = qFromBigEndian(data1_raw); if (big_endian == true) data2_raw = qFromBigEndian(data2_raw); plot_data(*data1, *data2, i); } else if (datas_type->at(i) == "int8_t") { int8_t data1, data2; memcpy((void *)&data1, *buf, sizeof(data1)); *buf += sizeof(data1); memcpy((void *)&data2, *buf, sizeof(data2)); *buf += sizeof(data2); plot_data(data1, data2, i); } else if (datas_type->at(i) == "int16_t") { int16_t data1, data2; memcpy((void *)&data1, *buf, sizeof(data1)); *buf += sizeof(data1); memcpy((void *)&data2, *buf, sizeof(data2)); *buf += sizeof(data2); plot_data(data1, data2, i); } else { fprintf(stderr,"DataPlot2D::DrawDatas type non connu\n"); } } plot->replot(); } void DataPlot2D::plot_data(double data_x, double data_y, int index) { if (index < d_y.count()) { if (datas_first_update.at(index) == false) { // Shift y array left and assign new value to y[view_size/refresh_rate-1]. for (int j = 0; j < view_size / refresh_rate - 1; j++) d_y.at(index)[j] = d_y.at(index)[j + 1]; for (int j = 0; j < view_size / refresh_rate - 1; j++) d_x.at(index)[j] = d_x.at(index)[j + 1]; d_y.at(index)[(int)(view_size / refresh_rate) - 1] = data_y; d_x.at(index)[(int)(view_size / refresh_rate) - 1] = data_x; } else { for (int j = 0; j <= view_size / refresh_rate - 1; j++) d_y.at(index)[j] = data_y; for (int j = 0; j <= view_size / refresh_rate - 1; j++) d_x.at(index)[j] = data_x; datas_first_update[index] = false; } } } // context menu void DataPlot2D::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) { QMenu *menu = new QMenu("nom", plot); // ajout des actions QAction *reset_zoom, *set_view_size, *action; reset_zoom = menu->addAction("reset zoom"); menu->addSeparator(); set_view_size = menu->addAction(QString("set view size (%1s)").arg(view_size)); appendmenu(menu); action = execmenu(plot, menu, event->globalPos()); delete menu; if (action == reset_zoom) { // zoom to original size plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::yLeft, ymin_orig, ymax_orig); plot->setAxisScale(QwtPlot::xBottom, xmin_orig, xmax_orig); } if (action == set_view_size) { bool ok; float new_view_size = QInputDialog::getInt( plot, QString("Set view size (%1)").arg(plot->title().text()), tr("Value (s):"), view_size, 1, 65535, 10, &ok); if (ok == true) { for (int i = 0; i < datas->count(); i++) { if (new_view_size > view_size) {//get last samples and expand double *buf =(double *)malloc(new_view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); memcpy(&buf[(int)(new_view_size / refresh_rate)-(int)(view_size / refresh_rate)], d_x[i], (view_size / refresh_rate) * sizeof(double)); free(d_x[i]); d_x[i] = buf; buf =(double *)malloc(new_view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); memcpy(&buf[(int)(new_view_size / refresh_rate)-(int)(view_size / refresh_rate)], d_y[i], (view_size / refresh_rate) * sizeof(double)); free(d_y[i]); d_y[i] = buf; for (int j=0;j<(int)(new_view_size/refresh_rate)-(int)(view_size/refresh_rate);j++) { d_x.at(i)[j] = d_x.at(i)[(int)(new_view_size/refresh_rate)-(int)(view_size/refresh_rate)+1]; d_y.at(i)[j] = d_y.at(i)[(int)(new_view_size/refresh_rate)-(int)(view_size/refresh_rate)+1]; } } else {//get last samples double *buf =(double *)malloc(new_view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); memcpy(buf, &d_x[i][(int)(view_size / refresh_rate)-(int)(new_view_size / refresh_rate)],(new_view_size / refresh_rate) * sizeof(double)); free(d_x[i]); d_x[i] = buf; buf =(double *)malloc(new_view_size / refresh_rate * sizeof(double)); memcpy(buf, &d_y[i][(int)(view_size / refresh_rate) -(int)(new_view_size / refresh_rate)],(new_view_size / refresh_rate) * sizeof(double)); free(d_y[i]); d_y[i] = buf; } datas->at(i)->setRawSamples(d_x.at(i), d_y.at(i), new_view_size / refresh_rate); } view_size = new_view_size; } } } }