// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} #include "Layout.h" #include "TabWidget.h" #include "GroupBox.h" #include "GridLayout.h" #include "SpinBox.h" #include "DoubleSpinBox.h" #include "Vector3DSpinBox.h" #include "CheckBox.h" #include "ComboBox.h" #include "PushButton.h" #include "TextEdit.h" #include "Label.h" #include "DataPlot1D.h" #include "DataPlot2D.h" #include "RangeFinderPlot.h" #include "UsSensorPlot.h" #include "Picture.h" #include "Map.h" #include #include #include "ListWidget.h" #include Layout::Layout(QWidget *parent, XmlWidget *xml, QString name, QString type) : XmlWidget(name, type, xml) { qgridlayout = new QGridLayout(parent); Constructor(name); } Layout::Layout(Layout *parent, QString name, QString type) : XmlWidget(name, type, parent) { qgridlayout = new QGridLayout(new QWidget()); Constructor(name); } void Layout::Constructor(QString name) { visible_widget = qgridlayout->parentWidget(); // if(visible_widget==NULL) fprintf(stderr,"null\n"); qgridlayout->setObjectName(name); // fprintf(stderr,"layout\n%s\n",XmlDoc().toString().toLocal8Bit().constData()); SetIsContainer(true); SetIsExpandable(true); qgridlayout->setHorizontalSpacing(2); qgridlayout->setVerticalSpacing(2); qgridlayout->setContentsMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); // splitter = new QSplitter(); // addWidget(splitter); /* QWidget *widget = new QWidget(); //QHBoxLayout *parentLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); widget->setLayout(this); parent->addWidget(widget); //QTabWidget *tabWidget = new QTabWidget(); //parentLayout->addWidget(tabWidget);*/ } Layout::~Layout() { delete qgridlayout; } void Layout::addWidget(QWidget *widget, int row, int column) { qgridlayout->addWidget(widget, row, column); } QGridLayout *Layout::getQGridLayout() { return qgridlayout; } void Layout::XmlEvent(QDomElement *dom) { XmlWidget *widget = NULL; QString type = dom->tagName(); QString name = dom->attribute("name"); QString old_name = dom->attribute("old_name"); int row = dom->attribute("row").toInt(); int col = dom->attribute("col").toInt(); // initially rowCount()=1 and columnCount()=1 but count()=0 ! // new row if (row == -1 && col == -1) { row = qgridlayout->rowCount(); if (qgridlayout->count() == 0) row = 0; col = 0; } // last row last col if (row == -1 && col == 0) { row = qgridlayout->rowCount() - 1; int i; for (i = 0; i <= qgridlayout->columnCount(); i++) { if (qgridlayout->itemAtPosition(row, i) == NULL) break; } col = i; } // if an item already exists at this position, put it on a new row if (qgridlayout->itemAtPosition(row, col) != NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"widget %s: (%i,%i) already exists\n", name.toLocal8Bit().constData(),row, col); row = qgridlayout->rowCount(); fprintf(stderr,"using (%i,%i) for %s\n", row, col,name.toLocal8Bit().constData()); } if (type == "TabWidget") { int position = dom->attribute("position").toInt(); widget = new TabWidget(this, row, col, name, (QTabWidget::TabPosition)position); } if (type == "GroupBox") { widget = new GroupBox(this, row, col, name); } if (type == "GridLayout") { widget = new GridLayout(this, row, col, name); } if (type == "SpinBox") { int value = dom->attribute("value").toInt(); QString suffix = dom->attribute("suffix"); int min = dom->attribute("min").toInt(); int max = dom->attribute("max").toInt(); int step = dom->attribute("step").toInt(); widget = new SpinBox(this, row, col, name, suffix, value, min, max, step); } if (type == "DoubleSpinBox") { QString value = dom->attribute("value"); QString suffix = dom->attribute("suffix"); double min = dom->attribute("min").toDouble(); double max = dom->attribute("max").toDouble(); double step = dom->attribute("step").toDouble(); uint16_t decimals = dom->attribute("decimals").toUShort(); widget = new DoubleSpinBox(this, row, col, name, suffix, value, min, max, step, decimals); } if (type == "Vector3DSpinBox") { QString value[3]; value[0] = dom->attribute("value_x"); value[1] = dom->attribute("value_y"); value[2] = dom->attribute("value_z"); double min = dom->attribute("min").toDouble(); double max = dom->attribute("max").toDouble(); double step = dom->attribute("step").toDouble(); uint16_t decimals = dom->attribute("decimals").toUShort(); widget = new Vector3DSpinBox(this, row, col, name, value, min, max, step, decimals); } if (type == "CheckBox") { int value = dom->attribute("value").toInt(); widget = new CheckBox(this, row, col, name, value); } if (type == "ComboBox") { uint16_t value = dom->attribute("value").toUShort(); widget = new ComboBox(this, row, col, name, value); } if (type == "PushButton") { widget = new PushButton(this, row, col, name); } if (type == "DataPlot1D") { float ymin = dom->attribute("min").toFloat(); float ymax = dom->attribute("max").toFloat(); int enabled = dom->attribute("enabled").toInt(); uint16_t period = dom->attribute("period").toUShort(); uint16_t nb_buffering = dom->attribute("nb_buf").toUShort(); if(period==0) period=100; if (enabled == 1) { widget = new DataPlot1D(this, row, col, name, ymin, ymax, true, period,nb_buffering); } else { widget = new DataPlot1D(this, row, col, name, ymin, ymax, false, period,nb_buffering); } } if (type == "DataPlot2D") { float xmin = dom->attribute("xmin").toFloat(); float xmax = dom->attribute("xmax").toFloat(); float ymin = dom->attribute("ymin").toFloat(); float ymax = dom->attribute("ymax").toFloat(); QString x_name = dom->attribute("x_name"); QString y_name = dom->attribute("y_name"); int enabled = dom->attribute("enabled").toInt(); uint16_t period = dom->attribute("period").toUShort(); uint16_t nb_buffering = dom->attribute("nb_buf").toUShort(); if(period==0) period=100; if (enabled == 1) { widget = new DataPlot2D(this, row, col, name, x_name, y_name, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, true, period,nb_buffering); } else { widget = new DataPlot2D(this, row, col, name, x_name, y_name, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, false, period,nb_buffering); } } if (type == "UsSensorPlot") { float ymin = dom->attribute("ymin").toFloat(); float ymax = dom->attribute("ymax").toFloat(); QString y_name = dom->attribute("y_name"); int enabled = dom->attribute("enabled").toInt(); uint16_t period = dom->attribute("period").toUShort(); QString type = dom->attribute("type"); int samples = dom->attribute("samples").toInt(); if(period==0) period=100; if (enabled == 1) { widget = new UsSensorPlot(this, row, col, name, y_name, ymin, ymax, samples,type,true, period); } else { widget = new UsSensorPlot(this, row, col, name, y_name, ymin, ymax, samples,type,false, period); } } if (type == "RangeFinderPlot") { float xmin = dom->attribute("xmin").toFloat(); float xmax = dom->attribute("xmax").toFloat(); float ymin = dom->attribute("ymin").toFloat(); float ymax = dom->attribute("ymax").toFloat(); QString x_name = dom->attribute("x_name"); QString y_name = dom->attribute("y_name"); QString data_type = dom->attribute("type"); float start_angle = dom->attribute("start_angle").toFloat(); float end_angle = dom->attribute("end_angle").toFloat(); uint32_t nb_samples = dom->attribute("nb_samples").toUInt(); int enabled = dom->attribute("enabled").toInt(); uint16_t period = dom->attribute("period").toUShort(); int invert_axis = dom->attribute("invert_axis").toInt(); bool invert_axis_bool; if (invert_axis == 0) { invert_axis_bool = false; } else { invert_axis_bool = true; } if(period==0) period=100; if (enabled == 1) { widget = new RangeFinderPlot(this, row, col, name, x_name, y_name, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, start_angle, end_angle, nb_samples, data_type, invert_axis, true, period); } else { widget = new RangeFinderPlot(this, row, col, name, x_name, y_name, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, start_angle, end_angle, nb_samples, data_type, invert_axis, false, period); } } if (type == "Picture") { int width = dom->attribute("width").toInt(); int height = dom->attribute("height").toInt(); int enabled = dom->attribute("enabled").toInt(); uint16_t period = dom->attribute("period").toUShort(); if(period==0) period=100; if (enabled == 1) { widget = new Picture(this, row, col, name, width, height, true, period); } else { widget = new Picture(this, row, col, name, width, height, false, period); } } if (type == "Map") { uint16_t period = dom->attribute("period").toUShort(); int enabled = dom->attribute("enabled").toInt(); int i = 0; QList coordinates; while (dom->hasAttribute("lat" + QString::number(i))) { double latitude = dom->attribute("lat" + QString::number(i)).toDouble(); double longitude = dom->attribute("long" + QString::number(i)).toDouble(); double alt = dom->attribute("alt" + QString::number(i)).toDouble(); QtMobility::QGeoCoordinate coordinate = QtMobility::QGeoCoordinate(latitude, longitude, alt); coordinates.append(coordinate); i++; } if(period==0) period=100; if (enabled == 1) { widget = new Map(this, row, col, name, coordinates, true, period); } else { widget = new Map(this, row, col, name, coordinates, false, period); } } if (type == "TextEdit") { widget = new TextEdit(this, row, col, name); } if (type == "Label") { widget = new Label(this, row, col, name); } if (type == "ListWidget") { // Parse the item list QStringList items; int count = 0; while (dom->hasAttribute("item" + QString::number(count))) { QString item = dom->attribute("item" + QString::number(count)); items.append(item); count++; } widget = new ListWidget(this, row, col, name, items); } if (widget != NULL) { if (old_name != "") { widget->RenamedFrom(old_name); } } } bool Layout::IsUptodate(void) { for (int i = 0; i < childs->count(); i++) { if (childs->at(i)->IsUptodate() == false) return false; } return true; }