// %flair:license{ // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %flair:license} #include "XmlWidget.h" #include #include "ConnectionLayout.h" #include XmlWidget::XmlWidget(QString name, QString type, XmlWidget *parent) : QObject() { childs = new QList; isContainer = false; isExpandable = false; visible_widget = NULL; parent_widget = parent; red_pal.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor(255, 0, 0)); red_pal.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(255, 0, 0)); red_pal_greyed.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor(128, 0, 0)); red_pal_greyed.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(128, 0, 0)); black_pal.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor(0, 0, 0)); black_pal.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(0, 0, 0)); black_pal_greyed.setColor(QPalette::Text, QColor(128, 128, 128)); black_pal_greyed.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, QColor(128, 128, 128)); setObjectName(name); if (parent != NULL) { parent->childs->append(this); document = parent->document.cloneNode(true).toDocument(); write_elem = QDomElement(document.createElement(type)); write_elem.setAttribute("name", name); // recupere le node le plus profond QDomNode node = document.firstChild(); while (node.firstChild().isNull() == false) { node = node.firstChild(); } node.appendChild(write_elem); } else { document = QDomDocument("remote_ui_xml"); write_elem = QDomElement(document.createElement(type)); write_elem.setAttribute("name", name); document.appendChild(write_elem); } } XmlWidget::~XmlWidget() { if (parent_widget != NULL) parent_widget->childs->removeOne(this); // on efface les widgets enfants // dans le delete child on modifie le child du parent, donc on se refere // toujours au premier while (childs->count() != 0) { delete childs->first(); } delete childs; if (visible_widget != NULL) { delete visible_widget; } } QString XmlWidget::Name(void) { return write_elem.attribute("name"); } void XmlWidget::SetIsContainer(bool status) { isContainer = status; } void XmlWidget::SetIsExpandable(bool status) { isExpandable = status; } XmlWidget *XmlWidget::GetXmlWidget(QString name, QString type) { // printf("recherche %s // %s\n",name.toLocal8Bit().constData(),type.toLocal8Bit().constData()); for (int i = 0; i < childs->count(); i++) { // printf("child name // %s\n",childs->at(i)->write_elem.attribute("name").toLocal8Bit().constData()); // printf("child tag // %s\n",childs->at(i)->write_elem.tagName().toLocal8Bit().constData()); if (childs->at(i)->write_elem.attribute("name") == name && childs->at(i)->write_elem.tagName() == type) return childs->at(i); } return NULL; } void XmlWidget::ParseXml(QDomElement to_parse) { if (to_parse.isNull()) return; QString type = to_parse.tagName(); QString name = to_parse.attribute("name"); // printf("parse %s // %s\n",type.toLocal8Bit().constData(),name.toLocal8Bit().constData()); XmlWidget *match; match = GetXmlWidget(name, type); if (match == NULL) { // printf("not match\n"); XmlEvent(to_parse); } else { // printf("match\n"); // si on a une balise IsEnabled, on ne traite que ca if (match->visible_widget != NULL) { if (to_parse.attribute("IsEnabled") == "0") { match->visible_widget->setEnabled(false); return; } if (to_parse.attribute("IsEnabled") == "1") { match->visible_widget->setEnabled(true); return; } } // si on a une balise delete, on ne traite que ca if (to_parse.attribute("Delete") == "1") { // printf("delete flag\n"); if (match->isContainer == true && match->childs->count() != 0) { // printf("non vide // %s\n",match->objectName().toLocal8Bit().constData()); return; } delete match; return; } if (to_parse.firstChild().isNull() == true && match->isExpandable == false) { QString new_name; printf("possible doublon\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 65535; i++) { new_name = QString("%1_%2").arg(name).arg(i); bool continuer = false; for (int i = 0; i < childs->count(); i++) { if (childs->at(i)->write_elem.attribute("name") == new_name) { continuer = true; break; } } if (continuer == false) break; } printf("new_name %s\n", new_name.toLocal8Bit().constData()); to_parse.setAttribute("name", new_name); to_parse.setAttribute("old_name", name); XmlEvent(to_parse); // return -1;//ou retourner le xml a renvoyer pour chager de nom } else { if (to_parse.firstChild().toElement().isNull()) { match->XmlEvent(to_parse); return; } else { match->ParseXml(to_parse.firstChild().toElement()); } } } } void XmlWidget::LoadXml(QDomElement to_parse) { if (to_parse.isNull()) return; LoadEvent(to_parse); QDomElement elem = to_parse.firstChild().toElement(); while (!elem.isNull()) { QString type = elem.tagName(); QString name = elem.attribute("name"); // printf("%s // %s\n",type.toLocal8Bit().constData(),name.toLocal8Bit().constData()); XmlWidget *match; match = GetXmlWidget(name, type); if (match != NULL) { // printf("match\n"); match->LoadXml(elem); } elem = elem.nextSibling().toElement(); } } void XmlWidget::GetFullXml(QDomElement *doc) { QDomDocument tmp_doc = XmlDoc(); merge((QDomElement *)&tmp_doc, doc); for (int i = 0; i < childs->count(); i++) { childs->at(i)->GetFullXml(doc); } } void XmlWidget::GetUpdateXml(QDomElement *doc) { if (IsUptodate() == false && isContainer == false) { SetUptodate(); QDomDocument tmp_doc = XmlDoc(); merge((QDomElement *)&tmp_doc, doc); } for (int i = 0; i < childs->count(); i++) { childs->at(i)->GetUpdateXml(doc); } } void XmlWidget::ResetAllChilds(void) { Reset(); for (int i = 0; i < childs->count(); i++) { childs->at(i)->ResetAllChilds(); } } void XmlWidget::merge(QDomElement *from, QDomElement *into) { QDomElement tmp_into, tmp_from; tmp_from = from->firstChildElement(); while (tmp_from.isNull() == false) { // search corresponding child bool match = false; tmp_into = into->firstChildElement(tmp_from.tagName()); while (tmp_into.isNull() == false) { if (tmp_into.attribute("name") == tmp_from.attribute("name")) { merge(&tmp_from, &tmp_into); match = true; break; } tmp_into = tmp_into.nextSiblingElement(tmp_from.tagName()); } if (match == false) { into->appendChild(tmp_from.cloneNode()); } tmp_from = tmp_from.nextSiblingElement(); } } QDomDocument XmlWidget::XmlDoc(void) { return document.cloneNode(true).toDocument(); } QDomElement *XmlWidget::AddXmlChild(QString type) { QDomElement *elem; elem = new QDomElement(document.createElement(type)); write_elem.appendChild(*elem); return elem; } void XmlWidget::RemoveXmlChild(QDomElement *element) { write_elem.removeChild(*element); delete element; } void XmlWidget::ClearDoc(void) { document.clear(); } void XmlWidget::SetValue(QString value) { write_elem.setAttribute("value", value); } void XmlWidget::SetAttribute(const QString &name, const QString &value) { write_elem.setAttribute(name, value); } void XmlWidget::SetAttribute(const QString &name, qlonglong value) { write_elem.setAttribute(name, value); } void XmlWidget::SetAttribute(const QString &name, qulonglong value) { write_elem.setAttribute(name, value); } void XmlWidget::SetAttribute(const QString &name, float value) { write_elem.setAttribute(name, value); } void XmlWidget::SetAttribute(const QString &name, double value) { write_elem.setAttribute(name, value); } void XmlWidget::RemoveAttribute(const QString &name) { write_elem.removeAttribute(name); } void XmlWidget::RemoveAllAttributes() { QString name = write_elem.attribute("name"); QDomNamedNodeMap attributes=write_elem.attributes(); while(attributes.count()!=0) { printf("%i %s\n",attributes.count(),attributes.item(0).toAttr().name().toLocal8Bit().constData()); write_elem.removeAttribute(attributes.item(0).toAttr().name()); } SetAttribute("name", name); } void XmlWidget::RenamedFrom(QString old_name) { QString name = write_elem.attribute("name"); SetAttribute("name", old_name); SetAttribute("new_name", name); connectionLayout()->XmlToSend(XmlDoc()); SetAttribute("name", name); write_elem.removeAttribute("new_name"); } ConnectionLayout *XmlWidget::connectionLayout(void) { if (parent_widget != NULL) { return (ConnectionLayout *)(parent_widget->connectionLayout()); } else { return (ConnectionLayout *)this; } }