* Actual Version: - added lib/FlairCore/src/Semaphore.cpp - added fixed cameras in simulator, see $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-bin/models/indoor_fligh t_arena.xml for an exemple - added lib/FlairVisionFilter: some basic vision algorithms using opencv. Note that this lib can be remplaced by HdsVisionFilter if you have access to it, in order to use the DSP in HDS UAV's. See also https://devel.hds.utc.fr/software/flair/wiki/hds_users - added demos/OpticalFlow: stabilization using optical flow (vertical camera) - resolved https://devel.hds.utc.fr/software/flair/ticket/8 - Uav class is now a singleton - VrpnClient class is now a singleton ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.0.2: - src/SensorActuator: quaternion support for 3dmgx3 - tool/FlairGCS: added rx rate display - demos/SimpleFleet: new demo, 2 UAVs coordination - src/FlairSimulator: added fixed camera ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.0.1: -original commit