* Actual Version: - resolved bug when not using hdsvisionfilter but using cameras on DM3730 (ardrone2) - added indicator of high communication usage in gcs - resolved bug with UdpSocket broadcast - resolved bug with altitude in UavStateMachine (https://devel.hds.utc.fr/projects/igep/ticket/71) - preliminary support of ipc to comunicate between ros, ardupilot, simulink, etc ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.3.1: - added preliminary support for ugv and parrot sumo ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.3: - new build system, now out of source; binaries are no longer provided in repositories - corrected a bug with vrpn delta time calculation - const TargetController *UavStateMachine::GetJoystick as been replaced by const TargetController *UavStateMachine::GetTargetController - new method MetaDualShock3 *UavStateMachine::GetJoystick - completely removed cvmatrix - replaced cvmatrix_descriptor by MatrixDescriptor - completely removed dependency with opencv 1.1 ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.2.0: - replaced cvmatrix by Matrix - added a timeout on SimuBldc: if nothing is sent within the timeout, motors will stop - added pressure sensor - file_ui com is only created when sending logs from uav to gcs (reduce overall data exchange between the 2) - resolved https://devel.hds.utc.fr/projects/flair/ticket/37 - added a saturation to EulerDerivative: saturate in case of numerical problems ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.1.2: - added GPS to the UAVs, add "use_gps=true" to the UAV creation (see demos/Gps/uav/src/main.cpp) - corrected bug: FrameworkManager::SetupConnection now really uses the timeout parameter - added RotationType_t to OneAxisRotation constructor. It should handle pre and post rotation (frame changes and embdedd sensor rotation). Still need to be heavily tested and maybe rewritten - Gx3_25_imu: quaternion are better handled (no more discontinuities) - added logs of imu among logs of ahrs ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.1.0: - added GSA nmea sentence - resolved https://devel.hds.utc.fr/software/flair/ticket/18 - Vector2D and Vector3D are now templates. Replace all Vector2D to Vector2Df and Vector3D to Vector3Df to keep compatibility. - resolved https://devel.hds.utc.fr/software/flair/ticket/17 - resolved https://devel.hds.utc.fr/software/flair/ticket/16 - added lib/FlairCore/src/Semaphore.cpp - added fixed cameras in simulator, see $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-bin/models/indoor_fligh t_arena.xml for an exemple - added lib/FlairVisionFilter: some basic vision algorithms using opencv. Note that this lib can be remplaced by HdsVisionFilter if you have access to it, in order to use the DSP in HDS UAV's. See also https://devel.hds.utc.fr/software/flair/wiki/hds_users - added demos/OpticalFlow: stabilization using optical flow (vertical camera) - resolved https://devel.hds.utc.fr/software/flair/ticket/8 - Uav class is now a singleton - VrpnClient class is now a singleton - VrpnObject no longer outputs Euler (only Quaternion): warning, output matrix has changed! ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.0.2: - src/SensorActuator: quaternion support for 3dmgx3 - tool/FlairGCS: added rx rate display - demos/SimpleFleet: new demo, 2 UAVs coordination - src/FlairSimulator: added fixed camera ----------------------------------------------------------- * Tag 0.0.1: -original commit