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Fl-AIR - Framework libre AIR

}}} Fl-AIR is a framework written in C++ that aims at helping the development of applications for robots, and more specially for UAVs. It is licensed under [http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL-C_V1-en.html Cecill-C] license. WARNING: version 0.0.1 has a bug with HdsX8. Please use version 0.0.2 or latest. == News == * __3 november 2016__: version 0.0.2 is available, see [wiki:repo/up updating repositories] == Documentation == * [wiki:how_it_works How Fl-AIR works] * [wiki:prerequisite Prérequis] * getting started: * [wiki:setup Setup your computer] * [wiki:toolchain/install Install toolchains] * Subversion repositories * [wiki:repo/desc Description] * [wiki:repo/sync Get repositories] * [wiki:repo/up Updating repositories] * [wiki:compile_all Compile libraries, demos and tools] * Demos: provided demos are good starting points if you want to write your own application * [wiki:sinus Sinus demo]: Filter and Ground Control Station features * [wiki:circlefollower Circle follower demo]: Simulation and control programs for a UAV * [wiki:simplefleet Simple fleet demo]: Simulation and control programs for a fleet of 2 UAVs * [wiki:skeletons Skeletons]: skeletons are also good starting points to write applications, as they are very minimalistic * [wiki:hds_users Additional software for Heudiasyc users] * [wiki:documentation Fl-AIR documentation] * [wiki:coding_style Coding Style] * [wiki:troubleshooting Troubleshooting]