@echo off echo ################################################# echo # ___________ ____ ______ __ __ _____ # echo # \____ \__ \ _/ ___\\____ \^| ^| \/ ___/ # echo # ^| ^|_^> ^> __ \\ \___^| ^|_^> ^> ^| /\___ \ # echo # ^| __(____ /\___ ^> __/^|____//____ ^> # echo # ^|__^| \/ \/^|__^| \/ # echo # # echo ################################################# echo: echo ======================================== echo PACPUS BUILD MSVC echo ======================================== echo: :preamble :: Check the args if "%1" == "" goto usage :: Check if the user is in the build directory if not exist "%CD%\..\README.txt" goto usage :: Args ok, go to build goto build :usage echo Usage: echo build-msvc.bat [install_dir] echo The script must be run in the build directory, which is 'trunk\build' echo: echo Where: echo install_dir is the installation directory of the library echo: echo For instance, here is how to build Pacpus: echo ..\scripts\build-msvc.bat "D:\Libraries\Pacpus" echo: goto exit :build :: Root of the repository set root_dir=%CD%\.. :: Initialize the environment of log4cxx set LOG4CXX_ROOT=%root_dir%\3rd\apache-log4cxx :: Initialize the build cmake .. -DPACPUS_INSTALL_DIR="%1" -DPACPUS_INSTALL_3RD=TRUE -DPACPUS_USE_LOG=TRUE -DPACPUS_INSTALL_WITH_VERSION_NUMBER=TRUE :: Build in debug and release rem msbuild Pacpus.sln /p:Configuration=Debug rem msbuild Pacpus.sln /p:Configuration=Release :: Install rem msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Debug rem msbuild INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release echo Build finished, do not forget to check the MSVC's output :exit pause