1 | #include <Pacpus/kernel/ConnectionManager.h>
2 | #include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
3 |
4 | using namespace pacpus;
5 |
6 | DECLARE_STATIC_LOGGER("pacpus.core.ConnectionManager");
7 |
8 | ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager()
9 | {
10 | LOG_TRACE("constructor");
11 | }
12 |
13 | ConnectionManager::~ConnectionManager()
14 | {
15 | LOG_TRACE("destructor");
16 | }
17 |
18 | ConnectionManager * ConnectionManager::getInstance()
19 | {
20 | LOG_TRACE("getInstance()");
21 | LOG_TRACE("before: mInstance = " << mInstance);
22 |
23 | if (!mInstance)
24 | {
25 | LOG_INFO("creating new instance...");
26 | mInstance = new ConnectionManager();
27 | LOG_DEBUG("mInstance = " << mInstance);
28 | }
29 |
30 | LOG_TRACE("after: mInstance = " << mInstance);
31 | return mInstance;
32 | }
33 |
34 | //void ConnectionManager::LoadConnection()
35 |
36 | void ConnectionManager::setConnection()
37 | {
39 |
40 | ComponentManager * mgr = ComponentManager::getInstance();
41 |
42 | // TODO read XML file and build ConnectionList
43 | QList<ConnectionDescriptor> ConnectionList;
44 | ConnectionList.append(ConnectionDescriptor("testComponent1", "image", "testComponent2", "image", "type"));
45 |
46 | ComponentBase * sender, * receiver;
47 | InputInterfaceBase * in;
48 | OutputInterfaceBase * out;
49 |
50 | for (QList<ConnectionDescriptor>::iterator i = ConnectionList.begin(); i != ConnectionList.end(); ++i) {
51 | // TODO Handle errors
52 | sender = mgr->getComponent(i->_outputComponent);
53 | out = sender->getOutput(i->_outputName);
54 |
55 | receiver = mgr->getComponent(i->_inputComponent);
56 | in = receiver->getInput(i->_inputName);
57 |
58 | //connect(out,SIGNAL(),in,SLOT()); // TODO make connection
59 |
60 | LOG_INFO(" Output " << "out" << " connected to " << "in") // TODO replace out / in
61 | }
62 |
63 | // CledComponent * cledComponent = (CledComponent*) m_component[cName];
64 |
65 | // InputInterface<ScanAlascaData> * in1 = static_cast<InputInterface<ScanAlascaData> *> (cledComponent->input.at(0));
66 | // OutputInterface<ScanAlascaData> * out1 = static_cast<OutputInterface<ScanAlascaData> *> (cledComponent->output.at(0));
67 |
68 | // if(in1->getDataType() != out1->getDataType())
69 | // LOG_ERROR("Connection Error: Incomaptible dataType between " << cledComponent->getName() << " and " << cledComponent->getName());
70 |
71 |
72 | // PacpusBuffer * buffer = new PacpusBuffer(5,in1->getDataSize());
73 | // LOG_INFO("Device opened:" << buffer->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite));
74 |
75 | // in1->setConnection(buffer,true);
76 | // out1->setConnection(buffer,true);
77 | }