/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _LOG4CXX_HELPER_OPTION_CONVERTER_H #define _LOG4CXX_HELPER_OPTION_CONVERTER_H #include #include namespace log4cxx { class Level; class File; typedef helpers::ObjectPtrT LevelPtr; namespace spi { class LoggerRepository; typedef helpers::ObjectPtrT LoggerRepositoryPtr; } namespace helpers { class Properties; class Object; typedef ObjectPtrT ObjectPtr; class Class; /** A convenience class to convert property values to specific types.*/ class LOG4CXX_EXPORT OptionConverter { /** OptionConverter is a static class. */ private: OptionConverter() {} public: static LogString convertSpecialChars(const LogString& s); /** If value is "true", then true is returned. If value is "false", then true is returned. Otherwise, default is returned.

Case of value is unimportant. */ static bool toBoolean(const LogString& value, bool dEfault); static int toInt(const LogString& value, int dEfault); static long toFileSize(const LogString& value, long dEfault); static LevelPtr toLevel(const LogString& value, const LevelPtr& defaultValue); /** Find the value corresponding to key in props. Then perform variable substitution on the found value. */ static LogString findAndSubst(const LogString& key, Properties& props); /** Perform variable substitution in string val from the values of keys found in the system propeties.

The variable substitution delimeters are ${ and }.

For example, if the System properties contains "key=value", then the call

String s = OptionConverter.substituteVars("Value of key is ${key}.");
will set the variable s to "Value of key is value.".

If no value could be found for the specified key, then the props parameter is searched, if the value could not be found there, then substitution defaults to the empty string.

For example, if system propeties contains no value for the key "inexistentKey", then the call

String s = OptionConverter.subsVars("Value of inexistentKey is [${inexistentKey}]");
will set s to "Value of inexistentKey is []"

An IllegalArgumentException is thrown if val contains a start delimeter "${" which is not balanced by a stop delimeter "}".

@param val The string on which variable substitution is performed. @param props The properties from which variable substitution is performed. @throws IllegalArgumentException if val is malformed. */ static LogString substVars(const LogString& val, Properties& props); /** * Gets the specified system property. @param key The key to search for. @param def The default value to return. @return the string value of the system property, or the default value if there is no property with that key. */ static LogString getSystemProperty(const LogString& key, const LogString& def); /** Instantiate an object given a class name. Check that the className is a subclass of superClass. If that test fails or the object could not be instantiated, then defaultValue is returned. @param className The fully qualified class name of the object to instantiate. @param superClass The class to which the new object should belong. @param defaultValue The object to return in case of non-fulfillment */ static ObjectPtr instantiateByClassName(const LogString& className, const Class& superClass, const ObjectPtr& defaultValue); static ObjectPtr instantiateByKey(Properties& props, const LogString& key, const Class& superClass, const ObjectPtr& defaultValue); /** Configure log4cxx given a configFileName.

The configFileName must point to a file which will be interpreted by a new instance of a log4cxx configurator.

All configurations steps are taken on the hierarchy passed as a parameter.

@param configFileName The location of the configuration file. @param clazz The classname, of the log4cxx configurator which will parse the file configFileName. This must be a subclass of Configurator, or null. If this value is null then a default configurator of PropertyConfigurator is used, unless the filename pointed to by configFileName ends in '.xml', in which case DOMConfigurator is used. @param hierarchy The Hierarchy to act on. */ static void selectAndConfigure(const File& configFileName, const LogString& clazz, spi::LoggerRepositoryPtr& hierarchy); }; } // namespace helpers } // namespace log4cxx #endif //_LOG4CXX_HELPER_OPTION_CONVERTER_H