// %pacpus:license{ // This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %pacpus:license} /// @file /// @author Firstname Surname /// @date Month, Year /// @version $Id: particle_filtering.hpp 76 2013-01-10 17:05:10Z kurdejma $ /// @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2006 - 2013. All rights reserved. /// @brief Brief description. /// /// Detailed description. #ifndef __PARTICLE_FILTERING_BASE__ #define __PARTICLE_FILTERING_BASE__ #include "bayes_filtering.hpp" #include "../math/ublas.hpp" #include "../math/rng.hpp" #include "../math/distributions.hpp" namespace filter{ namespace particle { using namespace math; using namespace ublas; using namespace rng; using namespace distributions; /*! * \class Particle * \brief This class describe a particle \n * A particle is constituted by : 1) a state vector and 2) importance weight \n */ class Particle { public : /*! * \brief Constructor * \param state_size : the size of the state vector * \param weight_ : the initial weight of the particle */ Particle(const size_t state_size, const double & weight_){ X=ZeroVector(state_size); weight=weight_; } Vector X; /*!< state vector */ double weight; /*!< particle weight */ }; /*! \class ParticleSet * \brief This class describe a set of particles \n * A set of particle is reprented by a vector of particles \n * somes methods can be applied to the set of particles like : \n * estimate computation, resampling scheme or normalization method \n */ template class ParticleSet { public : std::vector

particles; /*!< vector of particles */ std::vector

particles_; /*!< temporary vector of particles used in resample scheme */ /*! * \brief Allocate the set of paticles * \param nparticle : number of particles */ void Allocator(const size_t &nparticle); /*! * \brief Resample the set of particles \n * \param threshold : threshold parameter \n * The resampling scheme is the reasmpling scheme proposed by Kitawaga \n * This can be overloaded to use an another resampling scheme \n */ virtual void Resample(const double & threshold=1.0); /*! * \brief Compute the number of effective samples in the particle set * \return number of effective samples */ double Ness(); /*! * \brief Get the number of particles * \return number of particles */ size_t ParticlesNo(){ return particles.size(); } /*! * \brief Compute the estimate * \return a vector double describing the estimate */ Vector Estimate (); /*! * \brief Normalize the weights of each particles */ void NormalizeWeights(); /*! * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~ParticleSet(){}; protected : /*! * \brief Compute the cumulative sum of the weight of each particles * \return a vector of double describing this cumulative sum */ std::vector WeightCumSum(); /*! * \brief Create the a random cumulative sum * \return a vector of double describing this cumulative sum */ std::vector RandomCumSum(); }; //Particle set memeber functions template void ParticleSet

::Allocator(const size_t &nparticles){ particles.resize(nparticles); particles_.resize(nparticles); } template double ParticleSet

::Ness(){ double ness =0; for(typename std::vector

::iterator I=particles.begin();I!=particles.end();I++) ness+=(*I).weight*(*I).weight; if(ness==0)throw filter_error("In particle filter :: number effective sample computation -> ness is equal to infinity"); return 1/ness; } template std::vector ParticleSet

::WeightCumSum(){ double sum=0; std::vector cumsum(particles.size()); for(size_t i=0;i void ParticleSet

::NormalizeWeights(){ double sum=0; for(typename std::vector

::iterator I=particles.begin();I!=particles.end();I++) sum+=(*I).weight; if(sum==0) throw filter_error("In particle filter :: normalization of weight -> weight sum is equal to 0"); for(typename std::vector

::iterator I=particles.begin();I!=particles.end();I++) (*I).weight=(*I).weight/sum; } template std::vector ParticleSet

::RandomCumSum(){ double sum=0; std::vector cumsum(particles.size()); uniform_rng UD; for(size_t i=0;i void ParticleSet

::Resample(const double & threshold){ size_t N=ParticlesNo(); if(Ness()<=N*threshold){ // resample method by Carpenter std::vector Q=WeightCumSum(); std::vector T=RandomCumSum(); // select the best particle std::vector ind(N); unsigned int j=0; for(unsigned int i=0; i (N); } // swap the particle set particles.swap(particles_); } } template Vector ParticleSet

::Estimate(){ Vector estimate = ZeroVector(particles[0]->X.size()); for(typename std::vector

::iterator I=particles.begin();I!=particles.end();I++) estimate+=(*I).X*(*I).weight; return estimate; } /*! * \class DynamicEquation * \brief This class describe a basic dynamic equation for particle filtering \n * where : class S is a set particle \n * : class I is a particle \n * : class D is a random generator used to draw input data \n */ template class S=ParticleSet, class P=Particle> class DynamicEquation:public BayesDynamicEquation< S

, P >{ public : /*! * \brief virtual method where matrices of state system must be allocated * \param state_size : the size of the state vector of each particle * \param data_size : the size of the input vector */ virtual void Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size)=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where parameters of the dynamic equation must be evaluated * \param s : set of particles at time k-1 * */ virtual void EvaluateParameters( P *s)=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where the a priori state vector must be computed * \param in : the set of particles at time k-1 * \param out : the set of particles at time k */ virtual void Predict(S

*in, S

*out)=0; /*! * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~DynamicEquation(){} /*! * \brief Get/Set random generator used to draw input random U */ D & URNG(){return _URNG;} protected : D _URNG; /*!< Random generator used to drawing input data*/ Vector _Urand; /*!< Vector where random input data are stored */ }; /*! * \class LinearDynamicEquation * \brief This class describe a linear dynamic equation \n * X(k+1)(i) =A*X(k)(i)+B*U(k)(i) \n * X(.)(i) = the state of the particle i \n * A = state matrix \n * B = entrie matrix \n * U = input random vector \n */ template class S=ParticleSet, class P=Particle> class LinearDynamicEquation : public DynamicEquation{ public : /*! * \brief virtual method where matrices of state system must be allocated * \param state_size : the size of the state vector of each particle * \param data_size : the size of the input vector */ void Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size); /*! * \brief virtual method where parameters of the dynamic equation must be evaluated * \param s : set of particles at time k-1 */ virtual void EvaluateParameters(P *s)=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where the a priori state vector must be computed * \param in : the set of particles at time k-1 * \param out : the set of particles at time k */ virtual void Predict(S


*out); /*! * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~LinearDynamicEquation(){} /*! * \brief Get/Set a constant data in A matrix */ double & A(const int &row, const int &column){return _A(row,column);} /*! * \brief Get/Set a constant data in B matrix */ double & B(const int &row, const int &column){return _B(row,column);} protected : Matrix _A; /*!< A matrix */ Matrix _B; /*!< A matrix */ }; // Particle linear dynamic equation member functions template class S,class P> void LinearDynamicEquation::Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size){ DynamicEquation::_Urand=ZeroVector(data_size); _A=ZeroMatrix(state_size,state_size); _B=ZeroMatrix(state_size,data_size); } template class S,class P> void LinearDynamicEquation::Predict(S


*out){ for(size_t i=0;iparticles.size();i++){ EvaluateParameters(&in->particles[i]); out->particles[i]->X=_A*in->particles[i]->X+_B*DynamicEquation::_Urand; out->particles[i]->weight=in->particles[i]->weight; } } /*! * \class NonLinearDynamicEquation * \brief This class describe a linear dynamic equation * \n * X(k+1)(i) =f(X(k)(i)+U(k)(i)) \n * X(.)(i) = the state of the particle i \n * A = state matrix \n * B = entrie matrix \n * U = input random vector \n */ template class S,class P> class NonLinearDynamicEquation : public DynamicEquation{ public : /*! * \brief virtual method where matrices of state system must be allocated * \param state_size : the size of the state vector of each particle * \param data_size : the size of the input vector */ void Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size); /*! * \brief virtual method where parameters of the dynamic equation must be evaluated * \param s : set of particles at time k-1 * f= */ virtual void EvaluateParameters(P *s)=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where the a priori state vector must be computed * \param in : the set of particles at time k-1 * \param out : the set of particles at time k */ virtual void Predict(S


*out); /*! * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~NonLinearDynamicEquation(){} protected: Vector _f; /*!< Matrix f where result of (f(X,U)) is stored */ }; // Particle non linear dynamic equation member functions template class S,class P> void NonLinearDynamicEquation::Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size){ DynamicEquation::_Urand=ZeroVector(data_size); _f=ZeroVector(state_size); } template class S,class P> void NonLinearDynamicEquation::Predict(S


*out){ for(size_t i=0;iparticles.size();i++){ EvaluateParameters(&in->particles[i]); out->particles[i].X=_f; out->particles[i].weight=in->particles[i].weight; } } /*! * \class MeasureEquation * \brief This clas describe a basic measure equation particle filtering * \n * where : class S is a set particle \n * : class I is a particle \n * : class D is the distribution of probability of observation data \n */ template class S=ParticleSet, class P=Particle> class MeasureEquation: public BayesMeasureEquation< S

, P >{ public : /*! * \brief virtual method where matrices of state system must be allocated * \param state_size : the size of the state vector of each particle * \param data_size : the size of the input vector */ virtual void Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size)=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where parameters of the measure equation must be evaluated * \param s : set of particles at time k */ virtual void EvaluateParameters(P *s)=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where the a posteriori state vector must be computed * \param in : the a priori set of particles at time k * \param out : the a posteriori set of particles at time k */ virtual void Update(S


*out)=0; /*! * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~MeasureEquation(){}; /*! * \brief Get/Set the distribution of probability of data observation Z */ D & ZDistribution(){return _ZDistribution;} protected : D _ZDistribution; /*!< The distribution of probability of observation data Z*/ }; /*! * \class LinearMeasureEquation * \brief This class describe a linear measure equation * \n * X(k)(i)=H*Z(k) \n * Z(k) = observation data \n * => weigth update \n * w(k+1)(i)=p(Z|HX(i))w(k)(i) \n * w(.)(i)= weight of particle i \n */ template class S=ParticleSet, class P=Particle> class LinearMeasureEquation : public MeasureEquation< D,S,P >{ public : /*! * \brief virtual method where matrices of state system must be allocated * \param state_size : the size of the state vector of each particle * \param data_size : the size of the input vector */ void Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size); /*! * \brief virtual method where parameters of the measure equation must be evaluated * \param s : set of particles at time k */ virtual void EvaluateParameters(P *s)=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where the a posteriori state vector must be computed * \param in : the a priori set of particles at time k * \param out : the a posteriori set of particles at time k */ virtual void Update(S


*out); /*! * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~LinearMeasureEquation(){} /*! * \brief Get/Set a constant data in observation matrix H */ double & H(int row, int column){return _H(row,column);} protected: Matrix _H; /*!< Observation matrix */ }; // Particle linear measure equation member functions template class S, class P> void LinearMeasureEquation::Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size){ _H=ZeroMatrix(data_size,state_size); } template class S, class P> void LinearMeasureEquation::Update(S


*out){ for(size_t i=0;iparticles.size();i++){ EvaluateParameters(&in->particles[i]); out->particles[i].weight=pdf(MeasureEquation::_ZDistribution, _H*in->particles[i].X)*in->particles[i].weight; } out->NormalizeWeights(); } /*! * \class NonLinearMeasureEquation * \brief This class describe a non linear measure equation * \n * Z(k)=h(X)(i) \n * Z = observation data \n * => weigth update \n * w(k+1)(i)=p(Z|h(X(k)(i)))w(k)(i) \n * w(.)(i)= weight of particle i \n */ template class S=ParticleSet, class P=Particle> class NonLinearMeasureEquation : public MeasureEquation{ public : /*! * \brief virtual method where matrices of state system must be allocated * \param state_size : the size of the state vector of each particle * \param data_size : the size of the input vector */ void Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size); /*! * \brief virtual method where parameters of the measure equation must be evaluated * \param s : set of particles at time k * h= * H= */ virtual void EvaluateParameters(P *s )=0; /*! * \brief virtual method where the a posteriori state vector must be computed * \param in : the a priori set of particles at time k * \param out : the a posteriori set of particles at time k */ virtual void Update(S


*out); /*! * \brief Destructor */ virtual ~NonLinearMeasureEquation(){} protected : Vector _h; /*!< vector where h(X) is stored */ }; // Particle non linear measure equation member functions template class S, class P> void NonLinearMeasureEquation::Allocator(const size_t &state_size,const size_t &data_size){ _h=ZeroVector(data_size); } template class S, class P> void NonLinearMeasureEquation::Update(S


*out){ for(size_t i=0;iparticles.size();i++){ EvaluateParameters(&in->particles[i]); out->particles[i].weight=pdf(MeasureEquation::_ZDistribution,_h)*in->particles[i].weight; } out->NormalizeWeights(); } } // namespace particle } // namespace filter #endif // __PARTICLE_FILTERING_BASE__