// donnees NMEA emises par l'ag132 sur la liaison serie // revision le 23/08/2004 PhB et GD : trame_gga_dbl // revision le 20/05/2005 Maria Alwan et Gerald Dherbomez : 5700 #ifndef STRUCTURE_GPS_H #define STRUCTURE_GPS_H #include "kernel/road_time.h" /// POSITION WGS84 typedef struct { double lat; // radians double lon; // radians double altitude; // meters float sigma_lat; // meters float sigma_lon; // meters float sigma_alt; // meters int32_t gps_week; // GPS week number double gps_time; // seconds int32_t quality; // quality indicator of the position, referred to NMEA standard int32_t nb_sats; // number of satellites used to compute the solution } wgs84_position; typedef struct { wgs84_position position; road_time_t time; road_timerange_t timerange; } TimestampedWgs84Position; /// TRAME AVR typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms; float Yaw,Tilt,Range; int32_t ind_qualite; float pdop; int32_t nb_sat; } trame_avr; /// TRAME GGA, PRECISION FLOAT (30 cm en Lambert93) typedef struct{ int32_t H ,Mi,S; int32_t nb_sat,ind_qualite; float lon,age,lat,alt_msl,hdop,d_geoidal; int32_t Ms;//modif du 20040121 pour recupere les millisecondes } trame_gga; /// TRAME GGA, A UTILISER typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms; int32_t nb_sat,ind_qualite; float age,hdop; double lon,lat,alt_msl,d_geoidal; int8_t dir_lat,dir_lon; int32_t ref_station_ID; } trame_gga_dbl; typedef struct DONNEES_GGA_ { trame_gga_dbl tramegga; road_time_t t; DONNEES_GGA_() { t = 0; tramegga.alt_msl = 0; tramegga.d_geoidal = 0; tramegga.H = 0; tramegga.Mi = 0; tramegga.S = 0; tramegga.Ms = 0; tramegga.lat = 0; tramegga.lon = 0; } } DONNEES_GGA; /// TRAME GLL typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms; double lat,lon; int8_t dir_lat,dir_lon; int32_t valid_data; } trame_gll; /// TRAME GRS typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms; int32_t residus_status; float residus[12]; } trame_grs; /// TRAME GSA typedef struct { int32_t mode_select, mode_result; int32_t SV_PRN[12]; float pdop,hdop,vdop; } trame_gsa; /// TRAME GST typedef struct { float a,b,rms,phi,sigma_lat,sigma_lon,sigma_alt; int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms; } trame_gst; /// TRAME GSV // Matrice SatellitesInView (36 satellites max) contient : // en ligne : les 4 caracteristiques d'un satellite // en colonne : SatelliteNumber, ElevationDegrees, AzimuthDegreesTrue, SignalToNoiseRatio typedef struct{ int32_t NumberOfSatellites; int32_t Totalmessages; int32_t SatellitesInView[36][4]; } trame_gsv; /// TRAME HDT typedef struct { /// in degrees double DegreesTrue; } trame_hdt; /// TRAME MSS typedef struct { float SS,SNR; float beacon_freq; int32_t beacon_bitrate; int32_t channel; } trame_mss; /// TRAME RMC typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms,JJ,MM,AA; int32_t valid_data; double lat,lon; int8_t dir_lat, dir_lon; float vitesse; float track_true_north; float magnet_var; int8_t dir_magnet_var; int32_t mode; } trame_rmc; /// TRAME ROT typedef struct { double RateOfTurn; int32_t valid_data; } trame_rot; /// TRAME VTG typedef struct { /// meters per second [km/h] float v; float track_true_north, track_magnet_north; } trame_vtg; /// TRAME XTE typedef struct { int32_t valid_LCBlink; int32_t valid_LCCycleLock; float error; int32_t dir_to_steer; } trame_xte; /// TRAME_ZDA typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms,JJ,MM,AA; int32_t H_offset,Mi_offset; } trame_zda; /// GPS SYNCHRO FRAME typedef struct { trame_zda zda; // Data containing GPS time road_timerange_t timeOffset; // Time elapsed between PPS and ZDA road_time_t ppsTime; // timestamp of the last PPS received on the computer road_time_t zdaTime; // timestamp of the ZDA frame } GpsSynchroFrame; /// TRAME PTNLEV typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms; int32_t evt_nb; } trame_ptnlev; /// TRAME PTNLID typedef struct { int32_t machineID,productID; int32_t maj_FW_nb,min_FW_nb; int32_t JJ_FW,MM_FW,AA_FW; } trame_ptnlid; /// TRAME PTNLDG typedef struct { float SS,SNR,freq; int32_t bitrate,number,tracking; int32_t rtcm,ind_perf; } trame_ptnldg; /// TRAME PTNLSM typedef struct { int32_t ref_station_ID; int8_t message[30]; } trame_ptnlsm; /// TRAME PTNL,GGK typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms,JJ,MM,AA; double lat,lon; int8_t dir_lat, dir_lon; int32_t ind_qualite,nb_sat; float dop; /// ellipsoidal height float eht; } trame_ptnl_ggk; /// TRAME PTNL,GGK_SYNC typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms,JJ,MM,AA; double lat,lon; int8_t dir_lat, dir_lon; int32_t ind_qualite,nb_sat; float dop; /// ellipsoidal height float eht; } trame_ptnl_ggk_sync; /// TRAME PTNL,PJK typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms,JJ,MM,AA; double northing,easting; int32_t ind_qualite,nb_sat; float dop; /// ellipsoidal height float eht; } trame_ptnl_pjk; /// TRAME PTNL,PJT typedef struct { int8_t coord_syst_name[30]; int8_t projection_name[30]; } trame_ptnl_pjt; /// TRAME PTNL,VGK typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms,JJ,MM,AA; double east_vect,north_vect,up_vect; int32_t ind_qualite,nb_sat; float dop; } trame_ptnl_vgk; /// TRAME PTNL,VHD typedef struct { int32_t H,Mi,S,Ms,JJ,MM,AA; float azimuth,delta_azimuth; float vert_angle,delta_vert_angle; float range,delta_range; int32_t ind_qualite,nb_sat; float pdop; } trame_ptnl_vhd; /// SPAN CPT SOLUTION STATUS enum SolStatus { SOL_COMPUTED = 0, INSUFFICIENT_OBS = 1, NO_CONVERGENCE = 2, SINGULARITY = 3, COV_TRACE = 4, TEST_DIST = 5, COLD_START = 6, V_H_LIMIT = 7, VARIANCE = 8, RESIDUALS = 9, DELTA_POS = 10, NEGATIVE_VAR = 11, INTEGRITY_WARNING = 13, IMU_UNPLUGGED = 17, PENDING = 18 }; /// SPAN CPT SOLUTION STATUS enum PosType { NONE = 0, FIXEDPOS = 1, FIXEDHEIGHT = 2, FLOATCONV = 4, WIDELANE = 5, NARROWLANE = 6, DOPPLER_VELOCITY = 8, SINGLE = 16, PSRDIFF = 17, WAAS = 18, PROPAGATED = 19, OMNISTAR = 20, L1_FLOAT = 32, IONOFREE_FLOAT = 33, NARROW_FLOAT = 34, L1_INT = 48, WIDE_INT = 49, NARROW_INT = 50, RTK_DIRECT_INS = 51, INS = 52, INS_PSRSP =53, INS_PSRDIFF =54, INS_RTKFLOAT = 55, INS_RTKFIXED = 56, INS_OMNISTAR = 57, INS_OMNISTAR_HP = 58, INS_OMNISTAR_XP = 59, OMNISTAR_HP = 64, OMNISTAR_XP = 65, CDGPS = 66 }; /// SPAN CPT Inertial Solution Status enum INSStatus { INS_INACTIVE = 0, INS_ALIGNING =1, INS_SOLUTION_NOT_GOOD = 2, INS_SOLUTION_GOOD = 3, INS_BAD_GPS_AGREEMENT = 4, INS_ALIGNMENT_COMPLETE = 5 }; /// TRAME BESTGPSPOSA typedef struct { SolStatus Status; PosType posType; double Lat; double Lon; double Hgt; float Undulation; float LatStd; float LonStd; float HgtStd; double e; double n; double u; } trame_bestgpsposa; /// TRAME RAWIMUSA typedef struct { uint32_t Week; int32_t reserved; double Seconds; // FIXME: use a portable type instead of long double (which is 128-bit on Linux and 64-bit on Windows) /*long */double ZAccel; /*long */double YAccel; /*long */double XAccel; /*long */double ZGyro; /*long */double YGyro; /*long */double XGyro; } trame_rawimusa; /// TRAME INSPVAA typedef struct { uint32_t Week; int32_t reserved; double Seconds; double Lat; double Lon; double Hgt; double NorthVel; double EastVel; double UpVel; double Roll; double Pitch; double Azimuth; INSStatus Status; int32_t reserved1; double e; double n; double u; } trame_inspvaa; /// TRAME INSCOV typedef struct { uint32_t Week; int32_t reserved; double Seconds; double PosCov[3][3]; double AttCov[3][3]; double VelCov[3][3]; } trame_inscov; /// trame_bestgpsposa structure with timestamping struct TimestampedBestgpsposaFrame { trame_bestgpsposa frame; road_time_t time; road_timerange_t timerange; }; /// trame_rawimusa structure with timestamping struct TimestampedRawimusaFrame { trame_rawimusa frame; road_time_t time; road_timerange_t timerange; }; /// trame_inspvaa structure with timestamping struct TimestampedInspvaaFrame { trame_inspvaa frame; road_time_t time; road_timerange_t timerange; }; /// trame_inscov structure with timestamping struct TimestampedInscovFrame { trame_inscov frame; road_time_t time; road_timerange_t timerange; }; #endif // STRUCTURE_GPS_H