/* -*- mode: C++ ; c-file-style: "stroustrup" -*- ***************************** * Qwt Widget Library * Copyright (C) 1997 Josef Wilgen * Copyright (C) 2002 Uwe Rathmann * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Qwt License, Version 1.0 *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef QWT_COLOR_MAP_H #define QWT_COLOR_MAP_H #include #include #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 #include #else #include #endif #include "qwt_array.h" #include "qwt_double_interval.h" #if defined(QWT_TEMPLATEDLL) // MOC_SKIP_BEGIN template class QWT_EXPORT QwtArray; // MOC_SKIP_END #endif /*! \brief QwtColorMap is used to map values into colors. For displaying 3D data on a 2D plane the 3rd dimension is often displayed using colors, like f.e in a spectrogram. Each color map is optimized to return colors for only one of the following image formats: - QImage::Format_Indexed8\n - QImage::Format_ARGB32\n \sa QwtPlotSpectrogram, QwtScaleWidget */ class QWT_EXPORT QwtColorMap { public: /*! - RGB\n The map is intended to map into QRgb values. - Indexed\n The map is intended to map into 8 bit values, that are indices into the color table. \sa rgb(), colorIndex(), colorTable() */ enum Format { RGB, Indexed }; QwtColorMap(Format = QwtColorMap::RGB ); virtual ~QwtColorMap(); Format format() const; //! Clone the color map virtual QwtColorMap *copy() const = 0; /*! Map a value of a given interval into a rgb value. \param interval Range for the values \param value Value \return rgb value, corresponding to value */ virtual QRgb rgb( const QwtDoubleInterval &interval, double value) const = 0; /*! Map a value of a given interval into a color index \param interval Range for the values \param value Value \return color index, corresponding to value */ virtual unsigned char colorIndex( const QwtDoubleInterval &interval, double value) const = 0; QColor color(const QwtDoubleInterval &, double value) const; #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 virtual QValueVector colorTable(const QwtDoubleInterval &) const; #else virtual QVector colorTable(const QwtDoubleInterval &) const; #endif private: Format d_format; }; /*! \brief QwtLinearColorMap builds a color map from color stops. A color stop is a color at a specific position. The valid range for the positions is [0.0, 1.0]. When mapping a value into a color it is translated into this interval. If mode() == FixedColors the color is calculated from the next lower color stop. If mode() == ScaledColors the color is calculated by interpolating the colors of the adjacent stops. */ class QWT_EXPORT QwtLinearColorMap: public QwtColorMap { public: /*! Mode of color map \sa setMode(), mode() */ enum Mode { FixedColors, ScaledColors }; QwtLinearColorMap(QwtColorMap::Format = QwtColorMap::RGB); QwtLinearColorMap( const QColor &from, const QColor &to, QwtColorMap::Format = QwtColorMap::RGB); QwtLinearColorMap(const QwtLinearColorMap &); virtual ~QwtLinearColorMap(); QwtLinearColorMap &operator=(const QwtLinearColorMap &); virtual QwtColorMap *copy() const; void setMode(Mode); Mode mode() const; void setColorInterval(const QColor &color1, const QColor &color2); void addColorStop(double value, const QColor&); QwtArray colorStops() const; QColor color1() const; QColor color2() const; virtual QRgb rgb(const QwtDoubleInterval &, double value) const; virtual unsigned char colorIndex( const QwtDoubleInterval &, double value) const; class ColorStops; private: class PrivateData; PrivateData *d_data; }; /*! \brief QwtAlphaColorMap variies the alpha value of a color */ class QWT_EXPORT QwtAlphaColorMap: public QwtColorMap { public: QwtAlphaColorMap(const QColor & = QColor(Qt::gray)); QwtAlphaColorMap(const QwtAlphaColorMap &); virtual ~QwtAlphaColorMap(); QwtAlphaColorMap &operator=(const QwtAlphaColorMap &); virtual QwtColorMap *copy() const; void setColor(const QColor &); QColor color() const; virtual QRgb rgb(const QwtDoubleInterval &, double value) const; private: virtual unsigned char colorIndex( const QwtDoubleInterval &, double value) const; class PrivateData; PrivateData *d_data; }; /*! Map a value into a color \param interval Valid interval for values \param value Value \return Color corresponding to value \warning This method is slow for Indexed color maps. If it is necessary to map many values, its better to get the color table once and find the color using colorIndex(). */ inline QColor QwtColorMap::color( const QwtDoubleInterval &interval, double value) const { if ( d_format == RGB ) { return QColor( rgb(interval, value) ); } else { const unsigned int index = colorIndex(interval, value); return colorTable(interval)[index]; // slow } } /*! \return Intended format of the color map \sa Format */ inline QwtColorMap::Format QwtColorMap::format() const { return d_format; } #endif