#ifndef qwt3d_gridmapping_h__2004_03_06_12_31_begin_guarded_code #define qwt3d_gridmapping_h__2004_03_06_12_31_begin_guarded_code #include "qwt3d_mapping.h" namespace Qwt3D { class SurfacePlot; //! Abstract base class for mappings acting on rectangular grids /** */ class QWT3D_EXPORT GridMapping : public Mapping { public: GridMapping(); //!< Constructs GridMapping object w/o assigned SurfacePlot. void setMesh(unsigned int columns, unsigned int rows); //!< Sets number of rows and columns. void setDomain(double minu, double maxu, double minv, double maxv); //!< Sets u-v domain boundaries. void restrictRange(Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped const&); //!< Restrict the mappings range to the parallelepiped protected: Qwt3D::ParallelEpiped range_p; Qwt3D::SurfacePlot* plotwidget_p; unsigned int umesh_p, vmesh_p; double minu_p, maxu_p, minv_p, maxv_p; }; } // ns #endif /* include guarded */