; ; AppBase.ini ; Version Number 4.1.7 ; ################################################################## ; ### Never change unknown or delete any entries in the ini-file ### ; ################################################################## [Parameter] ; ##### CAN parameter ##### ; Bitrate of the CAN connection. 1M or 1 or 20 = 1 MBit/s, 500K or 2 or 28 = 500 kBit/s CANBaudrate = 500K ; Base-ID of the CAN output (1..0x7fe). The following identifiers are used: ; CANBaseID-1 = ANB messages ; CANBaseID = Commands to the AppBase, e.g. Parameter setting ; CANBaseID+1 = Object data CANBaseID = 0x4F0 ; CANFormat: 0 = long format, 1 = short format ; This entry is only valid (and needed) for CANspec AS CANFormat = 0 ; ##### Settings for the object tracking ##### ; Stretch factor for the segmentation in x-direction (1.0 - ...). XYFactor = 3.0 ; Maximum distance between two scanpoints of the same segment (0.1 - ...) MinDist = 0.5 ; Number of points on the object outline. Allowed values are 3-16. 0 = Auto-Select ObjectPoints = 0 ; Sorting criterion for the CAN output. 0=Radial distance, 1=Lookahead, 4=Highway QualityCriterion = 0 ; Maximum number of objects that may be sent for each scan (0..31) SendObjects = 20 ; ##### Output area ##### ; Output area in which the objects must be. If all points are 0, this filter ; is disabled. OutputAreaX1 = 0.0 OutputAreaY1 = 0.0 OutputAreaX2 = 0.0 OutputAreaY2 = 0.0 ; ##### System parameter ##### ; Sensor(s) is mounted upside down (TRUE or FALSE). SensorUpsidedown =FLASE ; Rotation frequency of all connected scanners, in [Hz] (6..40). RotationFreq = 12.5 AppBaseID = 6 ApplyRoiToScandata = FALSE [Sensor_0] StartAngle = 75.0 EndAngle = -75.0 OffsetX = 0.0 OffsetY = 0.0 OffsetZ = 0.0 HorizontalAngleOffset = 0.0 VerticalAngleOffset = 0.0 DIRTDIST = 1.3 SyncMaster = FALSE ID = 73 [RS232] SENDSTATUS = FALSE Baudrate = 38400 [Ethernet_Out] ScanDataPort = 12000 ; ##### Parameter for the Vehicle model ##### ; Ratio of the Steering wheel to the front wheels is given by the polynom: ; SteerRatio = SteerRatio3 * x^3 + SteerRatio2 * X^2 + SteerRatio1 * X + SteerRatio0 ; with X = Steering wheel angle in deg [Vehicle] SteerRatio0 = 1 SteerRatio1 = 1 SteerRatio2 = 1 SteerRatio3 = 1 CenterToFrontAxle = 1.3 CenterToRearAxle = 1.35 DistOriginFront = 0.5 TurningCircle = 11.0 VehicleWidth = 1.780 VehicleLength = 4.839 ; ################################################# ; ### vehicle CAN messages - decode instruction ### ; [SteeringAngleRatio] not used ; ################################################# [Velocity] Identifier = 0x44D FirstBit = 16 LastBit = 31 ErrorValue = 0xff Factor = 0.00277778 Offset = 0 SignBitAvailable = 0 SignBit = 0 UseLittleEndian = FALSE TwosComplement = 0 [SteeringAngle] Identifier = 0x305 FirstBit = 0 LastBit = 15 ErrorValue = 0xFFFF ; Factor = 0.1 Offset = 0 SignBitAvailable = 0 SignBit = 0 UseLittleEndian = FALSE TwosComplement = 1 [SteeringAngleRatio] Identifier = 0x0C2 FirstBit = 16 LastBit = 24 ErrorValue = 0xFFFF Factor = 0.00076358155 Offset = 0 SignBitAvailable = 1 SignBit = 15 UseLittleEndian = TRUE TwosComplement = 0 [YawRate] Identifier = 0x3CD FirstBit = 0 LastBit = 15 ErrorValue = 0xFFFF Factor = 0.1 Offset = 0 SignBitAvailable = 1 SignBit = 33 UseLittleEndian = FALSE TwosComplement = 0 [CrossAcceleration] Identifier = 0x3CD FirstBit = 0 LastBit = 15 ErrorValue = 0xFFFF Factor = 0.05 Offset = 0 SignBitAvailable = 1 SignBit = 32 UseLittleEndian = FALSE TwosComplement = 0