################################################# # ___________ ____ ______ __ __ _____ # # \____ \__ \ _/ ___\\____ \| | \/ ___/ # # | |_> > __ \\ \___| |_> > | /\___ \ # # | __(____ /\___ > __/|____//____ > # # |__| \/ \/|__| \/ # # # ################################################# ## ======================================== ## Qt macro compatibility Qt4 / Qt5 ## ======================================== function(qt_wrap_cpp OUT_MOC_SRCS) set(FILES_TO_MOC ${ARGN}) if(QT4_FOUND) qt4_wrap_cpp(MOC_SRCS ${FILES_TO_MOC} OPTIONS -DBOOST_TT_HAS_OPERATOR_HPP_INCLUDED -DBOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION # fixes QTBUG-22829 ) elseif(Qt5Core_FOUND) qt5_wrap_cpp(MOC_SRCS ${FILES_TO_MOC}) else() message(WARNING "QT not found, cannot wrap moc files") endif() set(${OUT_MOC_SRCS} ${MOC_SRCS} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(qt_wrap_cpp) ## ======================================== ## Qt macro compatibility Qt4 / Qt5 ## ======================================== function(qt_wrap_ui OUT_UI_SRCS) set(UI_FILES ${ARGN}) if(QT4_FOUND) qt4_wrap_ui( UI_SRCS ${UI_FILES}) elseif(Qt5Core_FOUND) qt5_wrap_ui( UI_SRCS ${UI_FILES}) else() message(WARNING "QT not found, cannot wrap ui files") endif() set(${OUT_UI_SRCS} ${UI_SRCS} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() ## ======================================== ## Qt macro compatibility Qt4 / Qt5 ## ======================================== function(qt_add_resources OUT_RESOURCES) set(RCS_FILES ${ARGN}) if(QT4_FOUND) qt4_add_resources( RESOURCES ${RCS_FILES}) elseif(Qt5Core_FOUND) qt5_add_resources( RESOURCES ${RCS_FILES}) else() message(WARNING "QT not found, cannot add resources") endif() set(${OUT_RESOURCES} ${RESOURCES} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # ======================================== # Generic macro for Pacpus plugin # ======================================== function(PACPUS_PLUGIN OUT_CPP OUT_H PLUGIN_NAME) if(QT4_FOUND) pacpus_plugin_qt4(PLUGIN_CPP PLUGIN_H ${PROJECT_NAME} ) elseif(Qt5Core_FOUND) pacpus_plugin_qt5(PLUGIN_CPP PLUGIN_H ${PROJECT_NAME} ) else() message(WARNING "QT not found, can't create Plugin") endif() set(${OUT_CPP} ${PLUGIN_CPP} PARENT_SCOPE) set(${OUT_H} ${PLUGIN_H} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(PACPUS_PLUGIN) # ======================================== # Create a Pacpus plugin QT4 # ======================================== function(PACPUS_PLUGIN_QT4 OUT_CPP OUT_H PLUGIN_NAME) set(PLUGIN_NAME ${PLUGIN_NAME}Plugin) set(${OUT_CPP} ${PLUGIN_NAME}.cpp PARENT_SCOPE) set(${OUT_H} ${PLUGIN_NAME}.h PARENT_SCOPE) string(TOUPPER ${PLUGIN_NAME} PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER) # create the header file file(WRITE ${PLUGIN_NAME}.h "// Autogenerated file by PacpusPlugin.cmake\n" "// DO NOT EDIT!!! ALL CHANGES WOULD BE REMOVED BY THE NEXT CALL OF CMAKE\n" "\n" "#ifndef __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_H__\n" "#define __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_H__\n" "\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "\n" "#include \n" "\n" "/// Auto-generated plugin class\n" "class ${PLUGIN_NAME}\n" " : public QObject\n" " , public PacpusPluginInterface\n" "{\n" " Q_OBJECT\n" " Q_INTERFACES(PacpusPluginInterface)\n" "\n" "public:\n" " ${PLUGIN_NAME}();\n" " ~${PLUGIN_NAME}();\n" "\n" "protected:\n" " QString name();\n" "};\n" "\n" "#endif // __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_H__\n" ) # create the cpp file file(WRITE ${PLUGIN_NAME}.cpp "// Autogenerated file by PacpusPlugin.cmake\n" "// DO NOT EDIT!!! ALL CHANGES WOULD BE REMOVED BY THE NEXT CALL OF CMAKE\n" "\n" "#include \"${PLUGIN_NAME}.h\"\n" "\n" "${PLUGIN_NAME}::${PLUGIN_NAME}()\n" "{\n" "}\n" "\n" "${PLUGIN_NAME}::~${PLUGIN_NAME}()\n" "{\n" "}\n" "\n" "QString ${PLUGIN_NAME}::name()\n" "{\n" " return \"${PLUGIN_NAME}\";\n" "}\n" "\n" "Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(${PLUGIN_NAME}, ${PLUGIN_NAME})\n" ) endfunction(PACPUS_PLUGIN_QT4) # ======================================== # Create a Pacpus plugin QT5 # ======================================== function(PACPUS_PLUGIN_QT5 OUT_CPP OUT_H PLUGIN_NAME) set(PLUGIN_NAME ${PLUGIN_NAME}Plugin) set(${OUT_CPP} ${PLUGIN_NAME}.cpp ${PLUGIN_NAME}.json PARENT_SCOPE) set(${OUT_H} ${PLUGIN_NAME}.h PARENT_SCOPE) string(TOUPPER ${PLUGIN_NAME} PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER) # create the header file file(WRITE ${PLUGIN_NAME}.h "// Autogenerated file by PacpusUtilities.cmake\n" "// DO NOT EDIT!!! ALL CHANGES WOULD BE REMOVED BY THE NEXT CALL OF CMAKE\n" "\n" "#ifndef __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_H__\n" "#define __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_H__\n" "\n" "#include \n" "#include \n" "\n" "#include \n" "\n" "/// Auto-generated plugin class\n" "class ${PLUGIN_NAME}\n" " : public QObject\n" " , public PacpusPluginInterface\n" "{\n" " Q_OBJECT\n" " //Qt5 Plugins Macro\n" " Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID \"pacpus." ${PLUGIN_NAME} "\" FILE \"" ${PLUGIN_NAME} ".json\")\n" " Q_INTERFACES(PacpusPluginInterface)\n" "\n" "public:\n" " ${PLUGIN_NAME}();\n" " ~${PLUGIN_NAME}();\n" "\n" "protected:\n" " QString name();\n" "};\n" "\n" "#endif // __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_H__\n" ) # create the cpp file file(WRITE ${PLUGIN_NAME}.cpp "// Autogenerated file by PacpusUtilities.cmake\n" "// DO NOT EDIT!!! ALL CHANGES WOULD BE REMOVED BY THE NEXT CALL OF CMAKE\n" "\n" "#include \"${PLUGIN_NAME}.h\"\n" "\n" "${PLUGIN_NAME}::${PLUGIN_NAME}()\n" "{\n" "}\n" "\n" "${PLUGIN_NAME}::~${PLUGIN_NAME}()\n" "{\n" "}\n" "\n" "QString ${PLUGIN_NAME}::name()\n" "{\n" " return \"${PLUGIN_NAME}\";\n" "}\n" "\n" "//Qt4 Plugin Macro desactivated\n" "//Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(${PLUGIN_NAME}, ${PLUGIN_NAME})\n" ) file(WRITE ${PLUGIN_NAME}.json "{\n" " \"Keys\": [\"${PLUGIN_NAME}\"]\n" "}\n" ) endfunction(PACPUS_PLUGIN_QT5) # ======================================== # Replace backslashes by slashes # ======================================== macro(pacpus_purge_backslash var) string(REGEX REPLACE "\\\\" "/" ${var} "${${var}}") endmacro() # ======================================== # Get the version of MSVC as a string # ======================================== macro(pacpus_get_msvc output) # By default, unknown set(${output} "unknown") if(MSVC9) set(${output} "msvc2008") elseif(MSVC10) set(${output} "msvc2010") else(MSVC11) set(${output} "msvc2012") endif() endmacro() # ======================================== # Print a debug message # ======================================== function(pacpus_output_status msg) message(STATUS "${msg}") string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" msg "${msg}") string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" msg "${msg}") endfunction() # ======================================== # Pacpus log message # ======================================== function(pacpus_info text) set(status_cond) set(status_then) set(status_else) set(status_current_name "cond") foreach(arg ${ARGN}) if(arg STREQUAL "THEN") set(status_current_name "then") elseif(arg STREQUAL "ELSE") set(status_current_name "else") else() list(APPEND status_${status_current_name} ${arg}) endif() endforeach() if(DEFINED status_cond) set(status_placeholder_length 32) string(RANDOM LENGTH ${status_placeholder_length} ALPHABET " " status_placeholder) string(LENGTH "${text}" status_text_length) if(status_text_length LESS status_placeholder_length) string(SUBSTRING "${text}${status_placeholder}" 0 ${status_placeholder_length} status_text) elseif(DEFINED status_then OR DEFINED status_else) pacpus_output_status("${text}") set(status_text "${status_placeholder}") else() set(status_text "${text}") endif() if(DEFINED status_then OR DEFINED status_else) if(${status_cond}) string(REPLACE ";" " " status_then "${status_then}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]+" "" status_then "${status_then}") pacpus_output_status("${status_text} ${status_then}") else() string(REPLACE ";" " " status_else "${status_else}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]+" "" status_else "${status_else}") pacpus_output_status("${status_text} ${status_else}") endif() else() string(REPLACE ";" " " status_cond "${status_cond}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]+" "" status_cond "${status_cond}") pacpus_output_status("${status_text} ${status_cond}") endif() else() pacpus_output_status("${text}") endif() endfunction() # ======================================== # Pacpus add library and set debug postfix # ======================================== function(pacpus_add_library target) add_library( ${ARGV} ) set_target_properties( ${target} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX "_d" ) # Add manifest to the target (Windows SxS) # TODO: do the same for executable (change #2 to #1) #if(MSVC) # pacpus_info("\${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/\${target}.manifest = ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${target}.manifest") # if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\${target}.manifest") # pacpus_info("Exists: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${target}.manifest") # add_custom_command( # TARGET ${target} # POST_BUILD # COMMAND "mt.exe" -manifest \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}\\${target}.manifest\" -outputresource:\"$(TargetDir)\\$(TargetFileName)\"\;\#2 # COMMENT "Adding custom manifest containing MSVCRT80 dependency..." # ) # endif() #endif() endfunction() # ======================================== # Pacpus add executable and set debug postfix # ======================================== function(pacpus_add_executable target) add_executable( ${ARGV} ) set_target_properties( ${target} PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX "_d" ) endfunction() # ======================================== # Pacpus install # ======================================== function(pacpus_install) install( TARGETS ${ARGV} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${PACPUS_INSTALL_DIR}/bin LIBRARY DESTINATION ${PACPUS_INSTALL_DIR}/lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${PACPUS_INSTALL_DIR}/lib ) if(MSVC) # install debug information files .pdb foreach(target ${ARGV}) get_target_property(target_filepath ${target} LOCATION_DEBUG) get_filename_component(target_directory ${target_filepath} PATH) get_filename_component(target_basename ${target_filepath} NAME_WE) set(target_pdb "${target_directory}/${target_basename}.pdb") install(FILES ${target_pdb} CONFIGURATIONS Debug DESTINATION ${PACPUS_INSTALL_DIR}/lib ) endforeach() endif(MSVC) endfunction() # ======================================== # Pacpus folder # ======================================== function(pacpus_folder target folder_name) if(PACPUS_USE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS AND MSVC) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES FOLDER ${folder_name} ) endif() endfunction() # ======================================== # Get sub directories # ======================================== MACRO(SUBDIRLIST result curdir) FILE(GLOB children RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*) SET(dirlist "") FOREACH(child ${children}) IF(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child}) SET(dirlist ${dirlist} ${child}) ENDIF() ENDFOREACH() SET(${result} ${dirlist}) ENDMACRO() # ======================================== # Create export header for plugins # # Usage: `create_export(PluginExportHeader "MyPluginName")` # # DLL export/import will depend on macro `${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_EXPORTS` # which can be set using `add_definitions( -D${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_EXPORTS )` # ======================================== function(CREATE_EXPORT OUT_H PLUGIN_NAME) # set output directory if given, otherwise use current directory set(PLUGIN_OUTPUT_DIR "${ARGN}") # set file name to the input variable set(PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE "${PLUGIN_NAME}Config.h") if (NOT "${PLUGIN_OUTPUT_DIR}" STREQUAL "") set(PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE "${PLUGIN_OUTPUT_DIR}/${PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE}") endif() set(${OUT_H} "${PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE}" PARENT_SCOPE) string(TOUPPER ${PLUGIN_NAME} PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER) add_definitions( -D${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_EXPORTS ) # create the header file file(WRITE "${PLUGIN_CONFIG_FILE}" "// Autogenerated file by PacpusUtilities.cmake\n" "// DO NOT EDIT!!! ALL CHANGES WOULD BE REMOVED BY THE NEXT CALL OF CMAKE\n" "\n" "#ifndef __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_CONFIG_H__\n" "#define __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_CONFIG_H__\n" "\n" "// Export macro for use DLL for Windows only\n" "#ifdef WIN32\n" " #ifdef ${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_EXPORTS\n" "// make DLL\n" " #define ${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_API __declspec(dllexport)\n" " #else\n" "// use DLL\n" " #define ${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_API __declspec(dllimport)\n" " #endif\n" "#else\n" "// On other platforms, simply ignore this\n" " #define ${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_API\n" "#endif\n\n" "#endif // __${PLUGIN_NAME_UPPER}_CONFIG_H__\n" ) endfunction(CREATE_EXPORT)