#include "ProducerExample.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace pacpus; using namespace std; DECLARE_STATIC_LOGGER("pacpus.cityvip.test.ProducerExample"); /// Construct the factory static ComponentFactory sFactory("ProducerExample"); static const char * outputFileName = "producer.txt"; ProducerExample::ProducerExample(QString name) : ComponentBase(name) { LOG_TRACE("constructor(" << name << ")"); namespace po = boost::program_options; addParameters() ("output-path", po::value(&mOutputFileName)->default_value("producer.txt"), "set output file path") ; } ProducerExample::~ProducerExample() { LOG_TRACE("destructor"); } ComponentBase::COMPONENT_CONFIGURATION ProducerExample::configureComponent(XmlComponentConfig /*config*/) { PACPUS_LOG_FUNCTION(); LOG_INFO("component '" << getName() << "' configured"); return ComponentBase::CONFIGURED_OK; } void ProducerExample::addInputs() { // empty: no inputs } void ProducerExample::addOutputs() { addOutput("image"); } void ProducerExample::startActivity() { LOG_TRACE(Q_FUNC_INFO); //Q_ASSERT(input); start(); setActive(true); setState(MONITOR_OK); LOG_INFO("started component '" << getName() << "'"); } void ProducerExample::stopActivity() { LOG_TRACE(Q_FUNC_INFO); setActive(false); setState(STOPPED); LOG_INFO("stopped component '" << getName() << "'"); } void ProducerExample::run() { unsigned int counter = 1; int waitTimeMicros = 150 * 1000; std::fstream file(outputFileName, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::app); if (!file.is_open()) { LOG_ERROR("file '" << outputFileName << "'cannot be opened"); } QImage mat(10000, 1000, QImage::Format_RGB32); //mat.fill( qRgb(189, 149, 39)); OutputInterface * imageOutput = getTypedOutput("image"); while (isActive()) { //mat.setPixel(0,0,i); LOG_INFO("Sent QImage: " << "size = " << mat.size().width()<< " x " << mat.size().height() ); if (imageOutput && imageOutput->hasConnection()) { imageOutput->send(mat); } LOG_INFO("Sent data=" << counter << ", time=" << road_time()); file << counter << " " << road_time() << "\n" << std::flush; usleep(waitTimeMicros); ++counter; setState(MONITOR_OK); } file.close(); }