1 | // %pacpus:license{
2 | // This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %}
5 | /// @file
6 | /// @author Marek Kurdej <firstname.surname@utc.fr>
7 | /// @author Jean Laneurit <firstname.surname@utc.fr>
8 | /// @date April, 2010
9 | /// @version $Id: geodesie.h 75 2013-01-10 17:04:19Z kurdejma $
10 | /// @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2006 - 2013. All rights reserved.
11 | /// @brief Brief description.
12 | ///
13 | /// Detailed description.
14 |
15 | #ifndef GEODESIE_H
16 | #define GEODESIE_H
17 |
18 | #include "PacpusToolsConfig.h"
19 |
20 | #include <Pacpus/kernel/pacpus.h>
21 |
22 | #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
23 | #include <boost/operators.hpp>
24 | #include <cmath>
25 | #include <iostream>
26 | #include <vector>
27 |
28 | class QMatrix4x4;
29 | class QVector3D;
30 |
31 | namespace Geodesy
32 | {
33 |
34 | /// 3x3 matrix ???
35 | ///
36 | /// @todo Documentation
37 | /// @todo Rewrite!
38 | struct PACPUSTOOLS_API Matrice
39 | : boost::multipliable<Matrice>
40 | {
41 | /// Copy ctor
42 | Matrice(Matrice const& A);
43 | /// Ctor
44 | Matrice();
45 | /// Ctor
46 | Matrice(
47 | double l0c0, double l0c1, double l0c2,
48 | double l1c0, double l1c1, double l1c2,
49 | double l2c0, double l2c1, double l2c2
50 | );
51 |
52 | /// @todo Documentation
53 | void Apply(double v0, double v1, double v2, double& Mv0, double& Mv1, double& Mv2);
54 |
55 | Matrice& operator*=(Matrice const& other);
56 |
57 | /// @todo Documentation
58 | double c0_l0;
59 | /// @todo Documentation
60 | double c1_l0;
61 | /// @todo Documentation
62 | double c2_l0;
63 |
64 | /// @todo Documentation
65 | double c0_l1;
66 | /// @todo Documentation
67 | double c1_l1;
68 | /// @todo Documentation
69 | double c2_l1;
70 |
71 | /// @todo Documentation
72 | double c0_l2;
73 | /// @todo Documentation
74 | double c1_l2;
75 | /// @todo Documentation
76 | double c2_l2;
77 | };
78 |
79 | PACPUSTOOLS_API Matrice TransMat(Matrice const& A);
80 | PACPUSTOOLS_API PACPUS_DEPRECATED_MSG(Matrice ProdMat(Matrice const& A, Matrice const& B), "use Matrice::operator *");
81 | PACPUSTOOLS_API PACPUS_DEPRECATED_MSG(void Write(Matrice const& A, std::ostream& out), "use operator<<");
82 | PACPUSTOOLS_API std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Matrice const& A);
83 |
84 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
85 | /// @todo Documentation
86 | class PACPUSTOOLS_API Raf98
87 | {
88 | public:
89 | /// Ctor of Raf98 class.
90 | Raf98();
91 |
92 | /// Dtor of Raf98 class.
93 | ~Raf98();
94 |
95 | /// @todo Documentation
96 | /// @param filepath Path to the input file with RAF98 data.
97 | bool Load(const std::string& filepath);
98 |
99 | /// @todo Documentation
100 | /// @param longitude [degrees]
101 | /// @param latitude [degrees]
102 | /// @param Hwgs84 Output: interpolated altitude using WGS84 geoid model [meters]
103 | bool Interpol(double longitude /*deg*/, double latitude /*deg*/, double* Hwgs84) const;
104 |
105 | private:
106 | std::vector<double> m_dvalues;
107 | double LitGrille(unsigned int c, unsigned int l) const;
108 | };
109 |
110 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
111 |
112 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113 | inline double Deg2Rad(double deg)
114 | {
115 | using ::boost::math::constants::pi;
116 | return deg * pi<double>() / 180.0;
117 | }
118 |
119 | inline double Rad2Deg(double rad)
120 | {
121 | using ::boost::math::constants::pi;
122 | return rad * 180.0 / pi<double>();
123 | }
124 |
125 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126 |
127 | const double a_Lambert93 = 6378137;
128 | const double f_Lambert93 = 1 / 298.257222101;
129 | const double e_Lambert93 = sqrt(f_Lambert93 * (2 - f_Lambert93));
130 | const double lambda0_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(3.0); //degres
131 | const double phi0_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(46.5);
132 | const double phi1_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(44.0);
133 | const double phi2_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(49.0); //degres
134 | const double X0_Lambert93 = 700000; //
135 | const double Y0_Lambert93 = 6600000; //
136 | const double n_Lambert93 = 0.7256077650;
137 | const double c_Lambert93 = 11754255.426;
138 | const double xs_Lambert93 = 700000;
139 | const double ys_Lambert93 = 12655612.050;
140 |
141 | const double GRS_a = 6378137;
142 | const double GRS_f = 1 / 298.257222101;
143 | const double GRS_b = GRS_a * (1 - GRS_f);
144 | const double GRS_e = sqrt((pow(GRS_a, 2) - pow(GRS_b, 2)) / pow(GRS_a, 2));
145 |
146 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
147 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void Geographique_2_Lambert93(const Raf98& raf98, double lambda, double phi, double he, Matrice in, double& E, double& N, double& h, Matrice& out);
148 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void Geographique_2_Lambert93(const Raf98& raf98, double lambda, double phi, double he, double& E, double& N, double& h);
149 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void Lambert93_2_Geographique(const Raf98& raf98, double E, double N, double h, double& lambda, double& phi, double& he);
150 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void Lambert93_2_Geographique(const Raf98& raf98, double E, double N, double h, Matrice in, double& lambda, double& phi, double& he, Matrice& out);
151 | /** Convert from geographique to ECEF.
152 | * @param[in] longitude Longitude in radian.
153 | * @param[in] latitude Latitude in radian.
154 | * @param[in] he Height in meter.
155 | */
156 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void Geographique_2_ECEF(double longitude, double latitude, double he, double& x, double& y, double& z);
157 | /** Convert from ECEF two ENU.
158 | * @param[in] lon0 Longitude of the origin in radian.
159 | * @param[in] lat0 Latitude of the origin in radian.
160 | * @param[in] he0 Height of the origin in radian.
161 | */
162 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void ECEF_2_ENU(double x, double y, double z, double& e, double& n, double& u, double lon0, double lat0, double he0);
163 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
164 |
165 | ///ALGO0001
166 | /// @todo Rename
167 | PACPUSTOOLS_API double LatitueIsometrique(double latitude, double e);
168 | ///ALGO0002
169 | /// @todo Rename
170 | PACPUSTOOLS_API double LatitueIsometrique2Lat(double latitude_iso, double e, double epsilon);
171 |
172 | ///ALGO0003
173 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void Geo2ProjLambert(
174 | double lambda, double phi,
175 | double n, double c, double e,
176 | double lambdac, double xs, double ys,
177 | double& X, double& Y);
178 | ///ALGO0004
179 | PACPUSTOOLS_API void Proj2GeoLambert(
180 | double X, double Y,
181 | double n, double c, double e,
182 | double lambdac, double xs, double ys,
183 | double epsilon,
184 | double& lambda, double& phi);
185 |
186 | PACPUSTOOLS_API double ConvMerApp(double longitude);
187 |
188 | /// Converts Cartesian (x, y) coordinates to polar coordinates (r, theta)
189 | template <typename _T1, typename _T2>
190 | void cartesianToPolar(const _T1 x, const _T1 y, _T2& r, _T2& theta)
191 | {
192 | r = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
193 | theta = std::atan2(x, y);
194 | }
195 |
196 | /// Converts polar coordinates (r, theta) to Cartesian (x, y) coordinates
197 | template <typename _T1, typename _T2>
198 | void polarToCartesian(const _T1 r, const _T1 theta, _T2& x, _T2& y)
199 | {
200 | x = r * std::cos(theta);
201 | y = r * std::sin(theta);
202 | }
203 |
204 | /// Converts Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates to spherical coordinates (r, theta, phi)
205 | /// Angles expressed in radians.
206 | template <typename _T1, typename _T2>
207 | void cartesianToSpherical(const _T1 x, const _T1 y, const _T1 z, _T2& r, _T2& theta, _T2& phi)
208 | {
209 | r = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
210 | theta = std::acos(z / r);
211 | phi = std::atan2(y, x);
212 | }
213 |
214 | /// Converts spherical coordinates (r, theta, phi) to Cartesian (x, y, z) coordinates.
215 | /// Angles expressed in radians.
216 | template <typename _T1, typename _T2>
217 | void sphericalToCartesian(const _T1 r, const _T1 theta, const _T1 phi, _T2& x, _T2& y, _T2& z)
218 | {
219 | x = r * std::sin(theta) * std::cos(phi);
220 | y = r * std::sin(theta) * std::sin(phi);
221 | z = r * std::cos(theta);
222 | }
223 |
224 | PACPUSTOOLS_API QMatrix4x4 yprenuToMatrix(QVector3D angle, QVector3D position);
225 |
226 | } // namespace Geodesy
227 |
228 | namespace Geodesie
229 | {
230 | using namespace Geodesy;
231 | } // namespace Geodesie
232 |
233 | #endif // GEODESIE_H