#ifndef __UTILITIES_HPP__ #define __UTILITIES_HPP__ namespace math { namespace utility { /*! * \fn inline std::vector LineCircleIntersection(const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & A,const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & B, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & C,const double R) * \brief Compute points of intersection of circle and line defined through two poinst A and B * \param A : a point of the line * \param B : a point of the line * \param C : * \param R : circle radius * \return a list of abscissas with respect of point A */ template inline std::vector LineCircleIntersection(const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & A, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & B, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & C, const double R){ std::vector intersection; double alpha = (B[0]-A[0])*(B[0]-A[0]) + (B[1]-A[1])*(B[1]-A[1]); double norm = std::sqrt(alpha); double beta = 2 *(B[0]-A[0])*(A[0]-C[0]) + (B[1]-A[1])*(A[1]-C[1]); double gamma = A[0]*A[0] + A[1]*A[1] + C[0]*C[0] + C[1]*C[1] - 2*(A[0]*C[0] + A[1]*C[1] ) - R*R; double delta = beta*beta - 4*alpha*gamma; if(delta>0){ intersection.push_back( (-beta -sqrt(delta))/(2*norm) ); intersection.push_back( (-beta +sqrt(delta))/(2*norm) ); } return intersection; } /*! * \fn inline std::vector SegmentCircleIntersection(const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & A,const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & B, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & C,const double R) * \brief Compute points of intersection of circle and segment defined through two poinst A and B * \param A : a point of the line * \param B : a point of the line * \param C : * \param R : circle radius * \return a list of abscissas with respect of point A and in taking account the hypothesis abscissas in [A,B] */ template inline std::vector SegmentCircleIntersection(const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & A, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & B, const boost::numeric::ublas::vector & C, const double R){ std::vector intersection; double alpha = (B[0] - A[0]) * (B[0] - A[0]) + (B[1] - A[1]) * (B[1] - A[1]); double norm = std::sqrt(alpha); double beta = 2 * ((B[0] - A[0]) * (A[0] - C[0]) + (B[1] - A[1]) * (A[1] - C[1])); double gamma = A[0] * A[0] + A[1] * A[1] + C[0] * C[0] + C[1] * C[1] - 2 * (A[0] * C[0] + A[1] * C[1]) - R * R; double delta = beta*beta - 4*alpha*gamma; if(delta>0){ intersection.push_back( (-beta -sqrt(delta))/(2*norm) ); intersection.push_back( (-beta +sqrt(delta))/(2*norm) ); if(intersection[0]<1 && intersection[1]>0){ if(intersection[0] <0 ) intersection[0]=0; if(intersection[1] >norm) intersection[1]=norm; }else{ intersection.clear(); } } return intersection; } /*! * \fn inline boost::numeric::ublas::vector Cov2Ellipse(const RealType & pxx,const RealType & pxy,const RealType & pyy,const RealType &proba) * \brief Convert 2D covariance to a ellipse parameters * \param pxx : variance X * \param pxy : covariance XY * \param pyy : variance Y * \param proba : percentage * \return ublas vector containing semi-major axis, semi-minor axis and orientation of the ellipse */ template inline boost::numeric::ublas::vector Cov2Ellipse(const RealType & pxx,const RealType & pxy,const RealType & pyy,const RealType &proba){ boost::numeric::ublas::vector ellipse(3); // le scalaire "k" definit l'ellipse avec l'equation :(x-mx)T*(1/P)*(x-mx)=k^2 double k=sqrt(-2*log(1-proba)); // coeficient de correlation double ro = pxy / sqrt(pxx * pyy); if ( fabs( ro ) > 1 ) { std::cout << "ro=" << ro << "pxx=" << pxx << "pxy=" << pxy << "pyy=" << pyy << std::endl; throw math_error("Cov2Ellipse: correlation coefficient is not included between -1 and 1. Covariance matrix is not defined positive"); } double a = 1/(pxx*(1- ro * ro)); double b = -ro/(sqrt(pyy*pxx)*(1- ro * ro)); double c = 1/(pyy*(1- ro * ro)); // calcul des deux valeurs propres // la gde vp (lambda1) est associee au petit axe. double delta = (a-c)*(a-c)+4*b*b; double lambda1 = 0.5*(a+c+sqrt(delta)); double lambda2 = 0.5*(a+c-sqrt(delta)); // vecteur directeur du grand axe double aux = (lambda2-a)/b; double deno=sqrt(1+aux*aux); double Ux = 1/deno; double Uy = aux/deno; // longueur des axes dans le repere propre double axeX = k/sqrt(lambda2); // demi axe double axeY = k/sqrt(lambda1); // demi axe ellipse(2) = - atan2(Uy, Ux);//heading ellipse(0) = axeY * 2 * 3; // width x3 (sigma) si PROBA = 0.4 ellipsoide a deux dimensions (test du khi2) ellipse(1) = axeX * 2 * 3; //height // heading = - atan2(Uy, Ux); // width = axeY * 2 * 3; // x3 (sigma) si PROBA = 0.4 ellipsoide a deux dimensions (test du khi2) // height = axeX * 2 * 3; return ellipse; } /*! * \fn inline boost::numeric::ublas::vector Cov2Ellipse(boost::numeric::ublas::matrix P,const RealType &proba) * \brief Convert 2D covariance to a ellipse parameters * \param P : 2D covariance matrix * \param proba : * \return ublas vector containing semi-major axis, semi-minor axis and orientation of the ellipse */ template inline boost::numeric::ublas::vector Cov2Ellipse(boost::numeric::ublas::matrix P,const RealType &proba){ if(P.size1()==2 & P.size2()==2) throw math_error("Cov2Ellipse: covariance is not a 2D square matrix"); return Cov2Ellipse(P(0,0),P(0,1),P(1,1),proba); } }; }; #endif