// %pacpus:license{ // This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. // %pacpus:license} /// @version $Id: ComponentBase.cpp 76 2013-01-10 17:05:10Z kurdejma $ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const bool kPropertyVerboseDefaultValue = false; namespace po = boost::program_options; using namespace pacpus; using namespace std; vector convertAttributesToArgumentVector(const QDomNamedNodeMap & attributes); void logVariablesMap(po::variables_map vm); DECLARE_STATIC_LOGGER("pacpus.core.ComponentBase"); ComponentBase::ComponentBase(const QString & componentName) : m_componentName(componentName) , m_isActive(false) , mIsRecording(true) , m_manager(NULL) , m_ui(NULL) , m_componentState(NOT_MONITORED) , mOptionsDescription("Component parameters") { LOG_TRACE("constructor"); // Get a pointer on the instance of ComponentManager. m_manager = ComponentManager::getInstance(); LOG_INFO("component " << getName() << " was created"); addParameters() ("name", po::value(&mName)->required(), "component name") ("type", po::value(&mTypeName)->required(), "component type") ("ui", po::value(&mHasGui)->default_value(false), "whether to show GUI") ("verbose", po::value(&mVerbose)->default_value(false), "set output verbose") ("verbosity-level", po::value(&mVerbosityLevel)->default_value(0), "set verbosity level") ("recording", po::value(&mIsRecording)->default_value(false), "whether to record data") ; } ComponentBase::~ComponentBase() { LOG_TRACE("destructor"); } bool ComponentBase::isActive() const { return m_isActive; } void ComponentBase::setActive(bool isActive) { m_isActive = isActive; } bool ComponentBase::isRecording() const { return mIsRecording; } void ComponentBase::setRecording(bool isRecording) { mIsRecording = isRecording; } const XmlComponentConfig ComponentBase::xmlParameters() const { return param; } int ComponentBase::startComponent() { if (isActive()) { LOG_DEBUG("component already started, cannot (re-)start"); return false; } setActive(true); startActivity(); return true; } int ComponentBase::stopComponent() { if (!isActive()) { LOG_DEBUG("component already stopped, cannot (re-)stop"); return false; } setActive(false); stopActivity(); return true; } void ComponentBase::setState(const COMPONENT_STATE state) { m_componentState = state; } // FIXME: this should be const. ComponentBase::COMPONENT_STATE ComponentBase::getState() { COMPONENT_STATE state = m_componentState; if (ComponentBase::NOT_MONITORED != m_componentState) { m_componentState = ComponentBase::MONITOR_NOK; } return state; } ComponentBase::COMPONENT_CONFIGURATION ComponentBase::configurationState() const { return m_configurationState; } void ComponentBase::setConfigurationState(COMPONENT_CONFIGURATION state) { m_configurationState = state; } bool ComponentBase::isConfigured() const { return (m_configurationState == CONFIGURED_OK); } QString ComponentBase::getName() const { return m_componentName; } ComponentBase::InputsMap & ComponentBase::inputs() { return m_inputs; } const ComponentBase::InputsMap & ComponentBase::inputs() const { return m_inputs; } ComponentBase::OutputsMap & ComponentBase::outputs() { return m_outputs; } const ComponentBase::OutputsMap & ComponentBase::outputs() const { return m_outputs; } InputInterfaceBase * ComponentBase::getInput(QString inputName) const { if (inputs().contains(inputName)) { return inputs()[inputName]; } LOG_WARN("Component " << getName() << " does not contain input " << inputName); return NULL; } OutputInterfaceBase * ComponentBase::getOutput(QString outputName) const { /* QList keys = output.keys(); for (int i=0; i 0); } int ComponentBase::getVerbosityLevel() const { return mVerbosityLevel; } po::options_description_easy_init ComponentBase::addParameters() { return mOptionsDescription.add_options(); } void ComponentBase::parseParameters(const XmlComponentConfig & cfg) { LOG_INFO("Parsing parameters..."); LOG_INFO(mOptionsDescription); vector xargs = convertAttributesToArgumentVector(cfg.getProperties()); po::variables_map vm; try { po::store( po::command_line_parser(xargs) .options(mOptionsDescription) .allow_unregistered() // FIXME: temporary only, at term all the components specify all parameters .run() , vm); po::notify(vm); } catch (po::error & e) { LOG_WARN(e.what()); throw PacpusException(e.what()); } logVariablesMap(vm); } void logVariablesMap(boost::program_options::variables_map vm) { for (po::variables_map::iterator i = vm.begin(); i != vm.end(); ++i) { const po::variable_value& v = i->second; if (v.empty()) { continue; } const type_info & type = v.value().type(); if (type == typeid(string)) { const string & val = v.as(); LOG_INFO(i->first << "=" << val); } else if (type == typeid(int)) { int val = v.as(); LOG_INFO(i->first << "=" << val); } else if (type == typeid(bool)) { int val = v.as(); LOG_INFO(i->first << "=" << val); } } } vector convertAttributesToArgumentVector(const QDomNamedNodeMap & attributes) { vector xargs; xargs.reserve(attributes.size()); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size(); ++i) { QDomAttr parameter = attributes.item(i).toAttr(); if (parameter.isNull()) { LOG_WARN("node is not a parameter"); continue; } QString arg = QString("--") + parameter.name() + "="; bool shouldAddQuotes = parameter.value().contains(' '); if (shouldAddQuotes) { arg += '\"'; arg += parameter.value(); arg += '\"'; } else { arg += parameter.value(); } LOG_DEBUG("parameter: " << arg); xargs.push_back(arg.toStdString()); } return xargs; }