/** * * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0. * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved. * * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at: * http://www.hds.utc.fr/~kurdejma/LICENSE_1_0.txt * */ #include #include #include #include using namespace pacpus; using namespace std; DECLARE_STATIC_LOGGER("pacpus.core.XmlConfigFile"); XmlConfigFile * XmlConfigFile::_xmlConfigFile = NULL; static const string kPropertyPluginList = "list"; static const string kXmlConfigFilename = "pacpus_config.xml"; #define componentSection "components" #define parameterSection "parameters" #define rootSection "pacpus" #define pluginsNode "plugins" XmlConfigFile::XmlConfigFile() : _file(NULL) , _numberOfComponents(0) { LOG_TRACE("constructor"); // create the root of the XML tree _document.appendChild(_document.createElement(rootSection)); // create the sections _document.documentElement().appendChild(_document.createElement(parameterSection)); _document.documentElement().appendChild(_document.createElement(componentSection)); _file = new QFile(kXmlConfigFilename.c_str()); if (NULL != _file) { LOG_INFO("XML document " << kXmlConfigFilename.c_str() << " was created"); } else { LOG_WARN("cannot create XML document " << kXmlConfigFilename.c_str()); } } XmlConfigFile::~XmlConfigFile() { LOG_TRACE("destructor"); } XmlConfigFile * XmlConfigFile::create() { if (NULL ==_xmlConfigFile) { _xmlConfigFile = new XmlConfigFile(); } return _xmlConfigFile; } void XmlConfigFile::destroy() { delete _xmlConfigFile; _xmlConfigFile = NULL; } void XmlConfigFile::addComponent(QDomElement component) { _mutex.lock(); if (_document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).namedItem(component.tagName()).isNull()) { LOG_WARN("component " << component.tagName() << " exists already in the document"); } else { QDomNode node = _document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).appendChild(component); ++_numberOfComponents; LOG_INFO("component " << node.nodeName() << " has been added to the section " << _document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).nodeName()); } _mutex.unlock(); } void XmlConfigFile::delComponent(QDomElement component) { _mutex.lock(); QDomNode node = _document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).removeChild(component); if (node.isNull()) { LOG_WARN("component " << component.tagName() << " doesn't exist in the document."); } else { LOG_INFO("component " << node.nodeName() << " has been removed from the section " << _document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).nodeName()); --_numberOfComponents; } _mutex.unlock(); } QDomElement XmlConfigFile::createComponent(QString name) { LOG_DEBUG("creating component " << name); QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&_mutex); Q_UNUSED(mutexLocker); return _document.createElement(name); } void XmlConfigFile::saveFile(QString fileName) { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&_mutex); Q_UNUSED(mutexLocker); _file->setFileName(fileName); { _file->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); { QTextStream ts(_file); ts << "\n" + _document.toString(); } _file->close(); } LOG_DEBUG("file \"" << _file->fileName() << "\" has been saved"); } int XmlConfigFile::loadFile(QString fileName) { QMutexLocker mutexLocker(&_mutex); Q_UNUSED(mutexLocker); int line = 0, col = 0; QString errorMsg; if (_numberOfComponents != 0) { LOG_WARN("XML document contained " << _numberOfComponents << " components that will be lost!"); } _file->setFileName(fileName); if (!_file->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly )) { LOG_ERROR("cannot open file " << fileName); return 0; } if (!_document.setContent( _file, true, &errorMsg, &line, &col )) { LOG_ERROR("cannot get data into the file " << fileName); LOG_ERROR(errorMsg << " at position " << line << ":" << col << " (line:col)"); _file->close(); return 0; } _file->close(); // get the number of components in the loaded tree _numberOfComponents = _document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).childNodes().count(); LOG_INFO("XML file \"" << fileName << "\" has been loaded. Number of components = " << _numberOfComponents); LOG_DEBUG("XML file content:\n" << "BEGIN============================================================================\n" << _document.toString() << "END==============================================================================\n" ); return _numberOfComponents; } QDomElement XmlConfigFile::getComponent(QString componentName) { LOG_DEBUG("getting component " << componentName); QDomNode node = _document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).namedItem(componentName); if (node.isNull()) { LOG_WARN("cannot get component " << componentName << ": document does not contain the component"); } return node.toElement(); } /// @return a list of all names of components declared in the XML tree QStringList XmlConfigFile::getAllComponents() { QStringList componentNameList; QDomNode xmlNode; xmlNode = _document.documentElement().namedItem(componentSection).firstChild(); for (int i = 0; i < _numberOfComponents; i++) { componentNameList.append(xmlNode.toElement().tagName()); xmlNode = xmlNode.nextSibling(); } return componentNameList; } QStringList XmlConfigFile::getAllPlugins() { QDomElement node = _document.documentElement().namedItem(parameterSection).namedItem(pluginsNode).toElement(); if (!node.hasAttribute(kPropertyPluginList.c_str())) { LOG_WARN("cannot retrieve plugins list, node 'plugins' may be misformed or attribute '" << kPropertyPluginList.c_str() << "' may be missing. " << "Use the character pipe '|' to separate the different plugins "); return QStringList(); } else { QString plugins = node.attribute(kPropertyPluginList.c_str()); if (plugins.isEmpty()) { LOG_WARN("no plugins were specified"); return QStringList(); } else { return plugins.split("|", QString::SkipEmptyParts); } } }