// %pacpus:license{ // This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0. /// @author Marek Kurdej /// @author Jean Laneurit /// @date April, 2010 // %pacpus:license} #include #include using boost::math::constants::pi; using boost::math::constants::half_pi; #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning(disable:4244) #endif //_MSC_VER namespace Geodesy { /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Matrice::Matrice(const Matrice & A) { c0_l0=A.c0_l0;c1_l0=A.c1_l0;c2_l0=A.c2_l0; c0_l1=A.c0_l1;c1_l1=A.c1_l1;c2_l1=A.c2_l1; c0_l2=A.c0_l2;c1_l2=A.c1_l2;c2_l2=A.c2_l2; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Matrice::Matrice() { c0_l0=0.0;c1_l0=0.0;c2_l0=0.0; c0_l1=0.0;c1_l1=0.0;c2_l1=0.0; c0_l2=0.0;c1_l2=0.0;c2_l2=0.0; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Matrice::Apply(double v0,double v1,double v2, double& Mv0,double& Mv1,double& Mv2) { Mv0 = c0_l0*v0 + c1_l0*v1 + c2_l0*v2; Mv1 = c0_l1*v0 + c1_l1*v1 + c2_l1*v2; Mv2 = c0_l2*v0 + c1_l2*v1 + c2_l2*v2; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Matrice ProdMat(const Matrice A, const Matrice B) { Matrice out; out.c0_l0=A.c0_l0 * B.c0_l0 + A.c1_l0 * B.c0_l1 + A.c2_l0 * B.c0_l2; out.c1_l0=A.c0_l0 * B.c1_l0 + A.c1_l0 * B.c1_l1 + A.c2_l0 * B.c1_l2; out.c2_l0=A.c0_l0 * B.c2_l0 + A.c1_l0 * B.c2_l1 + A.c2_l0 * B.c2_l2; out.c0_l1=A.c0_l1 * B.c0_l0 + A.c1_l1 * B.c0_l1 + A.c2_l1 * B.c0_l2; out.c1_l1=A.c0_l1 * B.c1_l0 + A.c1_l1 * B.c1_l1 + A.c2_l1 * B.c1_l2; out.c2_l1=A.c0_l1 * B.c2_l0 + A.c1_l1 * B.c2_l1 + A.c2_l1 * B.c2_l2; out.c0_l2=A.c0_l2 * B.c0_l0 + A.c1_l2 * B.c0_l1 + A.c2_l2 * B.c0_l2; out.c1_l2=A.c0_l2 * B.c1_l0 + A.c1_l2 * B.c1_l1 + A.c2_l2 * B.c1_l2; out.c2_l2=A.c0_l2 * B.c2_l0 + A.c1_l2 * B.c2_l1 + A.c2_l2 * B.c2_l2; return out; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Matrice TransMat(const Matrice A) { Matrice out; out.c0_l0=A.c0_l0 ; out.c1_l0 = A.c0_l1 ; out.c2_l0 = A.c0_l2 ; out.c0_l1=A.c1_l0 ; out.c1_l1 = A.c1_l1 ; out.c2_l1 = A.c1_l2 ; out.c0_l2=A.c2_l0 ; out.c1_l2 = A.c2_l1 ; out.c2_l2 = A.c2_l2 ; return out; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Write(const Matrice A,std::ostream& out) { out<< A.c0_l0<<"\t"<< A.c1_l0<<"\t"<< A.c2_l0<<"\n"; out<< A.c0_l1<<"\t"<< A.c1_l1<<"\t"<< A.c2_l1<<"\n"; out<< A.c0_l2<<"\t"<< A.c1_l2<<"\t"<< A.c2_l2<<"\n"; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Raf98::~Raf98() { m_dvalues.clear(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Raf98::Interpol(double longitude, double latitude, double* Hwgs84) const { *Hwgs84 = 0.0; if (m_dvalues.size()==0) return false; const double longitude_min = -5.5; const double longitude_max = 8.5; if (longitude < longitude_min) return false; if (longitude > longitude_max) return false; const double latitude_min = 42; const double latitude_max = 51.5; if (latitude < latitude_min) return false; if (latitude > latitude_max) return false; //conversion en position double longPix = (longitude - longitude_min) * 30.; double latPix = (latitude_max - latitude) * 40.; double RestCol,RestLig; double ColIni,LigIni; RestCol = modf(longPix,&ColIni); RestLig = modf(latPix,&LigIni); double Zbd = (1.0-RestCol) * (1.0-RestLig) * LitGrille(ColIni , LigIni ); Zbd += RestCol * (1.0-RestLig) * LitGrille(ColIni+1, LigIni ); Zbd += (1.0-RestCol) * RestLig * LitGrille(ColIni , LigIni+1); Zbd += RestCol * RestLig * LitGrille(ColIni+1, LigIni+1); *Hwgs84 = Zbd; return true; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double Raf98::LitGrille(unsigned int c,unsigned int l) const { const unsigned int w=421; // const unsigned int h=381; return m_dvalues.at(c+l*w); } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool Raf98::Load(const std::string & s) { std::ifstream in(s.c_str()); unsigned int w = 421; unsigned int h = 381; m_dvalues.reserve(w*h); char entete[1024];//sur 3 lignes in.getline(entete,1023); in.getline(entete,1023); in.getline(entete,1023); char bidon[1024]; double val; for (unsigned int i=0; i< h; ++i) { for (unsigned int j=0; j< 52; ++j) { for (unsigned int k=0; k< 8; ++k) { in >> val; m_dvalues.push_back( val ); } in.getline(bidon,1023); } for (unsigned int k=0; k< 5; ++k) { in >> val; m_dvalues.push_back( val ); } in.getline(bidon,1023); if (!in.good()) { m_dvalues.clear(); return false; } } return in.good(); } } // namespace Geodesy /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ALGO0001 double Geodesy::LatitueIsometrique(double latitude, double e) { using ::std::log; using ::std::sin; using ::std::tan; double li = log(tan(pi() / 4. + latitude/2.)) + e*log( (1-e*sin(latitude))/(1+e*sin(latitude)) )/2; return li; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ALGO0002 double Geodesy::LatitueIsometrique2Lat(double latitude_iso,double e,double epsilon) { using ::std::atan; using ::std::exp; using ::std::abs; using ::std::log; using ::std::sin; double latitude_i = 2 * atan(exp(latitude_iso)) - half_pi(); double latitude_ip1 = latitude_i + epsilon * 2; while (abs(latitude_i-latitude_ip1) > epsilon) { latitude_i = latitude_ip1; latitude_ip1 = 2 * atan( exp(e*0.5* log( (1+e*sin(latitude_i))/(1-e*sin(latitude_i)) ) ) *exp(latitude_iso) ) - half_pi(); } return latitude_ip1; } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Geodesy::Geo2ProjLambert( double lambda,double phi, double n, double c,double e, double lambdac,double xs,double ys, double& X,double& Y) { double lat_iso=LatitueIsometrique(phi,e); X=xs+c*exp(-n*lat_iso)*sin(n*(lambda-lambdac)); Y=ys-c*exp(-n*lat_iso)*cos(n*(lambda-lambdac)); } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //ALGO0004 void Geodesy::Proj2GeoLambert( double X,double Y, double n, double c,double e, double lambdac,double xs,double ys, double epsilon, double& lambda,double& phi) { double X_xs=X-xs; double ys_Y=ys-Y; double R=sqrt(X_xs*X_xs+ys_Y*ys_Y); double gamma=atan(X_xs/ys_Y); lambda=lambdac+gamma/n; double lat_iso=-1/n*log(fabs(R/c)); phi=LatitueIsometrique2Lat(lat_iso,e,epsilon); } /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double Geodesy::ConvMerApp(double longitude) { double phi0_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(46.5); double lambda0_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(3.0); double conv=-sin(phi0_Lambert93)*(longitude-lambda0_Lambert93); return conv; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Geodesy::Geographique_2_Lambert93(const Raf98& raf98,double lambda,double phi,double he,Matrice in,double& E,double& N,double& h,Matrice& out) { Matrice passage; double conv=Geodesy::ConvMerApp(lambda); double c_=cos(conv); double s_=sin(conv); passage.c0_l0 = c_; passage.c0_l1 = s_; passage.c0_l2 = 0.0; passage.c1_l0 = -s_; passage.c1_l1 = c_; passage.c1_l2 = 0.0; passage.c2_l0 = 0.0; passage.c2_l1 = 0.0; passage.c2_l2 = 1.0; out=ProdMat(passage,in); double diff_h; raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda),Rad2Deg(phi),&diff_h); h=he-diff_h; Geodesy::Geo2ProjLambert( lambda,phi, n_Lambert93,c_Lambert93,e_Lambert93, lambda0_Lambert93,xs_Lambert93,ys_Lambert93, E,N); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Geodesy::Geographique_2_Lambert93(const Raf98& raf98,double lambda,double phi,double he,double& E,double& N,double& h) { Geodesy::Geo2ProjLambert( lambda,phi, n_Lambert93,c_Lambert93,e_Lambert93, lambda0_Lambert93,xs_Lambert93,ys_Lambert93, E,N); double diff_h; raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda),Rad2Deg(phi),&diff_h); h=he-diff_h; } /// Converts Lambert93 coordinates (East, North, Height) into geographical coordinates in radians (Longitude = Rad2Deg(lambda), Latitude = Rad2Deg(phi), Height) void Geodesy::Lambert93_2_Geographique(const Raf98& raf98,double E,double N,double h,double& lambda,double& phi,double& he) { Geodesy::Proj2GeoLambert( E,N, n_Lambert93,c_Lambert93,e_Lambert93, lambda0_Lambert93,xs_Lambert93,ys_Lambert93, 0.0000000000000001, lambda,phi); double diff_h; raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda),Rad2Deg(phi),&diff_h); he=h+diff_h; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Geodesy::Lambert93_2_Geographique(const Raf98& raf98,double E,double N,double h,Matrice in,double& lambda,double& phi,double& he,Matrice& out) { Geodesy::Proj2GeoLambert( E,N, n_Lambert93,c_Lambert93,e_Lambert93, lambda0_Lambert93,xs_Lambert93,ys_Lambert93, 0.0000000000000001, lambda,phi); Matrice passage; double conv=Geodesy::ConvMerApp(lambda); double c_=cos(conv); double s_=sin(conv); passage.c0_l0 = c_; passage.c0_l1 = -s_; passage.c0_l2 = 0.0; passage.c1_l0 = s_; passage.c1_l1 = c_; passage.c1_l2 = 0.0; passage.c2_l0 = 0.0; passage.c2_l1 = 0.0; passage.c2_l2 = 1.0; out=ProdMat(passage,in); double diff_h; raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda),Rad2Deg(phi),&diff_h); he=h+diff_h; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Geodesy::Geographique_2_ECEF(double longitude,double latitude,double he,double& x,double& y,double& z) { const double n = GRS_a / sqrt(1.0 - pow(GRS_e,2) * pow(sin(latitude),2)); x = (n + he) * cos(latitude) * cos(longitude); y = (n + he) * cos(latitude) * sin(longitude); z = (n * (1.0 - pow(GRS_e,2)) + he) * sin(latitude); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void Geodesy::ECEF_2_ENU(double x,double y,double z,double& e,double& n,double& u,double lon0,double lat0,double he0) { double slat = std::sin(lat0); double clat = std::cos(lat0); double slon = std::sin(lon0); double clon = std::cos(lon0); Geodesy::Matrice C; C.c0_l0 = -slon; C.c1_l0 = clon; C.c0_l1 = -clon * slat; C.c1_l1 = -slon * slat; C.c2_l1 = clat; C.c0_l2 = clon * clat; C.c1_l2 = slon * clat; C.c2_l2 = slat; double x0, y0, z0; Geographique_2_ECEF(lon0,lat0,he0, x0,y0,z0); x -= x0; y -= y0; z -= z0; C.Apply(x,y,z, e,n,u); } QMatrix4x4 Geodesy::yprenuToMatrix(QVector3D angle, QVector3D position) { float c1 = cos(angle.x()); float c2 = cos(angle.y()); float c3 = cos(angle.z()); float s1 = sin(angle.x()); float s2 = sin(angle.y()); float s3 = sin(angle.z()); // Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles return QMatrix4x4 ( c1*c2, c1*s2*s3-c3*s1, s1*s3+c1*c3*s2, position.x(), c2*s1, c1*c3+s1*s2*s3, c3*s1*s2-c1*s3, position.y(), -s2, c2*s3, c2*c3, position.z(), 0, 0, 0, 1); }