The pacpus component is composed of many classes \+:
\item \hyperlink{class_disk_writer}{Disk\+Writer}
\item \hyperlink{class_display}{Display}
\item Vislab\+Camera
\item Vislab\+Component
\item \hyperlink{class_vislab_image_processor}{Vislab\+Image\+Processor}
The \hyperlink{class_disk_writer}{Disk\+Writer} class permit to record the video, it records all pictures taken by the camera The \hyperlink{class_display}{Display} class permit to see the video, this class creates the windows to display the videos The Vislab\+Camera class has for actions to start, stop and poweroff the camera The Vislab\+Component class is the base of the pacpus component; this class instantiate the elements. It execute the callbacks, start and stop the transmission of the camera The \hyperlink{class_vislab_image_processor}{Vislab\+Image\+Processor} class
With this pacpus component we can record a video with two specificities \+:
\item The classic video
\item The disparity video
\end{DoxyItemize}\hypertarget{index_How}{}\section{to use the camera}\label{index_How}
\item Connect the power and the R\+J45 cable
\item Configure the IP address of your computer with 192.\+168.\+0.\+xx
\item Finally in the terminal, run pacpussensors with the plugin Vislab
\item The X\+ML file to use have to look like this \+:
\textcolor{comment}{// extension="so" on linux, extension="dll" on windows}