/********************************************************************* // created: 2008/07/18 - 15:33 // filename: SeptentrioComponent.cpp // // author: Gerald Dherbomez & Clement Fouque // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 6599 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: // *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "SeptentrioComponent.h" #include "SeptentrioSocket.h" #include "kernel/ComponentFactory.h" // Construct the factory static ComponentFactory* factory = new ComponentFactory("SeptentrioComponent"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SeptentrioComponent::SeptentrioComponent(QString name) : ComponentBase(name) { socketIf_ = new SeptentrioSocket(); recording = false; computeGPSTk = false ; // default values host_ = ""; port_ = 80; frame_ = "" ; ui_ = 0 ; currentRoadtime = 0 ; currentTimerange = 0 ; // Create message handler: pHandleStream = new SerialCOM_Handle_Stream( false ); // Define protocol to be handled pProtocolSBF = new Plrx::SerialCOM_Protocol_SBF(); // Add message to decode to protocol pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_MeasEpoch() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_ShortMeasEpoch() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GenMeasEpoch() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_EndOfMeas() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GPSNav() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GPSAlm() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GPSIon() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GPSUtc() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GPSRaw() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_CNAVRaw() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOMT00() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOPRNMask() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOFastCorr() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOIntegrity() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOFastCorrDegr() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEONav() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEODegrFactors() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEONetworkTime() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOAlm() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOIGPMask() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOLongTermCorr() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOIonoDelay() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOServiceLevel() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOClockEphCovMatrix() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEORaw() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_PVTCartesian() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_PVTGeodetic() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_PosCovCartesian() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_PosCovGeodetic() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_VelCovCartesian() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_VelCovGeodetic() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_DOP() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_PVTResiduals() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_RAIMStatistics() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GEOCorrections() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_BaseLine() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_EndOfPVT() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_ReceiverTime() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_xPPSOffset() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_ExtEvent() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_TrackingStatus() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_ReceiverStatus() ); pProtocolSBF->addMsg( new Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_ReceiverSetup() ); // Add protocol to handler: pHandleStream->addProtocol( pProtocolSBF ); /* recPos = gpstk::Position( 49.3994929 , 2.7988750 , 87.071 , gpstk::Position::Geodetic ) ; curPos = gpstk::Position( 49.3994929 , 2.7988750 , 87.071 , gpstk::Position::Geodetic ) ; curVel = Vector(3) ; curTime = Vector(2) ; pSolver = new polarxGPSTKsolver() ; */ prevRoadTime = 0 ; // Creating Shared Memory pShMem = new QSharedMemory( "polarx_shmem" , this ); if ( pShMem->create(16384) ) qDebug() << "Shared Memory Segment created" ; else { qDebug() << pShMem->errorString() ; if ( pShMem->error() == 4 ) { qDebug() << "Trying to attach ...." ; if ( pShMem->attach() ) qDebug() << "done" ; } } // Initialize the shared memory pShMem->lock(); memset(pShMem->data(), 0, pShMem->size()); pShMem->unlock(); // Creating System Sempahore pShmSem = new QSystemSemaphore( "polarx_sem" , 0 , QSystemSemaphore::Create ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SeptentrioComponent::~SeptentrioComponent() { delete socketIf_; // Delete StreamHandler to free memory pProtocolSBF->clear() ; delete pProtocolSBF ; delete pHandleStream ; delete ui_ ; // delete pShMem ; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called by the ComponentManager to start the component ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SeptentrioComponent::startActivity() { socketIf_->connectToServer(host_, port_); QString tosend("sso curr pvtgeo+status"); if ( !frame_.isEmpty() ) tosend.append("+").append(frame_) ; socketIf_->sendToServer( tosend ); if (ui_) ui_->setSocket( socketIf_ ) ; THREAD_ALIVE = true; start(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called by the ComponentManager to stop the component ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SeptentrioComponent::stopActivity() { THREAD_ALIVE = false; socketIf_->closeSocket(); if (!wait(1500)) { terminate(); qDebug() << "The SeptentrioComponent thread(" << componentName << ")blocks anormally, it has been killed !!"; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Called by the ComponentManager to pass the XML parameters to the // component ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ComponentBase::COMPONENT_CONFIGURATION SeptentrioComponent::configureComponent(XmlComponentConfig config) { if (param.getProperty("recording") != QString::null) recording = ( param.getProperty("recording") == "true" ? true : false ); if (param.getProperty("receiverIP") != QString::null) host_ = param.getProperty("receiverIP"); if (param.getProperty("receiverPort") != QString::null) port_ = param.getProperty("receiverPort").toInt(); if ( param.getProperty("sbfFrame") != QString::null ) frame_ = param.getProperty("sbfFrame") ; if (param.getProperty("computeGPSTk") != QString::null) computeGPSTk = ( param.getProperty("computeGPSTk") == "true" ? true : false ); if (param.getProperty("showUI") == "true") ui_ = new PolarxMainWindow(); return ComponentBase::CONFIGURED_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main loop of the thread ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SeptentrioComponent::run() { hdfile_t * DBTHeader; // Create DBT File for recording SBF frame if ( recording ) { DBTHeader = inithdFile((char *)(componentName + "_SbfFrame.dbt").toLatin1().data() , DBT_SBF_FRAMERAW , sizeof(SbfFrame) ); } unsigned char *buffer = NULL; while (THREAD_ALIVE) { // Get the Frame socketIf_->sem.acquire(); SbfFrame frame; frame = socketIf_->sbfFrames.front(); socketIf_->sbfFrames.pop(); if (ui_) ui_->setData( frame.data , frame.size ); currentRoadtime = frame.time ; currentTimerange = frame.timerange ; // Record SbfFrame: if (recording) write_hdfile( DBTHeader , &frame , currentRoadtime , currentTimerange , sizeof(SbfFrame) ); // Add Buffer to the Handle Stream: int iStartBuffer = 0; //new data, so start to read the buffer at 0 int nbBytesRead = 0; int bufferLength = frame.size ; bool flag ; double TOW; int nbMeasReceived = 0 ; do { if ( pHandleStream->addData( frame.data , frame.size , iStartBuffer , &nbBytesRead , (long double)currentRoadtime ) ) { flag = false ; SerialCOM_Msg *pCurMsg = pHandleStream->getCurMsgPointer(); if ( pCurMsg != NULL ) { if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5913 ) { if (ui_) ui_->setReceiverStatus( static_cast(pCurMsg) ); } if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5912 ) { if (ui_) ui_->setTrackingStatus( static_cast(pCurMsg) ); } // GPS ECEF Pos: /* if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5904 ) { const double pi = 3.1415926535898; const double r2d = 180. / pi; // M_PI Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_PVTGeodetic * RecPosData = static_cast(pCurMsg) ; if (ui_) ui_->setPVTGeodetic( RecPosData ); try { recPos.setGeodetic( r2d * RecPosData->lat , r2d * RecPosData->lon , RecPosData->h ); } catch (gpstk::GeometryException &ge) { // We don't have a valid receiver position recPos.setECEF(-1.e-99, -1.e-99, -1.e-99); } } */ // GPS Nav frame: if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5895 ) { Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GPSRaw * NavData = static_cast(pCurMsg) ; //if ( computeGPSTk) pSolver->addNavigationData( (SbfDataGPSRaw *)NavData ); sendToShmem( 5895 , (SbfDataGPSRaw *)NavData, currentRoadtime, currentTimerange ); if ( abs(pCurMsg->getMsgTime() - prevRoadTime) < 5000 ) { currentRoadtime = prevRoadTime + 5000 ; prevRoadTime = currentRoadtime ; } else prevRoadTime = pCurMsg->getMsgTime() ; } // GPS Meas frame: if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5889 ) { Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_MeasEpoch * MeasData = static_cast(pCurMsg) ; sendToShmem( 5889 , (SbfDataMeasEpoch *)MeasData, currentRoadtime, currentTimerange ); TOW = MeasData->TOW ; nbMeasReceived = MeasData->Nsb ; // qDebug() << "Raw C1 measurements" ; // for ( int k = 0 ; k < MeasData->Nsb ; k++ ) // { // qDebug("%i\t%7.3f" , MeasData->ChannelData[k].SVID , MeasData->ChannelData[k].CACode ) ; // } //if ( computeGPSTk) pSolver->addObservationData( (SbfDataMeasEpoch *)MeasData ); flag = true ; } if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5890 ) { Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_ShortMeasEpoch * MeasData = static_cast(pCurMsg) ; TOW = MeasData->TOW ; nbMeasReceived = MeasData->N ; //if ( computeGPSTk) pSolver->addObservationData( MeasData ); flag = true ; } if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5944 ) { Plrx::SerialCOM_Msg_GenMeasEpoch * MeasData = static_cast(pCurMsg) ; TOW = MeasData->TOW ; nbMeasReceived = MeasData->N ; //if ( computeGPSTk) pSolver->addObservationData( MeasData ); flag = true ; } //Compute PolarX position using GPSTK; /*if (computeGPSTk & flag) { if ( !pSolver->computeNavigationSolution() ) { curPos = pSolver->getReceiverPosition() ; curVel = pSolver->getReceiverVelocity() ; curTime = pSolver->getReceiverClock(); double dx = curPos.X() - recPos.X() ; double dy = curPos.Y() - recPos.Y() ; double dz = curPos.Z() - recPos.Z() ; double d = sqrt( pow(dx,2)+pow(dy,2)+pow(dz,2) ); qDebug("[ %6.2fs ] : Available meas. : %i (%i)" , TOW , pSolver->NbMeas() , nbMeasReceived ) ; qDebug(" Nb Eph stored : %i" , pSolver->NbEph() ) ; pSolver->EphDump() ; qDebug("*------------------------------------------------------*"); qDebug(" GPSTK SOLUTION "); qDebug("X = %7.2f\t Y = %7.2f\t Z = %7.2f" , curPos.X() , curPos.Y() , curPos.Z() ); qDebug("Vx = %3.2f\t Vy = %3.2f\t Vz = %3.2f",curVel[0],curVel[1],curVel[2] ); qDebug("dt = %3.2f\t ddt = %3.2f\t",curTime[0],curTime[1]); qDebug("dX = %7.2f\t dY = %7.2f\t dZ = %7.2f" , dx , dy , dz ); qDebug("|E| = %7.2f" , d ); qDebug("*------------------------------------------------------*\n"); } else qDebug("[ %6.2fs ] : Unable to compute : %i %i (%i)" , TOW , pSolver->NbEph() , pSolver->NbMeas() , nbMeasReceived ) ; } */ // GEO Corrections frame if ( pCurMsg->getID() == 5935 ) { qDebug() << "GeoCorr Reiceved" ; } // DeDBytage des donnees if ( (recording) && (pCurMsg->recording) ) { if (!pCurMsg->DByteFileHeader) pCurMsg->DByteFileHeader = inithdFile((char *)(componentName + "_" + QString(pCurMsg->getName().c_str()) +".dbt").toLatin1().data(), pCurMsg->getDbtType(), pCurMsg->getSizeOfStruct());//sizeof(*pCurMsg)); // if ( pCurMsg->writeDByte( (road_time_t)pCurMsg->getMsgTime() , currentTimerange ) == 0) // qWarning("Failed to record this data ...\n"); if ( pCurMsg->writeDByte( currentRoadtime , currentTimerange ) == 0) qWarning("Failed to record this data ...\n"); } } } // Increment number of bytes read iStartBuffer = iStartBuffer + nbBytesRead; } while ( (nbBytesRead>0) && (iStartBuffer void SeptentrioComponent::sendToShmem( short id , T * msg, road_time_t t, road_timerange_t tr ) { // // Old 1-message solution // pShMem->lock() ; // memcpy( (short *)pShMem->data() , &id , sizeof(short) ); // memcpy( (T *)pShMem->data()+sizeof(short) , msg , sizeof(T) ); // pShMem->unlock(); // pShmSem->release(); QBuffer buffer_in; QDataStream in(&buffer_in); QBuffer buffer_out; buffer_out.open(QBuffer::ReadWrite); QDataStream out(&buffer_out); QQueue msgQueue; // Lock shared memory pShMem->lock(); // Retrieve the current message queue buffer_in.setData((char*)pShMem->constData(), pShMem->size()); buffer_in.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); in >> msgQueue; // Enqueue the new message QByteArray newmsg; newmsg.append( (char*) &id, sizeof(short)); newmsg.append( (char*) msg, sizeof(T)); newmsg.append( (char*) &t, sizeof(road_time_t)); newmsg.append( (char*) &tr, sizeof(road_timerange_t)); msgQueue.enqueue(newmsg); // Try to update the shared memory message queue out << msgQueue; int size = buffer_out.size(); //qDebug() << "msgQueue is now " << msgQueue.size() << " elmts (" << buffer_out.size() << " bytes)."; // New message will be lost if not enough memory if (size <= pShMem->size()) { char *to = (char*)pShMem->data(); const char *from = buffer_out.data().data(); memcpy(to, from, qMin(pShMem->size(), size)); // Signal the new data pShmSem->release(); } else { qDebug("SeptentrioComponent: Message lost."); } // Unlock shared memory pShMem->unlock(); }