#include "UTMWGS.hpp" //#pragma hdrstop /* ** Author: O. Le Marchand ** ** You can use it any way you like as long as you don't try to sell it. ** ** ** $Workfile: UTMWGS.cpp $ ** $Revision: 6 $ ** $Modtime: 14/10/08 $ */ UTMWGS::UTMWGS() { Mnemonic = "UTMWGS"; Empty(); } UTMWGS::~UTMWGS() { //Mnemonic.Empty(); Empty(); } void UTMWGS::Empty( void ) { //UTCTime.Empty(); UTMzoneChar = ' '; UTMzone = 0; east = 0.0; north = 0.0; up = 0.0; } BOOL UTMWGS::Parse( const SENTENCE& sentence ) { /* ** UTMWGS ** 1 2 3 4 5 ** | | | | | ** $UTMWGS,c,nn,x.xxx,y.yyy,z.zzz*hh ** ** Field Number: ** 1) c and nn represent the map, Zone/area 3) x.xxx is the east position in meter 4) y.yyy is the north position in meter 5) z.zzz is the altitude in meters */ UTMzoneChar = sentence.Field(1).at(0); UTMzone = sentence.Integer( 2 ); east = sentence.Double( 3 ); north = sentence.Double( 4 ); up = sentence.Double( 5 ); return( TRUE ); } QString UTMWGS::PlainEnglish( void ) const { QString return_string; return_string = "not yet available "; return( return_string ); } BOOL UTMWGS::Write( SENTENCE& sentence ) { /* ** Let the parent do its thing */ RESPONSE::Write( sentence ); sentence += UTMzoneChar; sentence += UTMzone; sentence += east; sentence += north; sentence += up; sentence.Finish(); return( TRUE ); } const UTMWGS& UTMWGS::operator = ( const UTMWGS& source ) { UTMzoneChar = source.UTMzoneChar; UTMzone = source.UTMzone; east = source.east; north = source.north; up = source.up; return( *this ); }