/********************************************************************* // created: 2014/02/11 - 12:08 // filename: SickLMSSensor.cpp // // author: Cyril Fougeray // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 6599 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: The acquisition class of the SickLMS sensor // *********************************************************************/ #include "SickLMSSensor.h" #include "SickSocket.h" // #include "Pacpus/kernel/ComponentFactory.h" #include "Pacpus/kernel/DbiteException.h" #include "Pacpus/kernel/DbiteFileTypes.h" #include "Pacpus/kernel/Log.h" #include "Pacpus/PacpusTools/ShMem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // #define SICKLMS_SH_MEM namespace pacpus { static const int STX_CHAR = 0x02; static const int ETX_CHAR = 0x03; DECLARE_STATIC_LOGGER("pacpus.base.SickLMSSensor"); // Commands which can be taken into account static const std::string SICKLMS_SCANDATA_MESSAGE = "LMDscandata"; static const std::string SICKLMS_SCANCONFIG_MESSAGE = "LMPscancfg"; static const int MINIMUM_PARAMETERS_MSG = 6; // ScanConfig message is the smallest relevant message ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Constructor. SickLMSSensor::SickLMSSensor(QObject *parent) : ipaddr_(""), port_(1211), name_("SickLMSDefault"), recording_(false) { LOG_TRACE("constructor ("<name_ << "), default settings"); S_socket = new SickSocket(this); connect(S_socket, SIGNAL(configuration()), this, SLOT(configure()) ); pendingBytes.time = 0; pendingBytes.previousData = false; this->kSickDbtFileName = name_.toStdString()+".dbt"; this->kSickUtcFileName = name_.toStdString()+"_data.utc"; } SickLMSSensor::SickLMSSensor(QObject *parent, QString name, QString ip, int port, int recording) : ipaddr_(ip), port_(port), name_(name), recording_((bool)recording) { LOG_TRACE("constructor ("<< this->name_ << "), configuration : " << this->ipaddr_<<":"<port_); S_socket = new SickSocket(this); connect(S_socket, SIGNAL(configuration()), this, SLOT(configure()) ); pendingBytes.time = 0; pendingBytes.previousData = false; this->kSickDbtFileName = name_.toStdString()+".dbt"; this->kSickUtcFileName = name_.toStdString()+"_data.utc"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Destructor. SickLMSSensor::~SickLMSSensor() { LOG_TRACE("destructor ("<< this->name_ << ")"); delete S_socket; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Called by the ComponentManager to start the component void SickLMSSensor::startActivity() { LOG_TRACE("Start Activity ("<< this->name_ <<")"); S_socket->connectToServer(ipaddr_, port_); // config can be computed for each measure // askScanCfg(); char buf[100]; // ///LOGIN // sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sMN SetAccessMode 03 F4724744", 0x03); // S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); // sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sWN LMDscandatacfg 03 00 1 1 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 1 1", 0x03); // S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); //// sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sWN FREchoFilter 1", 0x03); //// S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); /////// SAVE PERMANENT // sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sMN mEEwriteall", 0x03); // S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); //// /// LOGOUT // sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sMN Run", 0x03); // S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); // Start measurement sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sEN LMDscandata 1", 0x03); S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); /// TODO get response from sensor and analyse it to know if measuring has started /// See p23 telegram if(0) LOG_INFO("(Measuring) Data sent permanently"); if (recording_) { LOG_INFO("(Recording) Recording is on."); try { dbtFile_.open(kSickDbtFileName, WriteMode, TELEM_SICK, sizeof(SickLMS_dbt)); } catch (DbiteException & e) { cerr << "error opening dbt file: "<< kSickDbtFileName << ", " << e.what() << endl; return; } // FIXME: use ofstream // open the file with C function to be sure that it will exist FILE * stream; if (NULL == (stream = fopen(kSickUtcFileName.c_str(), "a+"))) { LOG_FATAL("cannot open file '" << kSickUtcFileName.c_str() << "'"); ::exit(-1); } else { fclose(stream); } dataFile_.open(kSickUtcFileName.c_str(), ios_base::out|ios_base::binary|ios_base::app); if (!dataFile_) { LOG_FATAL("cannot open file '" << kSickUtcFileName.c_str() << "'"); ::exit(-1); } } else LOG_INFO("(Recording) Not recording."); #ifdef SICKLMS_SH_MEM shmem_ = new ShMem(kSickMemoryName.c_str(), sizeof(ScanSickData)); #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Called by the ComponentManager to stop the component void SickLMSSensor::stopActivity() { LOG_TRACE("destructor (" << this->name_ << ")"); // Stop measurement. Not necessary : when socket is closed, data is no longer sent from sensor char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sEN LMDscandata 0", 0x03); S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); S_socket->closeSocket(); if (recording_) { LOG_TRACE("(Recording) Recording stopped"); dbtFile_.close(); dataFile_.close(); } #ifdef SICKLMS_SH_MEM delete shmem_; #endif // delete generator; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// void SickLMSSensor::configure(){ // Start measuring // S_socket->sendToServer(QString((u_int32_t)0x0020)); // LOG_TRACE(this->name_ +" configured."); } /// Data must be parsed in slot customEvent void SickLMSSensor::askScanCfg(){ char buf[100]; sprintf(buf, "%c%s%c", 0x02, "sRN LMPscancfg", 0x03); S_socket->sendToServer(QString(buf)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// int SickLMSSensor::isMessageComplete(const char* packets, unsigned int size) { for(int i = 0; i < size; ++i){ if(packets[i] == ETX_CHAR) return i; } return -1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// look for the position of the Start of Text character /// Return it if found else return -1 int SickLMSSensor::findSTX(const char* packets, const unsigned int size ){ int i = 0; while(i < size){ if(packets[i] == STX_CHAR) return i; i++; } return -1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// this function is called when no complete message has been found /// we set the flag previousData to true for the next processing stage /// and we store the timestamp of the bytes acquisition void SickLMSSensor::storePendingBytes(road_time_t time) { if (!pendingBytes.previousData) { pendingBytes.time = time; pendingBytes.previousData = true; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Analyse the ethernet packet received from the Sick LMS and try to find a /// complete message (scan data message) /// If a message has been found it is added at the end of the message list /// else the pending bytes are stored to be analyzed by further icoming data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SickLMSSensor::reconstituteMessage(const char * packet, const int length, road_time_t time) { long indexSTX = 0; long indexETX = 0; long msgSize = 0; // we are working on the previous not decoded data + the actual incoming packet pendingBytes.data.append(packet,length); LOG_TRACE("(Packet reconstitution) Pending bytes : " << pendingBytes.data.size() ); while (pendingBytes.data.size() > 0) { // we are looking for the start of frame (= 0x02) indexSTX = findSTX(pendingBytes.data.c_str() , pendingBytes.data.size() ); LOG_TRACE("(Packet reconstitution) Start of text index : " << indexSTX ); if (indexSTX == -1) { storePendingBytes(time); // exit the while loop break; } // we are verifying if the message is complete indexETX = isMessageComplete(pendingBytes.data.c_str(), pendingBytes.data.size()); LOG_TRACE("(Packet reconstitution) End of text index : " << indexETX ); if (indexETX == -1) { storePendingBytes(time); // exit the while loop break; } // we have a complete message available that we can add to the list MessageLMS msg; // we copy the bytes in the body message msgSize = indexETX - indexSTX + 1; char* messageData = (char*)malloc(msgSize+1); memcpy(messageData, pendingBytes.data.c_str() + indexSTX, msgSize); msg.body = messageData; msg.msgSize = msgSize; // we set the timestamp of the message if (pendingBytes.previousData) { // the timestamp is the one of the previous packet msg.time = pendingBytes.time; pendingBytes.previousData = false; } else { // the timestamp is the one of the actual received packet msg.time = time; } // we add the message to the list msgList.push_back(msg); // and we suppress the processed bytes of the pending data pendingBytes.data.erase(0, msgSize); } } /** * \fn * \brief * \param * \param * \return */ int SickLMSSensor::splitMessage(MessageLMS* message){ message->splitMessage = new std::vector(); for(int i; i < message->msgSize; ++i){ std::string* str = new std::string(); while(message->body[i] != ' ' && i < message->msgSize){ str->push_back(message->body[i]); ++i; } message->splitMessage->push_back(*str); delete str; } LOG_TRACE("(splitMessage) Number of parameters into the message : "<< (int)message->splitMessage->size()); return (int) message->splitMessage->size(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Convert hexadecimal value stored as ASCII string to long /// Warning : alpha characters must be in capital letters long SickLMSSensor::xstol(std::string str){ long ret = 0; for (std::string::iterator it=str.begin(); it!=str.end(); ++it){ if(*it >= 'A' && *it <= 'F'){ ret *= 16; ret += (*it - 'A' + 10); } else if (*it >= '0' && *it <= '9'){ ret *= 16; ret += (*it - '0'); } else LOG_WARN("(conversion) String is not a hex value"); } return ret; } int SickLMSSensor::processScanData(MessageLMS* msg) { // just non-empty arrays will be saved in DBT // so first, we initialize these values to 0 and then fill them if message contains corresponding data msg->data.dist_len1 = 0; msg->data.dist_len2 = 0; msg->data.dist_len3 = 0; msg->data.dist_len4 = 0; msg->data.dist_len5 = 0; msg->data.rssi_len1 = 0; msg->data.rssi_len2 = 0; // for(std::vector::iterator it = msg->splitMessage->begin(); it != msg->splitMessage->end(); it++){ // printf("%s ", (*it).c_str()); // } // printf("\n"); // 0 //Type of command // 1 //Command // 2 //VersionNumber // 3 //DeviceNumber // 4 //Serial number // 5-6 //DeviceStatus // 00 00 OK // 00 01 Error // 00 02 Pollution Warning // 00 04 Pollution Error // 7 //MessageCounter LOG_TRACE("(Parsing) Message number 0x"<< msg->splitMessage->at(7).c_str()); // 8 //ScanCounter // 9 //PowerUpDuration // 10 //TransmissionDuration // 11-12 //InputStatus // 13-14 //OutputStatus // 15 //ReservedByteA // 16 //ScanningFrequency msg->data.scanFrequency = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(16)); LOG_TRACE("(Parsing) Scan frequency "<< msg->data.scanFrequency <<" [1/100 Hz]"); // 17 //MeasurementFrequency // 18 //NumberEncoders int NumberEncoders = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(18)); LOG_TRACE("(Parsing) Number Encoders "<< NumberEncoders); for (int i = 0; i < NumberEncoders; i++) { // //EncoderPosition // //EncoderSpeed } // 18+NumberEncoders*2+1 //NumberChannels16Bit int NumberChannels16Bit = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(18+NumberEncoders*2+1)); LOG_TRACE("(Parsing) Number channels 16Bit : "<splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+1); // 19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+1 //MeasuredDataContent LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 16bit channel #"<splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+2) == "40000000") scalingFactor = 2; LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 16bit channel #"<data.startAngle = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+4)); LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 16bit channel #"<data.startAngle << " [1/10000 degree]"); // 19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+5 //Angular step width msg->data.angleResolution = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+5)); LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 16bit channel #"<data.angleResolution<<" [1/10000 degree]"); // 19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+6 //NumberData NumberData = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+6)); LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 16bit channel #"<splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+7))); LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 16bit channel #"<splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+7+NumberData-1))); uint16_t* distPoints = (uint16_t*) malloc(NumberData * sizeof(uint16_t)); for (int j = 0; j < NumberData; j++) { distPoints[j] = scalingFactor * xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+i*6+totalData16+7+j)); } if (type == 0) { msg->data.dist1 = distPoints; msg->data.dist_len1 = NumberData; } else if (type == 1) { msg->data.dist2 = distPoints; msg->data.dist_len2 = NumberData; } else if (type == 2) { msg->data.rssi1 = distPoints; msg->data.rssi_len1 = NumberData; } else if (type == 3) { msg->data.rssi2 = distPoints; msg->data.rssi_len2 = NumberData; } else if (type == 4) { msg->data.dist3 = distPoints; msg->data.dist_len3 = NumberData; } else if (type == 5) { msg->data.dist4 = distPoints; msg->data.dist_len4 = NumberData; } else if (type == 6) { msg->data.dist5 = distPoints; msg->data.dist_len5 = NumberData; } totalData16 += NumberData; } // 19+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+1 //NumberChannels8Bit int NumberChannels8Bit = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(19+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+1)); LOG_TRACE("(Processing) Number channels 8Bit : "<splitMessage->at(21+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+totalData8+i*6); // LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 8bit channel) Measured Data Content : " << content); // if (content == "DIST1") { // type = 0; // } else if (content=="DIST2") { // type = 1; // } else if (content=="RSSI1") { // type = 2; // } else if (content == "RSSI2") { // type = 3; // } // 21+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+i*6+1 //ScalingFactor // 21+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+i*6+2 //ScalingOffset // 21+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+i*6+3 //Starting angle // 21+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+i*6+4 //Angular step width // 21+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+i*6+5 //NumberData // int NumberData = xstol(msg->splitMessage->at(21+NumberEncoders*2+NumberChannels16Bit*6+totalData16+totalData8+i*6+5)); // LOG_TRACE("(Parsing 16bit channel) Number Data for "<data.dist_len1 = NumberData; // } else if (type == 1) { // msg->data.dist_len2 = NumberData; // } else if (type == 2) { // msg->data.rssi_len1 = NumberData; // } else if (type == 3) { // msg->data.rssi_len2 = NumberData; // } // for (int i = 0; i < NumberData; i++) { // int dat; // tok = strtok(NULL, " "); //data // sscanf(tok, "%X", &dat); // if (type == 0) { // msg->data.dist1[i] = dat; // } else if (type == 1) { // msg->data.dist2[i] = dat; // } else if (type == 2) { // msg->data.rssi1[i] = dat; // } else if (type == 3) { // msg->data.rssi2[i] = dat; // } // } } // 8bit channel */ } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// write the data on the disk: void SickLMSSensor::writeData(MessageLMS &msg) { SickLMS_dbt entry; entry.angleResolution = msg.data.angleResolution; entry.scanNumber = xstol(msg.splitMessage->at(7)); entry.scannerStatus = xstol(msg.splitMessage->at(6)); entry.time = msg.time; entry.timerange = msg.timerange; entry.scanFrequency = msg.data.scanFrequency; entry.angleResolution = msg.data.angleResolution; entry.startAngle = msg.data.startAngle; if(msg.data.dist_len1){ entry.dist_len1 = msg.data.dist_len1; entry.dataPos_dist1 = dataFile_.tellp(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msg.data.dist_len1; ++i) { dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(msg.data.dist1[i])), sizeof(u_int16_t)); } free(msg.data.dist1); } if(msg.data.dist_len2){ entry.dist_len2 = msg.data.dist_len2; entry.dataPos_dist2 = dataFile_.tellp(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msg.data.dist_len2; ++i) { dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(msg.data.dist2[i])), sizeof(u_int16_t)); } free(msg.data.dist2); } if(msg.data.dist_len3){ entry.dist_len3 = msg.data.dist_len3; entry.dataPos_dist3 = dataFile_.tellp(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msg.data.dist_len3; ++i) { dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(msg.data.dist3[i])), sizeof(u_int16_t)); } free(msg.data.dist3); } if(msg.data.dist_len4){ entry.dist_len4 = msg.data.dist_len4; entry.dataPos_dist4 = dataFile_.tellp(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msg.data.dist_len4; ++i) { dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(msg.data.dist4[i])), sizeof(u_int16_t)); } free(msg.data.dist4); } if(msg.data.dist_len5){ entry.dist_len5 = msg.data.dist_len5; entry.dataPos_dist5 = dataFile_.tellp(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msg.data.dist_len5; ++i) { dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(msg.data.dist5[i])), sizeof(u_int16_t)); } free(msg.data.dist5); } if(msg.data.rssi_len1){ entry.rssi_len1 = msg.data.rssi_len1; entry.dataPos_rssi1 = dataFile_.tellp(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msg.data.rssi_len1; ++i) { dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(msg.data.rssi1[i])), sizeof(u_int16_t)); } free(msg.data.rssi1); } if(msg.data.rssi_len2){ entry.rssi_len2 = msg.data.rssi_len2; entry.dataPos_rssi2 = dataFile_.tellp(); for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msg.data.rssi_len2; ++i) { dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(msg.data.rssi2[i])), sizeof(u_int16_t)); } free(msg.data.rssi2); } // add a magic word to delimit the block of data int32_t utcMagicWord = UTC_MAGIC_WORD; dataFile_.write(reinterpret_cast(&(utcMagicWord)), sizeof(int32_t)); // write DBT try { dbtFile_.writeRecord(msg.time, msg.timerange, (char *) &entry, sizeof(SickLMS_dbt)); } catch (DbiteException & e) { cerr << "error writing data: " << e.what() << endl; return; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Event call by the SickSocket class when new data has been arrived /// on the network. void SickLMSSensor::customEvent(QEvent * e) { char answerMsg1[10]; sprintf(answerMsg1, "%c%s", 0x02, "sRA"); char answerMsg2[10]; sprintf(answerMsg2, "%c%s", 0x02, "sSN"); SickFrame * frame = ((SickFrameEvent*)e)->frame; // we try to find some messages in the current packet + the pending bytes of the previous incoming data reconstituteMessage(frame->msg, frame->size, frame->time); // we delete the heap variable delete frame; // we test if we have some messages to decode while ( !msgList.empty() ) { // get the first (the eldest) message and process it MessageLMS* msgToProcess = &(msgList.front()); // verify if the message is worth to be decoded if(!strncmp(answerMsg1, msgToProcess->body, 4) || !strncmp(answerMsg2, msgToProcess->body, 4)){ if(splitMessage(msgToProcess) >= MINIMUM_PARAMETERS_MSG){ std::string type = msgToProcess->splitMessage->at(1); LOG_TRACE("(Message type) "<< type); if (type == SICKLMS_SCANDATA_MESSAGE) { LOG_TRACE("Scan data message !"); processScanData(msgToProcess); // write data on the disk (dbt + utc) if (recording_) writeData(msgList.front()); #ifdef SICKLMS_SH_MEM /// push data in shared memory // First the scan info SickLMS_shMem toWrite; toWrite.time = msgToProcess.time; toWrite.timerange = msgToProcess.timerange; toWrite.scanInfo = msgToProcess.hScan; shmem_->write(toWrite, sizeof(SickLMS_shMem)); // Then, the points for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < msgToProcess.hScan.numPoints ; ++i) { shmem_->write((msg.body + i*sizeof(ScanPoint)), sizeof(ScanPoint)); } #endif } else if (type == SICKLMS_SCANCONFIG_MESSAGE){ LOG_TRACE("Scan configuration message !"); // get the values as (unsigned or signed) integer mainCfg.scaningFrequency = xstol(msgToProcess->splitMessage->at(2)); mainCfg.angleResolution = xstol(msgToProcess->splitMessage->at(4)); mainCfg.startAngle = xstol(msgToProcess->splitMessage->at(5)); mainCfg.stopAngle = xstol(msgToProcess->splitMessage->at(6)); LOG_TRACE("(Scan config) Frequency : "<splitMessage; } // (malloced memory) raw data no longer needed free(msgToProcess->body); // removes the processed item of the list msgList.pop_front(); } } } // namespace pacpus