/********************************************************************* // created: 2013/06/25 - 18:40 // filename: ObstacleDetectionComponent.h // // author: Danilo Alves de Lima // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 6599 // // version: $Id: $ // // purpose: *********************************************************************/ #ifndef OBSTACLEDETECTIONCOMPONENT_H #define OBSTACLEDETECTIONCOMPONENT_H #include #include #include #include #include "opencv2/objdetect/objdetect.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include "Pacpus/kernel/ComponentBase.h" #include "Pacpus/kernel/DbiteFile.h" #include "Pacpus/PacpusTools/ShMem.h" #include "StereoVisionDisparityExp.h" #include "../../StdDbtPlayerComponents/ImageBaseStructure.h" #include #include namespace pacpus { /** Class to provide the obstacle detection from a disparity map data */ class STEREOVISIONDISPARITY_API ObstacleDetectionComponent: public QThread, public ComponentBase { public: //============================= DEFAULT ELEMENTS =============================================== ObstacleDetectionComponent(QString name); ~ObstacleDetectionComponent(); void run(); virtual void stopActivity(); /*!< to stop the processing thread */ virtual void startActivity(); /*!< to start the processing thread */ virtual ComponentBase::COMPONENT_CONFIGURATION configureComponent(XmlComponentConfig config); //============================================================================================== protected: // Indicates that thread is running bool is_running, THREAD_ALIVE; public: /** * Initialize default values */ void InitDefault(); private: double ANG_VARIATION, ANG_VARIATION2; int cam_width; // Image width int cam_height; // image height int cam_channels; // number of channels bool showdebug; // Show frame acquired int min_disp; // Minimum disparity value to detect obstacles in the u/v-disp map int max_disp; // Maximum disparity value to detect obstacles in the u/v-disp map int min_disp_norm; // Minimum disparity value to equalize the disp map 16 int max_disp_norm; // Maximum disparity value to equalize the disp map 16 int destiny_roi_x; // Destiny image roi x int destiny_roi_y; // Destiny image roi y int destiny_roi_width; // Destiny image roi width int destiny_roi_height; // Destiny image roi height bool use_roi; // If is to use roi int mMaxImageInputSize1; // Size of the input image data in the memory int mMaxImageInputSize2; // Size of the input image data in the memory int mMaxImageOutputSize; // Size of the output image data in the memory TimestampedStructImage RefImageHeader; // Header for the reference image TimestampedStructImage DispInImageHeader; // Header for the input disp image TimestampedStructImage Mask1ImageHeader; // Header for the mask image 1 TimestampedStructImage Mask2ImageHeader; // Header for the mask image 2 TimestampedStructImage DispOutImageHeader; // Header for the output disp image void* ref_mem; void* dispin_mem; void* mask1_mem; void* mask2_mem; void* dispout_mem; size_t ref_mem_size; // Image shared memory position size size_t dispin_mem_size; // Image shared memory position size size_t mask1_mem_size; // Image shared memory position size size_t mask2_mem_size; // Image shared memory position size size_t dispout_mem_size; // Image shared memory position size // Imput data ShMem * shmem_ref; // Shared memory control access to the image data ShMem * shmem_dispin; // Shared memory control access to the image data // Output data ShMem * shmem_mask1; // Shared memory control access to the image data (free space mask) ShMem * shmem_mask2; // Shared memory control access to the image data (obstacles mask) ShMem * shmem_dispout; // Shared memory control access to the image data (disparity map 16) cv::Mat CurrentReferenceFrame; // Reference image cv::Mat CurrentDisparityMap16; // Disparity Map cv::Mat CurrentSurfaceMask; // Surface mask cv::Mat CurrentObstaclesMask; // Obstacles mask // Function to calculate the U/V disparity map std::pair CalcUVDisparityMap(cv::Mat disp_map); /* CalcUVDisparityMapNorm Description: Function to calculate the U/V disparity map from a disp map normalized Parameters: disp_map16 = original disparity map 16 disp_map_norm = resulted disparity map normalized min_d_norm = Minimum disparity value to equalize the disp map 16 max_d_norm = Maximum disparity value to equalize the disp map 16 */ void CalcUVDisparityMapNorm(cv::Mat disp_map16, cv::Mat &v_disp_map, cv::Mat &u_disp_map, cv::Mat &disp_map_norm, int min_d_norm, int max_d_norm); //Function to check the points order, making the second one with the highest y ever void CheckPoints(cv::Point &pt1, cv::Point &pt2); // Function to calculate the line slope of pt1 to pt2 double Inclination(cv::Point pt1, cv::Point pt2); // Function to calculate the free space (v_disp_1) and obstacles (v_disp_2) masks from // a red highlighted V-Disparity map std::pair MaskSurface2(cv::Mat disp_map, cv::Mat v_disp_1, cv::Mat v_disp_2, int min_d = 0, int max_d = 255, int value = 0); // Function to calculate the free space (v_disp_1) and obstacles (v_disp_2/u_disp) masks from // a red highlighted V-Disparity map std::pair MaskSurface3(cv::Mat disp_map, cv::Mat v_disp_1, cv::Mat v_disp_2, cv::Mat u_disp, int min_d = 0, int max_d = 255, int value = 0); // Function to find the free space surface from a V-disparity map cv::Mat FindSurface(cv::Mat &v_disp_map, cv::Mat &v_disp_map2); /* FindSurface2 Description: Function to find the free space surface from a V-disparity map, based on the frontal plane. Return the V-dysparity map with the red line representing the free surface. Parameters: v_disp_map = Original V-disparity map v_disp_map2 = Orignal V-disparity map less the surface detected */ cv::Mat FindSurface2(cv::Mat &v_disp_map, cv::Mat &v_disp_map2); // Function to find the free space surface from a V-disparity map with mean average cv::Mat FindAverageSurface(cv::Mat &v_disp_map, cv::Mat &v_disp_map2); // Function to find the near obstacles from a v-Disparity map cv::Mat FindNearObstacles(cv::Mat v_disp_map, int min_d = 0, int max_d = 255); // Function to find the near obstacles from the v/u-Disparity maps std::pair FindNearObstaclesUV(cv::Mat v_disp_map, cv::Mat u_disp_map, int min_d = 0, int max_d = 255); /* LinesFiltering Description: Filter the detected lines related to the distance and angle between them. Parameters: lines = line list (point 1 and 2) */ std::vector LinesFiltering(std::vector lines); /* CalcMedian Description: Calcule the median value of a vector. Parametros: vector = vector with data to calculate the median */ template A CalcMedian(std::vector vetor) const; }; } #endif // OBSTACLEDETECTIONCOMPONENT