1 | /* 3dv-client/device.cc
2 | *
3 | * Copyright (C) 2013 VisLab
4 | *
5 | * This file is part of 3dv-client; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 | * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
7 | * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
8 | * your option) any later version.
9 | *
10 | * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11 | * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 | * General Public License for more details.
14 | *
15 | * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 | * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17 | */
18 |
19 | #include <lib3dv/device.h>
20 |
21 | #include <lib3dv/detail/device_impl.h>
22 |
23 | #include <iomanip>
24 | #include <typeinfo>
25 |
26 |
27 | namespace lib3dv
28 | {
29 | const unsigned short device::DEFAULT_PORT = 2048;
30 | const boost::posix_time::time_duration device::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = boost::posix_time::milliseconds(500);
31 |
32 | template<typename T> inline void print(std::ostream& output, const T& value) { output << value; }
33 | template<> inline void print<uint8_t>(std::ostream& output, const uint8_t& value) { output << static_cast<uint32_t>(value); }
34 | template<> inline void print<int8_t>(std::ostream& output, const int8_t& value) { output << static_cast<int32_t>(value); }
35 |
36 | template<typename T>
37 | void print(std::ostream& output, const std::string& type, const device::property& property)
38 | {
39 | output << "0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << property.m_address
40 | << std::dec << " " << type << (property.m_readonly ? " r " : " rw ")
41 | << property.m_name << " = ";
42 |
43 | print(output, boost::any_cast<T>(property.m_value));
44 |
45 | output << " ";
46 |
47 | for(unsigned int a = 0; a < property.m_attributes.size(); ++a)
48 | {
49 | output << " [";
50 | print(output, boost::any_cast<T>(property.m_attributes[a].first));
51 |
52 | if(property.m_attributes[a].second.empty())
53 | output << "]";
54 | else
55 | output << " -> " << property.m_attributes[a].second << "]";
56 | }
57 | }
58 |
59 | std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output, const device::property& property)
60 | {
61 | const std::type_info& type = property.m_value.type();
62 |
63 | if(type == typeid(bool)) print<bool>(output, "bool ", property);
64 | else if(type == typeid(int64_t)) print<int64_t>(output, "int64 ", property);
65 | else if(type == typeid(int32_t)) print<int32_t>(output, "int32 ", property);
66 | else if(type == typeid(int16_t)) print<int16_t>(output, "int16 ", property);
67 | else if(type == typeid(int8_t)) print<int8_t>(output, "int8 ", property);
68 | else if(type == typeid(uint64_t)) print<uint64_t>(output, "uint64 ", property);
69 | else if(type == typeid(uint32_t)) print<uint32_t>(output, "uint32 ", property);
70 | else if(type == typeid(uint16_t)) print<uint16_t>(output, "uint16 ", property);
71 | else if(type == typeid(uint8_t)) print<uint8_t>(output, "uint8 ", property);
72 | else if(type == typeid(float)) print<float>(output, "float32", property);
73 | else if(type == typeid(double)) print<double>(output, "float64", property);
74 | else if(type == typeid(std::string)) print<std::string>(output, "string ", property);
75 |
76 | return output;
77 | }
78 |
79 | std::vector<device> device::enumerate(const boost::asio::ip::address_v4& local_address, uint8_t log_level, error& error, const boost::posix_time::time_duration& timeout, unsigned short remote_port) { return detail::device_impl::enumerate(local_address, remote_port, log_level, error, timeout); }
80 |
81 | bool device::valid() const { return m_impl->valid(); }
82 |
83 | device::status::types device::status() const { return m_impl->status(); }
84 |
85 | void device::log_level(uint8_t level) { m_impl->m_log_level = level; }
86 |
87 | uint8_t device::log_level() const { return m_impl->m_log_level; }
88 |
89 | void device::timeout(const boost::posix_time::time_duration& timeout) { m_impl->m_timeout = timeout; }
90 |
91 | boost::posix_time::time_duration device::timeout() const { return m_impl->m_timeout; }
92 |
93 | const boost::uuids::uuid& device::guid() const { return m_impl->guid(); }
94 |
95 | const std::bitset<device::capability::NUM>& device::capabilities() const { return m_impl->capabilities(); }
96 |
97 | const device::version_info& device::version() const { return m_impl->version(); }
98 |
99 | void device::start_transmission(error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) m_impl->start_transmission(error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
100 |
101 | void device::stop_transmission(error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) m_impl->stop_transmission(error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
102 |
103 | void device::save_properties(error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) m_impl->save_properties(error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
104 |
105 | void device::reset_properties(error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) m_impl->reset_properties(error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
106 |
107 | void device::poweroff(error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) m_impl->poweroff(error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
108 |
109 | void device::reboot(error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) m_impl->reboot(error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
110 |
111 | std::vector<device::property> device::enumerate_properties(error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) return m_impl->enumerate_properties(error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
112 |
113 | boost::any device::get_property_value(uint16_t address, error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) return m_impl->get_property_value(address, error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
114 |
115 | void device::set_property_value(uint16_t address, const boost::any& value, error& error) { if(m_impl->valid()) m_impl->set_property_value(address, value, error); else error = lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE; }
116 |
117 | uint64_t device::connect_image_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<const image>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_image_callback(function); }
118 |
119 | uint64_t device::connect_terrain_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<const terrain>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_terrain_callback(function); }
120 |
121 | uint64_t device::connect_obstacles_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<const std::vector<obstacle> >, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_obstacles_callback(function); }
122 |
123 | uint64_t device::connect_motion_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<const motion>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_motion_callback(function); }
124 |
125 | uint64_t device::connect_classification_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<const lib3dv::classification>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_classification_callback(function); }
126 |
127 | LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t device::connect_image_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<image>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_image_callback(function); }
128 |
129 | LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t device::connect_terrain_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<terrain>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_terrain_callback(function); }
130 |
131 | LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t device::connect_obstacles_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<obstacle> >, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_obstacles_callback(function); }
132 |
133 | LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t device::connect_motion_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<motion>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_motion_callback(function); }
134 |
135 | LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t device::connect_classification_callback(const boost::function<void (boost::shared_ptr<lib3dv::classification>, uint32_t)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_classification_callback(function); }
136 |
137 | uint64_t device::connect_timeout_callback(const boost::function<void (void)>& function) { return m_impl->connect_timeout_callback(function); }
138 |
139 | void device::disconnect_callback(uint64_t id) { m_impl->disconnect_callback(id); }
140 |
141 | std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output, const device& device)
142 | {
143 | return output << *(device.m_impl);
144 | }
145 | }