/* lib3dv/device.h
* Copyright (C) 2013 VisLab
* This file is part of lib3dv; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see .
namespace lib3dv
namespace detail { class device_impl; }
* @brief This class represents a 3DV device connected to the local machine.
class LIB3DV_EXPORT device
* @brief Supported mapping and detection capabilities.
struct capability
enum types
DEPTH_MAPPING = 0, ///< The device provides depth data.
TERRAIN_MAPPING, ///< The device provides the terrain reconstruction.
OBSTACLE_DETECTION, ///< The device provides a list of detected obstacles.
BASIC_OBSTACLE_DETECTION, ///< The device provides a list of detected obstacles, under flat ground assumption.
MOTION_ESTIMATION, ///< The device provides the motion estimation matrix.
CLASSIFICATION, ///< The device provides the classification candidate.
* @brief Device version information.
struct version_info
enum types
MAJOR = 0, ///< Major version.
MINOR, ///< Minor version.
STEP ///< Patch level.
uint8_t m_protocol; ///< Network protocol version.
uint8_t m_framework[3]; ///< Framework version.
uint8_t m_application[3]; ///< 3DV application version.
* @brief Device status information.
struct status
enum types
ONLINE = 0, ///< The device is available.
TRANSMITTING, ///< The device is streaming data to this lib3dv::device instance.
OFFLINE, ///< The device is no longer connected.
* @brief A configuration parameter.
* A property is a generic container hiding the actual data type within a boost::any. In order to recover the type information typeid() must be used.
* @note Currently supported data types are bool, [u]int64_t, [u]int32_t, [u]int16_t, [u]int8_t, float, double, std::string.
* The following example shows how to determine the property value type:
lib3dv::error error;
lib3dv::device::property property = device.enumerate_properties(error).front();
const boost::any& value = property.m_value;
const std::type_info& type = value.type();
if(type == typeid(bool)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(int64_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(int32_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(int32_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(int16_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(int8_t)) std::cout << static_cast(boost::any_cast(value)) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(uint64_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(uint32_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(uint32_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(uint16_t)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(uint8_t)) std::cout << static_cast(boost::any_cast(value)) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(float)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(double)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
else if(type == typeid(std::string)) std::cout << boost::any_cast(value) << std::endl;
struct property
* @brief The parameter category.
* The category determines the property attributes, and is useful to generate proper UI controls.
enum category
VALUE = 0, ///< Basic property with no constraints.
RANGE, ///< Property values must fall in a determined interval. lib3dv::device::property::m_attributes will contain the "min", "max" and "step" entries.
SELECTION ///< Property value must be chosen among those listed in lib3dv::device::property::m_attributes. Each entry can optionally provide a description.
uint16_t m_address; ///< Property unique address.
std::string m_name; ///< Property name.
bool m_readonly; ///< Whether the property can be written to. @see lib3dv::error::PROPERTY_READONLY
category m_category; ///< Property category.
boost::any m_value; ///< Property value.
std::vector > m_attributes; ///< List of attributes.
* @brief Convenience display function.
* @param output The std::ostream to write to
* @param property The property to display
* @return std::ostream&
friend LIB3DV_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output, const device::property& property);
static const unsigned short DEFAULT_PORT; ///< Default UDP port to connect to.
static const boost::posix_time::time_duration DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; ///< Default connection timeout.
* @brief List available devices
* A broadcast UDP discovery message is sent through the specified local interface, and a lib3dv::device object is associated to every 3DV unit responding before the timeout expires.
* @note The call is blocking,
* @param [in] local_address The local IP address to bing to. Must belong to the same subnet of the 3DV devices to connect to.
* @param [in] log_level The log messages verbosity level.
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @param [in] timeout How long the function should wait for 3DV devices to answer to the discovery message. Defaults to lib3dv::device::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT.
* @param [in] remote_port The remote port to connect to. Defaults to lib3dv::device::DEFAULT_PORT.
* @return std::vector< lib3dv::device > The detected devices.
* Example usage:
std::string address = "";
unsigned int log_level = 1;
lib3dv::error error;
std::vector devices = lib3dv::device::enumerate(boost::asio::ip::address_v4::from_string(address), log_level, error);
static std::vector enumerate(const boost::asio::ip::address_v4& local_address, uint8_t log_level, error& error, const boost::posix_time::time_duration& timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, unsigned short remote_port = DEFAULT_PORT);
* @brief Whether the device is still in a valid state.
* @return bool (lib3dv::device::status() == lib3dv::device::status::ONLINE) || (lib3dv::device::status() == lib3dv::device::status::TRANSMITTING).
bool valid() const;
* @brief Whether the device is still in a valid state.
* @return bool false if the physical device is no longer reachable, true otherwise.
status::types status() const;
* @brief Set the log messages verbosity level.
* @param [in] level The verbosity level.
* @return void
void log_level(uint8_t level);
* @brief Get the current log messages verbosity level.
* @return uint8_t The verbosity level.
uint8_t log_level() const;
* @brief Set the network connection timeout threshold.
* After a timeout, any method invocation requiring to communicate with the device will fail with a lib3dv::error::NETWORK_FAILURE error, and no data handlers will be triggered. @see lib3dv::device::valid()
* @param [in] timeout The network connection timeout threshold.
* @return void
void timeout(const boost::posix_time::time_duration& timeout);
* @brief Get the current network connection timeout threshold.
* @return boost::posix_time::time_duration The network connection timeout threshold.
boost::posix_time::time_duration timeout() const;
* @brief Get the device unique ID.
* @return const boost::uuids::uuid& The device unique ID.
const boost::uuids::uuid& guid() const;
* @brief Enumerate the device capabilities. @see lib3dv::device::capability
* @return const std::bitset< lib3dv::device::capability::NUM >&
const std::bitset& capabilities() const;
* @brief Get version information
* @return const lib3dv::device::version_info&
const version_info& version() const;
* @brief Enable data transmission on the device.
* Notify the device that it should start transmitting data. If transmission is already on it should first be stopped by calling lib3dv::device::stop_transmission, otherwise the call is ignored.
* @note The call is blocking,
* @see lib3dv::device::connect_image_callback
* @see lib3dv::device::connect_terrain_callback
* @see lib3dv::device::connect_obstacles_callback
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return void
void start_transmission(error& error);
* @brief Disable data transmission on the device.
* Notify the device that it should stop transmitting data. This method has effect even if the data transmission has been initiated by a different client.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @see lib3dv::device::disconnect_callback
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return void
void stop_transmission(error& error);
* @brief Enumerate the device properties.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @see lib3dv::device::property
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return std::vector< lib3dv::device::property > The device properties.
std::vector enumerate_properties(error& error);
* @brief Read a property value from the device.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @see lib3dv::device::property
* @param [in] address The property address.
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return boost::any The property value.
boost::any get_property_value(uint16_t address, error& error);
* @brief Store a property value on the device.
* The given value is set on the device; however, changes are not permanently stored until lib3dv::device::save_properties is called.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @see lib3dv::device::property
* @see lib3dv::device::save_properties
* @param [in] address The property address.
* @param [in] value The value to store. If the correct type is not supplied an error will be generated.
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return void
void set_property_value(uint16_t address, const boost::any& value, error& error);
* @brief Permanently store the current configuration on the device.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return void
void save_properties(error& error);
* @brief Resets the device configuration to the default values.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @note A reboot is required to make the changes effective.
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return void
void reset_properties(error& error);
* @brief Shuts down the device.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return void
void poweroff(error& error);
* @brief Reboots the device.
* @note The call is blocking.
* @param [out] error Result of operation.
* @return void
void reboot(error& error);
* @brief Register an image completion handler.
* The supplied user-defined function will be called each time a full image is received.
* @note The completion handler is executed in the network handling thread, so it should not perform any actual processing.
* Instead, it should just copy over the provided shared pointer and notify a worker thread.
* @note No guarantee is made on the images ordering, or that any given image will be completed at all.
* @param [in] function The user-defined callback function. Its signature must be void (boost::shared_ptr image, uint32_t guid)
* @return uint64_t An opaque handle that can be passed to lib3dv::device::disconnect_callback to unregister the handler.
* Example usage, exploiting boost::asio to achieve deferred processing on a separate thread.
// actual processing happens here
void process_image(boost::shared_ptr image, uint32_t guid)
// do stuff
// lightweight completion handler
void image_completion_handler(boost::asio::io_service& io_service, boost::shared_ptr image, uint32_t guid)
io_service.post(boost::bind(process_image, image, guid)); // process_image() is scheduled for execution on the io_service::run() thread
boost::asio::io_service processing_io_service;
boost::asio::io_service::work processing_io_service_work(processing_io_service); // this keeps the io_service from exiting when there are no handlers to execute
boost::thread processing_io_service_thread = boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, &processing_io_service)); // start the processing thread
device.connect_image_callback(boost::bind(image_completion_handler, boost::ref(processing_io_service), _1, _2)); // subscribe for images notifications
lib3dv::device::error error;
device.start_transmission(error); // notify the device it can start sending data
uint64_t connect_image_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t connect_image_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
* @brief Register a terrain completion handler.
* The supplied user-defined function will be called each time a terrain reconstruction is received.
* @note The completion handler is executed in the network handling thread, so it should not perform any actual processing.
* Instead, it should just copy over the provided shared pointer and notify a worker thread.
* @note No guarantee is made on the images ordering, or that any given image will be completed at all.
* @see lib3dv::device::connect_image_callback
* @param [in] function The user-defined callback function. Its signature must be void (boost::shared_ptr terrain, uint32_t guid).
* The @c guid parameter is the same as that of the depth map that has been processed to generate the current terrain estimation.
* @return uint64_t An opaque handle that can be passed to lib3dv::device::disconnect_callback to unregister the handler.
uint64_t connect_terrain_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t connect_terrain_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
* @brief Register an obstacles set completion handler.
* The supplied user-defined function will be called each time a set of obstacles is received.
* @note The completion handler is executed in the network handling thread, so it should not perform any actual processing.
* Instead, it should just copy over the provided shared pointer and notify a worker thread.
* @note No guarantee is made on the images ordering, or that any given image will be completed at all.
* @see lib3dv::device::connect_image_callback
* @param [in] function The user-defined callback function. Its signature must be void (boost::shared_ptr > obstacles, uint32_t guid).
* The @c guid parameter is the same as that of the depth map that has been processed to generate the current set of obstacles.
* @return uint64_t An opaque handle that can be passed to lib3dv::device::disconnect_callback to unregister the handler.
uint64_t connect_obstacles_callback(const boost::function >, uint32_t)>& function);
LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t connect_obstacles_callback(const boost::function >, uint32_t)>& function);
* @brief Register a motion completion handler.
* The supplied user-defined function will be called each time a motion estimation is received.
* @note The completion handler is executed in the network handling thread, so it should not perform any actual processing.
* Instead, it should just copy over the provided shared pointer and notify a worker thread.
* @note No guarantee is made on the images ordering, or that any given image will be completed at all.
* @see lib3dv::device::connect_image_callback
* @param [in] function The user-defined callback function. Its signature must be void (boost::shared_ptr motion, uint32_t guid).
* The @c guid parameter is the same as that of the depth map that has been processed to generate the current motion estimation.
* @return uint64_t An opaque handle that can be passed to lib3dv::device::disconnect_callback to unregister the handler.
uint64_t connect_motion_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t connect_motion_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
* @brief Register a classification completion handler.
* The supplied user-defined function will be called each time a classification is received.
* @note The completion handler is executed in the network handling thread, so it should not perform any actual processing.
* Instead, it should just copy over the provided shared pointer and notify a worker thread.
* @note No guarantee is made on the images ordering, or that any given image will be completed at all.
* @see lib3dv::device::connect_image_callback
* @param [in] function The user-defined callback function. Its signature must be void (boost::shared_ptr classificat, uint32_t guid).
* The @c guid parameter is the same as that of the depth map that has been processed to generate the current classification.
* @return uint64_t An opaque handle that can be passed to lib3dv::device::disconnect_callback to unregister the handler.
uint64_t connect_classification_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
LIB3DV_DEPRECATED uint64_t connect_classification_callback(const boost::function, uint32_t)>& function);
* @brief Register a timeout handler.
* The supplied user-defined function will be called each time a timeout condition is reached.
* @see lib3dv::device::timeout
* @see lib3dv::device::valid
* @param [in] function The user-defined callback function. Its signature must be void (void).
* @return uint64_t An opaque handle that can be passed to lib3dv::device::disconnect_callback to unregister the handler.
uint64_t connect_timeout_callback(const boost::function& function);
* @brief Unregister a given handler.
* @param [in] id The handler ID. No action is performed if it is invalid.
* @return void
void disconnect_callback(uint64_t id);
* @brief Generate a textual representation of a given device and insert it into an std::ostream
* @param [out] output The std::ostream to use.
* @param [in] device The device to describe.
* @return std::ostream& The modified std::ostream
friend LIB3DV_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output, const device& device);
friend device create(boost::shared_ptr);
boost::shared_ptr m_impl;