Changeset 62 in pacpusframework for trunk/src

01/09/13 17:26:04 (11 years ago)
Marek Kurdej

Update: license info.

24 edited


  • trunk/src/DBITEPlayer/src/main.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /*********************************************************************
    2 // created:     2007/04/12 - 16:30
    3 // filename:    main.cpp
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    5 // author:      Elie Al Alam & Gerald Dherbomez
    6 //
    7 // version:     $Id: main.cpp 1009 2012-08-01 19:03:32Z morasjul $
    8 //
    9 // purpose:     main file
    10 //
    11 // todo:        - barre de temps dans l'affichage graphique
    12 //              - am�liorer l'affichage ; ic�ne, emplacement des boutons...
    13 //              - ajouter r�pertoire racine des donn�es (fait) :
    14 //              ajouter affichage de ce r�pertoire
    15 //              - ajouter classe g�n�rique d'�change de donn�es vers
    16 //              d'autres applications
    17 //              - fen�tre de monitoring des composants : valable pour
    18 //              toutes les applis bas�es sur PacpusLib
    19 //              avec possibilit� de masquer cette partie
    20 //              - faire une classe GraphViewer :
    21 //              permet d'afficher un nombre ind�fini de courbes
    22 //              offre des param�tres basiques : couleurs de la courbe,
    23 //              types de points, reli�s ou pas
    24 //              les courbes sont identifi�s par des noms
    25 //              voir comment l'utilisateur peut interagir avec les courbes
    26 //              par ex recuperer la valeur d'un point
    27 //              - associer a chaque composant une fenetre en dock view,
    28 //              affichagable ou pas defini dans le fichier de config
    29 *********************************************************************/
    31 #include <cassert>
    32 #include <QApplication>
     4/// @author  Elie Al Alam <>
     5/// @author  Gerald Dherbomez <>
     6/// @author  Marek Kurdej <>
     7/// @date    April, 2007
     8/// @version $Id$
     9/// @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2006 - 2013. All rights reserved.
     10/// @brief DbitePlayer main function.
     12/// Detailed description.
     13/// @todo        - barre de temps dans l'affichage graphique
     14///              - am�liorer l'affichage ; ic�ne, emplacement des boutons...
     15///              - ajouter r�pertoire racine des donn�es (fait) :
     16///              ajouter affichage de ce r�pertoire
     17///              - ajouter classe g�n�rique d'�change de donn�es vers
     18///              d'autres applications
     19///              - fen�tre de monitoring des composants : valable pour
     20///              toutes les applis bas�es sur PacpusLib
     21///              avec possibilit� de masquer cette partie
     22///              - faire une classe GraphViewer :
     23///              permet d'afficher un nombre ind�fini de courbes
     24///              offre des param�tres basiques : couleurs de la courbe,
     25///              types de points, reli�s ou pas
     26///              les courbes sont identifi�s par des noms
     27///              voir comment l'utilisateur peut interagir avec les courbes
     28///              par ex recuperer la valeur d'un point
     29///              - associer a chaque composant une fenetre en dock view,
     30///              affichagable ou pas defini dans le fichier de config
    3432#include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyEngine.h>
    3937#include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
    4038#include <Pacpus/kernel/PacpusPluginInterface.h>
     40#include <cassert>
     41#include <QApplication>
    4243using namespace pacpus;
  • trunk/src/DBITEPlayerLib/DbtPlyEngine.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /*********************************************************************
    2 // created:    2007/04/12 - 16:30
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    4 // author:     Elie Al Alam & Gerald Dherbomez
    5 //
    6 // version:    $Id: DbtPlyEngine.cpp 1020 2012-12-19 09:39:40Z kurdejma $
    7 //
    8 // purpose:    Dbite Player Engine implementation
    9 *********************************************************************/
     4/// @version $Id$
    116#include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyEngine.h>
    128#include <Pacpus/kernel/ComponentManager.h>
    139#include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
  • trunk/src/DBITEPlayerLib/DbtPlyEngineStateChart.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /*********************************************************************
    2 // created:    2007/04/12 - 16:30
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    4 // author:     Elie Al Alam & Gerald Dherbomez
    5 //
    6 // version:    $Id: DbtPlyEngineStateChart.cpp 1008 2012-08-01 08:50:51Z kurdejma $
    7 //
    8 // purpose:    Dbite Player Engine state chart implementation
    9 *********************************************************************/
     4/// @version $Id$
    116#include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyEngineStateChart.h>
    128#include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyEngine.h>
    139#include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
  • trunk/src/DBITEPlayerLib/DbtPlyFileManager.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2 // created:     2007/04/12 - 16:30
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    4 // author:      Elie Al Alam & Gerald Dherbomez
    5 //
    6 // version:     $Id: DbtPlyFileManager.cpp 1020 2012-12-19 09:39:40Z kurdejma $
    7 //
    8 // purpose:     Dbite Player File Manager implementation
    9 //
    10 // todo:        manage a vector of dbite files and update the functions
    11 //              playModen and configureComponent to support this funtionnality
    12 //             
    13 //              Put the type of data that has just been replayed in a protected
    14 //              variable of the abstract class in order to the derived class can
    15 //              know what to do
    16 //
    17 //              complete the function playMode2
    18 //
    19 //              sortir la variable kMaxPendingTimeFromEngineMicrosecs en propriété
    20 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     4/// @version $Id$
    226#include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyFileManager.h>
  • trunk/src/DBITEPlayerLib/DbtPlyTrigger.cpp

    r31 r62  
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version $Id$
    27// created:    2007/04/12 - 16:30
     16#include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyTrigger.h>
    1118#include <Pacpus/kernel/ComponentManager.h>
    1219#include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
    13 #include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyTrigger.h>
    1521namespace pacpus {
  • trunk/src/DBITEPlayerLib/DbtPlyUserInterface.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    2 // created:                     2007/04/12 - 16:30
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    4 // author:                      Elie Al Alam & Gerald Dherbomez
    5 //                                                      Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 6599 Copyright
    6 //
    7 // version:                     $Id: DbtPlyUserInterface.cpp 1009 2012-08-01 19:03:32Z morasjul $
    8 //
    9 // purpose:                     Dbite Player User interface implementation
    10 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     4/// @version $Id$
    126#include <Pacpus/DbitePlayer/DbtPlyUserInterface.h>
    138#include <Pacpus/kernel/ComponentManager.h>
    149#include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
  • trunk/src/FileLib/src/DbiteException.cpp

    r60 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    116#include <Pacpus/kernel/DbiteException.h>
  • trunk/src/FileLib/src/DbiteFile.cpp

    r36 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
    4  * CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    5  *
    6  * @author  Marek Kurdej
    7  * @date    June, 2012
    8  * @version $Id$
    9  * @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2005 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    10  * @brief  Periodic worker base class
    11  *
    12  * Detailed description of file...
    13  *
    14  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version $Id$
    166#include <Pacpus/kernel/DbiteFile.h>
  • trunk/src/FileLib/test/TestFileLib.cpp

    r3 r62  
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    16#ifdef _MSC_VER
    27#   pragma warning(push)
  • trunk/src/PacpusLib/ComponentBase.cpp

    r42 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
    4  * CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    5  *
    6  * @author  Samuel Gosselin
    7  * @date    December, 2012
    8  * @version $Id$
    9  * @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2005 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    10  *
    11  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version $Id$
    136#include <Pacpus/kernel/ComponentBase.h>
  • trunk/src/PacpusLib/ComponentFactoryBase.cpp

    r43 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
    4  * CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    5  *
    6  * @author  Gerald Dherbomez
    7  * @date    December, 2012
    8  * @version $Id$
    9  * @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2005 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    10  *
    11  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    136#include <Pacpus/kernel/ComponentFactoryBase.h>
  • trunk/src/PacpusLib/ComponentManager.cpp

    r47 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    116#include <Pacpus/kernel/ComponentManager.h>
  • trunk/src/PacpusLib/Log.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    116#include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
  • trunk/src/PacpusLib/XmlComponentConfig.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    116#include <Pacpus/kernel/XmlComponentConfig.h>
  • trunk/src/PacpusLib/XmlConfigFile.cpp

    r53 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    116#include <Pacpus/kernel/XmlConfigFile.h>
  • trunk/src/PacpusSensor/src/main.cpp

    r61 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    116#include <QApplication>
  • trunk/src/PacpusSensor/src/ui/pacpusmainwindow.cpp

    r61 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @version    $Id$
    116#include "pacpusmainwindow.h"
  • trunk/src/PacpusSensor/src/ui/pacpusmainwindow.h

    r61 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4/// @author  Firstname Surname <>
     5/// @date    Month, Year
     6/// @version $Id$
     7/// @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2006 - 2013. All rights reserved.
     8/// @brief Brief description.
     10/// Detailed description.
    1112#ifndef PACPUSMAINWINDOW_H
  • trunk/src/PacpusTools/src/AsyncWorkerBase.cpp

    r36 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
    4  * CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    5  *
    6  * @author  Samuel Gosselin
    7  * @date    December, 2012
    8  * @version $Id$
    9  * @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2005 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    10  * @brief  Async worker base class
    11  *
    12  * Detailed description of file...
    13  *
    14  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    17 // Includes, pacpus.
    18 #include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
    194#include <Pacpus/PacpusTools/AsyncWorkerBase.h>
    21 // Includes, qt.
     6#include <Pacpus/kernel/Log.h>
    228#include <QThread>
  • trunk/src/PacpusTools/src/PeriodicWorker.cpp

    r36 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
    4  * CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    5  *
    6  * @author  Samuel Gosselin
    7  * @date    December, 2012
    8  * @version $Id$
    9  * @copyright Copyright (c) UTC/CNRS Heudiasyc 2005 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    10  * @brief  Periodic worker base class
    11  *
    12  * Detailed description of file...
    13  *
    14  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    17 // Includes, pacpus.
    184#include <Pacpus/PacpusTools/PeriodicWorker.h>
    20 // Includes, qt.
    216#include <QTimer>
  • trunk/src/PacpusTools/src/PosixShMem.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    114#include <cassert>
  • trunk/src/PacpusTools/src/Win32ShMem.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    114#include <Pacpus/PacpusTools/Win32ShMem.h>
  • trunk/src/PacpusTools/src/geodesie.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /**
    2  *
    3  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    4  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    5  *
    6  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    7  *
    8  *
    9  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
     4#include <Pacpus/PacpusTools/geodesie.h>
    116#include <fstream>
    12 #include <Pacpus/PacpusTools/geodesie.h>
    148#ifdef _MSC_VER
  • trunk/src/PacpusTools/src/matrice.cpp

    r31 r62  
    1 /// bibliotheque CPP de calcul matriciel
    2 /**
    3  *
    4  * Distributed under the UTC Heudiascy Pacpus License, Version 1.0.
    5  * Copyright (c) UTC Heudiasyc 2010 - 2013. All rights reserved.
    6  *
    7  * See the LICENSE file for more information or a copy at:
    8  *
    9  *
    10  */
     1// This file is part of the PACPUS framework distributed under the
     2// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
    124#include <Pacpus/PacpusTools/matrice.h>
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.