author: Gerald Dherbomez copyright: Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253 Exercise 1: Creating your first PAPCUS project ---------------------------------------------- The objective of this exercise is to understand the build process of a PACPUS project. The utility 'cmake' is used to create the Makefile of the project, and finally we use the GNU Compiler Collection to build the plugins. Thanks to the different source codes (.cpp, .h and CMakeLists.txt) in the folder 'template', create a new PACPUS project containing just 1 component. This component may generate a message in the terminal at a user selectable frequency. Once you have built your plugin, run it in /opt/pacpus/x.y.z/bin folder with the PacpusSensor executable. Indications: - You can use QTimer to generate the timer. - A component can be parametrized in a XML file, it might be useful to change the message display frequency. - The tree of your project may be something like that: pacpustutorials | |--> exercises | |--> exercise_1 | |--> CMakeLists.txt |--> MessageComponent.h |--> MessageComponent.cpp | |--> build | |--> | |--> CMakeLists.txt