_____________ ______ __ ___. \_ ___ \ \ / / \ / \ ____\_ |__ ____ _____ _____ / \ \/\ Y /\ \/\/ // __ \| __ \_/ ___\\__ \ / \ \ \____\ / \ /\ ___/| \_\ \ \___ / __ \| Y Y \ \______ / \___/ \__/\ / \___ >___ /\___ >____ /__|_| / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ I) Requirements: ---------------- - OpenCV 2.3 or higher II) Tutorial: ------------- 1) XML Configuration: --------------------- a. Description: --------------- -> device: ID of the camera, the default value is 0 -> width: width of the output image, the default value is 640 -> height: height of the output image, the default value is 480 -> framerate: fps of the camera, the default value is 15 -> ui: whether or not dispay the acquired images, the default value is false -> recording: whether or not record the images, the default value if false