/*! \page Installation Building instruction \section Windows Windows \b Requirments: \li Windows 7 or later \li CMake 2.8 or later http://www.cmake.org/download \li Visual Studio 2010 or later \n https://www.visualstudio.com/it-it/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx \li Boost library v1.54 or later \n http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/1.54.0 \li lib3dv http://vislab.it/products/3dv-stereo-system/download \subsection Step1 Project setup Execute \bCMake \bGUI, enter the path to the lib3dv sources and define a folder for building, then press the \bconfigure button \image html lib3dv_configure.png \image latex lib3dv_configure.eps "CMake GUI configuration" width=10cm \subsection Step2 Dependencies detector Having installed the boost library in "C:\Program files\boost_1_54_0", add the following variable to CMake GUI: \li Boost_INCLUDEDIR C:/Program Files/boost_1_54_0 for 64 bit \li \cBoost_LIBRARYDIR C:/Program Files/boost_1_54_0/lib64-msvc-11.0 for 32bit \li \cBoost_LIBRARYDIR C:/Program Files/boost_1_54_0/lib32-msvc-11.0 Then set the \cBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS variable to true and press \bGenerate button \image html lib3dv_staticboost.png \image latex lib3dv_staticboost.eps "Dependencies detector" width=10cm \subsection Step3 Building Uppon success a Visual Studio project as generated in the selected output path directory. Open and compile it in Release mode. The resulting .lib and .dll files will be strored in the build directory\lib3dv\Release \image html lib3dv_building_solution.png \image latex lib3dv_building_solution.eps "Build the Visual Studio 2012 solution" width=10cm \section Linux Linux \b Requirments: \li Linux distribution Ubuntu 12.04 or later, Fedora or later, Debian or later \li CMake 2.8 or later http://www.cmake.org/download \li gcc 4.7 or later \li Boost library v1.54 or later \n http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/1.54.0/ \li lib3dv http://vislab.it/products/3dv-stereo-system/download \subsection Step1 Project setup Extract the sources and create a build directory. \b cd build directory and launch the command \b ccmake \b.\b. \image html tree_lib3dv.png \image latex tree_lib3dv.eps "Directory tree" width=5cm \subsection Step2 Dependencies detector Press \b c to configure then press \b g to generate. \image html ccmake_lib3dv.png \image latex ccmake_lib3dv.eps "CMake menu with default values" width=10cm \subsection Step3 Building Launch \b make to compile the library. The resulting library file will be stored in the build directory/lib3dve */