################################################# # ___________ ____ ______ __ __ _____ # # \____ \__ \ _/ ___\\____ \| | \/ ___/ # # | |_> > __ \\ \___| |_> > | /\___ \ # # | __(____ /\___ > __/|____//____ > # # |__| \/ \/|__| \/ # # # ################################################# # ======================================== # Build-specific configuration # ======================================== if(IS_BUILDING_PACPUS) set(PACPUS_INSTALL_DIR ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX} CACHE FILEPATH "Installation directory for the library") set(PACPUS_INSTALL_3RD FALSE CACHE BOOL "Installation of the 3rd party") endif() # ======================================== # Global configuration # ======================================== set(PACPUS_USE_LOG TRUE CACHE BOOL "Logging using log4cxx, the library is required") set(PACPUS_INSTALL_3RD FALSE CACHE BOOL "Installation of the 3rd party") set(PACPUS_BUILD_DOC FALSE CACHE BOOL "Whether build the documentation - requires Doxygen") set(PACPUS_BUILD_EXAMPLES FALSE CACHE BOOL "Whether build the examples") set(PACPUS_USE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS FALSE CACHE BOOL "Use solution folders to classify projects, works in MS Visual Studio") set(QT5 FALSE CACHE BOOL " Use Qt5 or Qt4") if(PACPUS_USE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER "2.8.0") set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) else() message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Folders are only supported with CMake 2.8.0 and newer, and MSVC 2005 and newer except for 2005/2008/2010 Express Edition") endif() endif(PACPUS_USE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS)